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Tempir Amedaius

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Everything posted by Tempir Amedaius

  1. You're going to be a light infantryman Paladin.
  2. MC name: BoltofFusion IC name: Frostmage_Tempir_Amedaius Forum name: Tempir Amedaius Current Rank: Bishop of Arcane Race: Human
  3. We need to get more donations so we can expand... We need donations!
  4. Very well. I will make sure not to let any platinum guards inside of Ascella. If I do it would be with heavy caution.
  5. ((Do what you want. I'd say create a new character if you want.))
  6. That is very good. We need some new faces around Aliquam. Let's hope we will become a big city and prevail.
  7. ((This is Aso, changed my display name))
  8. I have been chosen by Aodran to be the Bishop of Arcane. I am very grateful for this, and I would like to thank all of you. Now that I am the Bishop of Arcane, I am stepping down from the Grand Merchant position. I will be granting the position to Daegrim. The High Merchant is Lupus. Again, thank you.
  9. I can promise you all. I will not be dying any time soon.
  10. *You walk into Ascella to hear a scream down underground, you decide to check it out.* There he is, Tempir.. Lying onto the ground.. As you see the room around him, covered in ice. You ask Tempir.. "What is going on here?" He replies with a simple "Magic" He tells you the story.. About his death of his dad.. He tells you that he just went into Valsamis, and just screamed.. Some words that he remembers, but won't tell anybody... Then all of a sudden the room turns to ice. He just lay there, out of breath, near death using all of that power. You then see Tempir form a ice and or frost ball into his hand. You both then realise, "Tempir is a mage, a frost mage." Tempir has had robes made from the finest tailor in all of Asulon. Tempir's major drawback, is that he no longer uses armour, and he gets his energy drained from using the spells. *You walk out of the room, leaving Tempir in the freezing cold room, but before you leave you ask Tempir, "Are you still in the Ravens?" He replies with a simple "Aye"*
  11. I am.. Like Daegrim said, it's extremely hard to write lore for the merchants. I have been working on it a bit. Do you want a lore/backstory? Or is it alright without it?
  12. ((What is a life?? Anyways, good luck Ogedi :D))
  13. ((Nppeck, I will be able to set up a Manor in Seventis for 7000-8000 Minas. I am trying to set up bases in Renatus and Salvus... They don't like our idea that much.))
  14. ((Markus is banned, he may come back, he may not... Who will take the throne? Marius?))
  15. ((Daegrim isnt the grand merchant.. I am..))
  16. ((Character Race:Human Time Zone:EST Weapon Skill [weapon kind, skill]:53 swords, diamond sword. Mining Skill:55 Lumber-jacking Skill:20 Mina Balance:I'm embarrased to say, 230. Lost it all when I fought the faceless man))
  17. What do we do? We want balance in the world of Asulon. We don't want evil, and we don't want everyone to be good, perse. We want balance, we don't stop the evil, and we don't stop the good. We need balance, or there is no Asulon. However, that doesn't mean we won't attack people or nations, that doesn't mean we won't help our allies. It just means that we will not help you, if you beg, or have been arrogant to us in the past, or even hurt us. Why should you join? You should join because, I strive for this guild to become a guild of amazing roleplayers. I hope for the guild to prevail, and have an amazing type of people that understand how to roleplay, and can have fun. We want solid roleplayers, however this doesn't mean you have to be the best roleplayer ever, we will help you become better. We will offer you protection when we get a city. We will offer you many types of help when you are being attacked, if you are loyal to us. Loyalty is a huge thing with us. Who do we want? We want roleplayers, so basically everyone of you out there. We want solid roleplayers, ones to know when to use emotes at certain points, roll at certain points. And most importantly not powergame or metagame. This ruins the fun for almost everybody. We want people who can have fun, can take jokes, and be able to mess around at points. Lore The warriors guild, is a long line of heroes. Many don't know who they are descendants of, but those who do know are the ones in the warriors guild. The leader, or grand warrior, known as Tempir has trained for many years. Some say he has lived for many centuries, but some say he is just a great warrior. He is so great some say, that his blade, Obelyn had the power to destroy the Undead in a single touch. No one knows how, or who, he got this blade from.. But it is said to be blessed with the power of Aeriel. Tempir only used this blade on special occasions.. Such as, defending the innocent, killing the monsters that lurk Asulon and Aegis... Or even trying to kill the Undead. Tempir was not chosen to be thrown into the Nether to attempt to stop the Undead, however... He tried his might to kill all of the Undead lurking outside of the portal. He led many civilians of Aegis to safety, while he risked his life to save them. While Tempir was protecting civilians, he forgot about one thing... His dog "Regret" Regret was his trusty dog, helped him in everything, from killing monsters, hunting for food, and Regret went everywhere with him. He rushed back to his house in Al'khazar, looking for his dog... Only to find his house had be overrun with monsters, and lit on fire. He scoured the city until he saw a "White Animal" He rushed over to that spot, with all of his speed. To only find it was a Sheep, Tempir slammed his pickaxe onto the ground out of pure anger, wishing he knew where his dog was, he then thought... "My Mom and Dads house.." He knew the dog had to be somewhere near there. He then rushed to Kal'uruguan to find his parents, he was sprinting past monsters, animals, and the Undead. After he got through the gates of Kal'uruguan, he was relieved to see his parents, inside their houses. With Regret, Tempir rushed inside thanking Aeriel that they are still alive. Tempir told them many times "Gather your diamonds, gather your iron! we need to get out of here" He rushed back with his parents, only to find a man named Blundermore. He asked the man "Why aren't you running?" the man replied with "I have map pieces, I may find a way off Aegis" a bunch of other people, and I followed him. He found an ancient portal, he said the "Verge" was the only way out. They built boats, they fought of the Undead, until the boats were complete, they set sail.. Until they arrived in a land named as Asulon. The Paths- There are three different paths a Warrior can choose when joining the Champions of Valor. This mainly depends on your skill levels, your armour, and your ability with the sword. Just because there are three different Warrior paths, doesn't mean you cannot become a Merchant or a Cook/Farmer. Non Combat Merchant - These are the traders, they trade goods, and services for the opposing allies. They do things such as mining for them, getting wood for them, and trade items and even set up shops at the place the Grand Champion decides. Cook - These are the cookers for the guild. They get food, or even farm their own to food, so that they can feed the guild. This however doesn't mean you have to give away food for free. Farmer - These farmers are quite simple. They farm food for the cooks, or for themselves to cook. They are quite busy, they need to provide food for themselves and the guild. Blacksmith - This group repairs, and usually mines things for the guild along with the miners. They are able to repair things for a price, not for free. They are also the ones to smelt Iron, they are able to keep 5% of the iron given. Miners - This group is quite simple also, they mine ores for the guild. They provide armour, and weapons with the ore they mine. They are required to be able to travel into the distance wilds to be able to mine ore. Carpenters - They are the builders for the guild. They help other nations build, and they build houses for the guild. If a house is sold they are promised to be able to keep 10% of the amount of the house. Combat Champions - Champions are usually the ones who are trained, know what they are doing, and are good at it. They usually have trained for many years in a certain role, and they love events. They protect the guild, and the innocent. Warriors - These are the heavy plate warriors. They are the front line soldiers defending the people. They won't kill players unless forced to. They usually are trained highly in swords/axes and wrestling. Heroes - These are the men and women who usually are in both plate and light armour. They are usually highly trained in Archery, Swordsmanship, Axes, and or Wrestling. They are also the soldiers behind the Warriors, they help protect the innocent, they are more of the balanced soldiers. Guardians - These are the heavy plate men of the guild also. They usually have Iron and or diamond armour. Their job is to protect our allies, and protect our own people. They protect them from bandits, and enemies. Marksman - These are usually the ones who wear leather armour. They are the ones with the high ground, raining hell onto the opposing faction. They usually are very highly trained in archery, and also have a decent axe and swords skill. When you first join the guild You will start out as a Zealot of whatever path you decide to join, you will be assigned under a special trainer, until they prove you are worthy of becoming a higher rank. This will usually happen in 3 to 4 days OOC. They will have you complete a task, wether it be kill endermen, to killing a bandit. The Rules -Never harm another member of the Champions of Valor -Never do a task without the consent of a higher up -Never kill unlawfully -Never lie to anyone higher rank to you, or even the same rank. The Application MC Name: RP Name: Do you have a VA: Highest skill: What branch do you want to be in: Time Zone: How old are you OOC and IC: Other Information:
  18. ((It's such bad RP for him just to come back and become king straight away again. He said he was leaving for good, do you know how many times this has happened? Atleast three times. He said OOC That his character IC is dead. You can't really reverse that. Therefore a kid IC that is 18 years old is leading the kingdom, not even that. It was bad RP for him to come back and become king straight away. EDIT: Seraph is banned, and he quit.))
  19. I have never seen you in Ascella, once...
  20. Aye, I think Daniel should be demoted. Have a new lord, such as Kanoro, Aodran, or Striker.
  21. Ah alright, the Ravens should come to Ascella sometimes. I feel like its just Marius and I at points.
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