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Tempir Amedaius

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Everything posted by Tempir Amedaius

  1. ACCEPTED Please change your name to DragonCaller_Jacob.
  2. Are there any requirements to become an official guild of Overholm?
  3. ((Indeed haha, I am trying to save up for a house for the guild, any tips for advertising? :o))
  4. ((two at the moment! :P, its new though. Has only been around for a day.))
  5. We are very tiny, but we will defend Overholm and Underholm with all of our power
  6. MC NAME:BoltofFusion RP NAME:Dragonlord_Luxferre GENDER: Male JOB/STATS:Sword [50] Mining [31] Wrestling[32] CITIZENSHIP (Over or Under):Overholm SMALL DESCRIPTION: Luxferre is the leader of the Athusians, he is a 31 year old man and grew up in Salvus. He always has liked exploring, and is hoping to build a base on an island for the Athusians.
  7. We need 14 more signatures/signs for our charter to be complete!
  8. ACCEPTED If you want to, change your name to DragonBishop_Nathan
  9. I seem to have come across the Merchants Guild? Is this the right way?
  10. *You wake up, from a long rest at the monks, and see a paper on the ground* Hail! This is Luxferre, and I have had no luck finding the Holm! If you could tell me where it is, that would be fantastic. Your's truly Luxferre
  11. Lore - There once was a young boy, by the name of Luxferre, he grew up in the small town of Salvus, with his dad, by the name of Tempir, and his mother by the name of Diouse. He had quite a peaceful childhood, went to the lake, learning to fish. Learning how to take care of the farm and just basic things like that. However, Luxferre wanted to learn how to be a master in the art of swords. He was amazing, he was one of the best his teacher, Gias, has ever seen. He went to pratice everyday, working on his attacking, and blocking skills. Once he got a fairly good training in the art of the swords, he trained in the art of the bow. He was very skilled in both, as he practiced every day, for the next few years. When he was 17 he decided to join the Salvus Peacekeepers wishing to further his career in the art of the bow and sword. He realised that the Peacekeepers weren't the best fit for him, and they didn't train him very well. This doesn't mean however that Luxferre left Salvus, he still stayed there, protecting Salvus in times of need or despair, and he lived like that for a long time. At about the age of 25 he decided to leave Salvus and join the White Ravens, a guild. He loved being in the White Ravens, but realised that wasn't right for him either. So he went on a quest to find his true destiny, a dragon, by the name of Kilgharrah, helped him on his journey. He went to many different places around Asulon, and around the nations to find his destiny. He searched for a total of six years, until Kilgharrah told him where to go. The tower, of no name, the name is unknown. Inside there were many traps of death. There were poisonous gases, to spikes, to even arrows shooting at him through magic dispensers. He tried many times, to be only get hit once from his skills. He has trained, not for this exactly, but for things like this. At the end of the tower lies a Dragon egg. He takes this egg to Kilgharrah, the dragon then mentions that only he can open it. Luxferre then questions him "Why?" he asks multiple times. Kilgharrah then says.. "You are the last Dragonlord" only a Dragonlord can summon a dragon from its egg. The dragon hatches from his egg, and is named Athusian. The Ranks and Structure of this guild: The ranks, are quite simple. But they can also be complicated, if you are not used to a guild or ranks. The structure is basically how many of each rank is needed. Let's start with the ranks, these go from most permission to least permission. Dragonlord - Luxferre, basically the lord. DragonBishop - *OPEN*,*OPEN* basically the co-leaders of the guild. DragonDuke - *OPEN, *OPEN*, *OPEN* basically the commanders of the military. DragonCaptain - *OPEN*, *OPEN*, *OPEN*, *OPEN*. The captains of the guild. DragonPaladin - As many as needed. The heavily armoured knights of the guild. DragonCallers - As many as needed, the citizens or military recruits. Our alliances and protection: We will protect you, as long as you are a loyal citizen, and follow the rules. If you do not, I cannot guarantee you 100% protection. As I think the most important thing in a guild is trustworthy and following the rules. We will still protect you, just we will protect the loyal and trustworthy citizens first. Allies: None *RULES* - Do NOT harm any of our allies, or other people, unless you have a VA or are forced to. - Do NOT bribe any of the leaders to do something for you. - DO NOT do any quests from anyone else but the Dragonlord or DragonBishop. - You MUST sign our town charter! Heres the link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/40247-the-town-of-aithusa/ Do you want to get promoted? To be promoted is very simple. Do quests of the Dragonlord, to be promoted from one rank to another, be trustful in the guild, donate if you can and follow the rules, I will rate which one is the best to follow. 1 being not very good, 10 being the best way. Do quests: I would have to rate this a 7, doing these will prove you are a worthy man or woman to become the next rank. This is fairly important. Be Trustful: I would have to rate this a 9, doing this will surely get you promoted eventually. Being trustworthy is the best way you can get promoted. If I trust you, I will trust that you are able to take care of the other citizens and ranks. Donating if you can: I am not greedy, therefore I would have to rate this a 4, donating surely does help so we can get a City, or even a naton. But it won't get you a instant rank. Following the rules: I would have to rate this a 8, I love people who follow the rules. They are the ones you can trust, and the ones you know you can count on. This would be one of the most important. Now, you want to join the guild, eh? Well heres the Application Minecraft Name: Roleplaying Name: How old are you: Do you have a Villian Application: Did you read the rules? What is your favorite: Did you sign our charter: Other details:
  12. This is what we should do. Have the assassins scout them out, and attack if need be, while the Archers are backing them up from a distance. Then when they are in battle, have the Paladins come in and just wreck :)
  13. ((Ah okay, how do you do a full quote? :o))
  14. Erm, I think he means the one by the two houses, if so that is me :D
  15. Sorry I built those walls when building. I had to get off, and forgot about them >.>
  16. ((We should add a branch of Assassins, if we do. Seraph is leader of the branch... And I am the co-leader :D))
  17. Am I the only Assassin? ((These Bandits trappped us on the stairs, thats why we lost.)) I believe they are called "Memens Group"
  18. Atleast I dont chop wood for a livin' :)
  19. How dare you dispute my honor, and mix me up with a puny logger boy... Haha, JK. But anyways. I will change my name to WR_Assassin_Tempir
  20. Good to know haha. I am waiting for the Coords then I will be heading to the city.
  21. Mc name- BoltofFusion Ic name-Tempir Do you have a villain application-Yes What will you contribute to the guild-Bringing in as much materials as needed. Taking out the corrupt, protecting the innocent, and protecting The White Ravens. Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?- Yes What previous Experience do you have?- I have been in the Trisians, and the Templars. Both fairly active, but has since disbanded. What have you done to promote the ideals of Aeriel?- I pray every elven day, I fought in multiple wars with the undead, and I protect the innocent. Once in the guild, what branch will you belong to?- The light infantry. I have 47 swords, full Iron armour, and an Iron sword. What is your level in the skill the branch uses (for merchants write N/A) - 47 swords. Have you signed our charter?-Do not know what you mean, after I read the whole post. 3
  22. Recruitment is currently OPEN Lore- One day, there was a boy named Tempir, he was born a blessed child, born in Oren... He had a father as a Priest. His mother? Well... she died from a disease, that disease is unknown. Tempir was a young boy, he was a holy boy. He was a skilled swordsmen, and he loved to practice, anything with swords he liked. About 30 years later, he was in a group or army called The Templars. He was the owner of the group. When Aegis was falling, he and his band of holy-men, also known as The Sacred Order, went into a suspicious portal, to save Aegis. They were constantly surrounded by monsters. They tried to Smite, use holy power... They tried to fight their way all the way to the capital of the Undead. They needed to destroy these corrupt monsters. The Undead were just destroying The Templars, switching them against each other... Tempir had no idea what to do. He and the 5 Sacred Order members, got their best two men. They sprinted to the Capital of the Undead, attempting to destroy it. As soon as they got there, killing Undead left and right... Tempir and his men blew up the Undead kingdom, and the Undead military with it. However when they were leaving.... Tempir walked through the portal... And the portal closed behind him... Therefore, Tempir is the only Templar left... In Asulon. Ranks and Structure- There are two different paths you can choose, when you sign up to become a Templar. You start out as a basic recruit, and as you advance, you become higher in the path you choose. Here they are. The Basic Beginning, The Templar recruits: This is simple. You start out as a recruit, you just advance your way up by praying and helping the guild. Helping citizens, etc. The Priest Path: These are the Blessers of the guild. They are the ones who are at the church the most often, and bless the people at Salvus and all their allies. They are meant to do atleast 1 daily prayer, to the Divine. They are also supposed to help the fellow citizens of Salvus. The Military Path: These are the Military Men of the guild. Their main job is to protect the people of Salvus, rid the evil at Salvus, and just help the Citizens. They are the ones who are needed the most as they are skilled in combat, and are trained. The Sacred Order: These are the main leaders of the Templars. They are the ones who are the most holy, and have to do both rolls. You are chosen to become a Sacred Order member. Do not ask. The ranks go from most power, to least power. The Ranks of each path. The Basic Beginning Templar_Recruit The Priests Divine_Templar Templar_Blesser Templar_Monk The Military Templar_Commander Templar_General Templar_Captain Templar_Infantry Now the ranks of each Path, and who they are. The Sacred Order: High_Templar - Tempir Sacred_Templar - Sacred_Templar - Sacred_Templar - Sacred_Templar - The Military: Templar_Commander - Templar_General - Templar_General - Templar_Captain - Templar_Captain - Templar_Captain - Templar_Captain - Templar_Infantry AUTO RANK FOR NEW MILITARY TEMPLARS. The Priests: Divine_Templar - Templar_Blesser - Templar_Blesser - Templar_Blesser - Templar_Blesser - Templar_Blesser - Templar_Monk AUTO RANK FOR NEW PRIEST TEMPLARS Rules 1. Do not harm another Templar without cause. 2. Members of the regular order must obey any orders from the Sacred Order within reason. 3. Help all Citizens of Salvus 4. Be pure 5. Help Salvus if in trouble. Any incidents of rule breaking will be reported to the council and they will determine the sentence of the offender. Want to get promoted to your path? Read Here: Alright, to get promoted, what you need to do for each Path is listed below The Basic Beginning: After you are in the guild for atleast 2 days, and are loyal. The Priests: Do your daily prayers, help citizens, and try your best to spread the Templar word. The Military: Prove your usefulness in battle, help Salvus and Citizens, and try your best to spread the Templar word. The Sacred Order: Want to be in The Sacred Order? Well to be in it, you have to be in the guild for atleast 2 weeks, be loyal. Spread the Templar word. Help Salvus and Citizens, be Holy. Do daily prayers. Application for the Guild Mc name- Ic name- What will you contribute to the guild- Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?- What previous Experience do you have?- Once in the guild, what path will you belong to?- WE ARE NOT THE OFFICIAL SALVUS MILITARY.
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