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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Thatpyrodude

  1. I'm tryin not to burn stuff its too hard

  2. I knew spider man was real, I knew it!

  3. Half Hour to Draft! Jones to Colts!

  4. Half Hour to Draft! Jones to Colts!

  5. Who else thinks LeBron is the best Ever? Back to Back champs!

  6. Theres a new clinic in Abresi, for anyone and everyone (RP post comming soon)

  7. Can y'all make a warning appeal system that isn't in Illegible font

  8. Minecraft goes up, server goes down

  9. This sucks, no school, no footballl... Damn Concussions

  10. /sigh It seems The work 'Clemsoning' is back

  11. Well, Clemson isn't winning a damn Natinal title for the next few years

  12. Random LOTC trivia question: Who created the Dark Brotherhood?

  13. *Dusts off jacket and tosses his Western hat on*

  14. Gotta love this Beaver fever /Sigh

  15. Time to do another Cam-back, Auburn

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