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Posts posted by Algoda

  1. The Stormbreakers

    “Parathek Nir da Ithrun”

    “Courage in the storm”





    The small group made their way across the steep waves, their ship crashing down upon the sea under them with a thunderous sound, muffled over the vastness of sea. The cold and salty wind, blowing the long grey braids of their leader to and fro. The sky, almost as dark as the place from which the travelers sought refuge, lent little comfort, yet they sailed on. Each member of the crew slowly reciting the Precepts to themselves, peering around, hoping to find a sunny sky or a suitable place to anchor.


    Many days passed, as the group continued to sail the rough and unforgiving sea, the unrelenting  sky still shrouded in thick clouds. As Sevrish began to recite the Precepts as he had done hundreds of times before, a beam of light parted through the clouds, shining down upon their battered ship, as the stormy sky began to surrender to the sun's golden beams .


    With an expression of unwavering awe, Sevrish fell to his knees for a moment,, and then stepped forward towards the unbroken crew. “Yemekar hath bestowed ah blessen upon us” he proclaimed, his deep voice booming across the now calm turquoise sea. A roar came in response from the crew “LARE ITHRUM OVAR NAZKA THAMAR.” (No storm can break us).





    Stormbreaker traditions are a vital aspect to the way of life of a Stormbreaker clansman, the specificities of the rituals can shift depending on circumstance.



    Oath-taking is the initial ceremony for a dwarf that joins the clan from outside of the blood-lines. The oath can vary upon which member is giving the ceremony to the new clansmen, but often goes like this:

    "I hereby swear my life and loyalty to the Stormbreaker Clan, to fight and die for my brothers as they would for me. I swear to show only courage and bravery in the face of any Storms which block my path. I will follow the codex and clan laws, and recognize that should I break these, I will be branded a ‘broken brother’ and be exiled from the clan, or worse depending on the severity of my actions.  I swear that I shall never try to conquer the sea, but instead be its brother, using its magnanimity to my advantage. I swear upon the blood of my brothers and myself that I will honor my clan. I am a Stormbreaker. Parathek Nir da Ithrun.”



    Face-painting is the ritual that follows the oath-taking. In this ceremony, newly inducted Stormbreakers are led into the fountain of salt in the middle of the clan hall and told to dunk themselves into the saline water to cleanse themselves. Following this, a clan elder brings a mixture of sea-borne ingredients which form a purple-like dye, and begins to paint the new brother’s face.



    The Storm’s Trial is a ceremony that occurs once a new Stormbreaker has been a member for a period of time. This ritual is highly dangerous and thus is done in pairs. During the Storm’s trial, clansmen are brought out into the sea and are told to survive on a raft for two days with minimal food and water. Once this time is over, those undergoing the trial must navigate their way back to the ship which will remain anchored where it had dropped them off. This trial aims to form tighter bonds of brotherhood, as well as provide experience of possible conditions that might be endured in the case of an actual shipwreck.



    The ‘STORMBREAKING’ is the most dangerous but also glorious trial out of the other traditions. A Stormbreaking may only occur during the peak of the storm season, as the clansman is given a canoe style boat, and sent out to survive a week on the rough sea with only that which he can hold in his small boat. Those that successfully complete this trial are given great respect in the clan and show both their physical and mental prowess. The term ‘storm broken’ is derived from those that cheat in this trial, as they are outcast from the clan and often lead short lives after.

    Sea Dwarf culture;


    The Sea Dwarf

    Descendants of the Ilz’Ka’az




    It's a damn tough life, full ov toil and strife,

    we stormmen undergo,

    And weh won't give a damn when the gales are done

    how hard the winds did blow,

    For we're ‘omeward bound from the Arctic grounds

    with a good ship taut and free,

    And we won't give a damn when we drink our rum

    with the lasses back ‘ome .



    Rolling down to Ilzithrun, me boys,

    rolling down to Ilzithrun,

    We're homeward bound from the Arctic grounds,

    rolling down to Ilzithrun.

    Once more we sail with the northerly gales

    through the ice and wind and rain,

    Them roaring fires, them inviting shores,

    we soon shall see again;

    Six hellish months we've passed away

    on the cold Krovehni sea,

    But now we're bound from the Arctic grounds,

    rolling down to  Ilzithrun.

    Once more we sail with the Northerly gales,

    towards our island home,

    Our whaling done, our mainmast sprung,

    and we ain't got far to roam;

    Our stuns'l's bones is carried away,

    what care we for that sound,

    A living gale is after us,

    we're homeward bound.



    How soft the breeze through the island trees,

    now the ice is far astern,

    Them native maids, them inviting glades,

    is awaiting our return;

    Even now their big brown eyes look out,

    hoping some fine day to see,

    Our baggy sails, running 'fore the gales,

    rolling down to  Ilzithrun.



    And now we're anchored in the bay

    with the krovehni all around

    With chants and strong kazahar ‘OI’s,

    they greet us homeward bound;

    And now ashore we'll have some fun,

    we'll paint them beaches red;

    Awaken in the arms of an island maid

    with a big fat aching head.




    [!] A Sea-Dwarf late era sea-shanty.



    “Pull down tae sails ye fockers! tae storm is upon us!”

    “We cannot, Captain! Dey are bein’ blown too ‘ard!”

    “If ye do not take ‘em down we will be stranded, lads!”

    “Captain, we cannae-!” The sailor replied as the sail was torn, the rope coiling around his foot and flinging him into the sea as thunder cracked in the sky above. “Into tae hull, lads! Into tae hull!”


        The History of the Sea-Dwarves is short in comparison to that of the main subraces of dwarven origin, but certainly not lacking in action. Hailing from the Blue Mountains, the Sea-Dwarves hail from Mountain Dwarf ancestry and have adapted from years upon sailing the seas of Vailor and Axios. Having been a large contingent Blue Mountains sailors that became lost in early Vailor, these dwarves have been forced to adapt to life at Sea, and thus have been forced to develop different social patterns and physiques than Mountain Dwarves, such that they warrant distinguishing.

        Upon setting out from an Orenian trading port, the Ilz’Ka’az (Sea dwarven for their ancestors, the name literally meaning ‘Sea-Fathers’) were suddenly ambushed by a heavy storm, and swept far out to sea. The folk-tale descriptions of the severity of the storm differ, but the most common goes as follows. The worst of the storm raged for 35 days and  35 nights, causing even the most seaworthy sailors to cower in the hull after the 7th day. Some chose to fling themselves into the storm, to end their suffering, these men were labeled ‘broken brothers’. As the remaining sailors heard their ship be torn apart above their heads, they began chanting “Os thamar nazka anek ithrun” (Let we break this storm). On the 35th day, perhaps by sheer luck or will of the creator, the storm broke, though this was not initially apparent as the chant drowned out sound from outside the hull. It was only when one of the crewmen awoke, the others too accustomed to the rocking that their limbs were numb to the movement, and felt the lack of crashing waves that he asked for silence. A crew then arose from the brothers “We ‘ave done et! Weh ‘ave broken t’e storm!” The happiness was short lived however, as when the crew pushed away the debris and made their way onto the deck, they found they had no idea where they were.

        With a broken mast and torn sails, shouts of disparity rang out amongst the large crew. Returning from a trade for raw agricultural goods in exchange for gems offered some solace in the sailors in the form of a fairly large food supply, but that seemed to be their only luck. It was only through the engineering prowess of a few of the sailors, that these stranded sailors were able to survive. Through days of work, the crew worked tirelessly, repairing the rudder with the debris of the former captain’s quarters, and fashioning oars from the splintered mast. They used the remnants of the sails to make covers overhead to stop the sun’s searing rays on the rowers.

        They rowed and rowed, without any real course other than following what they assumed to be the East star. The journey was not an easy one, their hands became bloodied and blistered after just a few hours of rowing, and their clothes were never dry, dampened by the sea, sweat, or both. Through smaller uncharted islands the Ilz’Ka’az were able to gather and hunt, though none offered any semblance of home. Over a year of exploration and strife, the sailors sailed across the open ocean, searching for food, for water,  for a familiar shoreline, for their home of Tal’Ilzithrun. Finally as the sun began to set upon the horizon, shouts came from the crow's nest above “Khor! Land!” They settled there and created the fort of Tal’Ilz’ithrun. After some time living there, the Sea Dwarves saw opportunity in the fledgling nation of Kaz’Ulrah, and decided to swear their loyalty to it. Within Kaz’Ulrah the main Sea Dwarf clan, the Stormbreakers, saw great growth and began to gain influence. Since the fall of Urguan, the Stormbreakers have became one of the most influential Dwarf clans.


    Later history WIP






    Sea-Dwarves appear differently than their Mountain-Dwarf kin, their skin is far paler from exposure to salty and harsh ocean winds, and the lack of sunlight due to the often cloudy skies. Sea-Dwarves are also lighter than Mountain-Dwarves as this trait has been favored over the heavier one, for it allows for more agility while sailing, and is very beneficial for swimming. Sea Dwarves have adapted to favor traits that decrease the risk of motion sickness and have a far higher resistance to seaborne diseases. The beards of Sea-Dwarves are often kept short and well groomed, as to not catch rigging or alight in case of fire. These beards often have seashells, gems, or other treasures found in their adventures woven into them. It is rare that these dwarves wear armor heavier than chain, as on the ocean, plate mail is a death sentence if a sailor falls into the sea. They often wear chainmail under thick treated leather with scarf type capes that they wrap around their neck, and sometimes use to shield the sharper  of salty  Sea winds. Sea Dwarves also have eye colors ranging from deep blue to turquoise, but as a Sea Dwarf ages, their eyesight worsens at a far quicker rate than their kin due to exposure to the unforgiving salty sea.


    OOC Guidelines

    Coastal and Sea Combat Prowess: The Sea-Dwarf is very adept at combat on the shore or at sea, from a young age they have spent a majority of their lives near or on the ocean. Being inland and far away from water is unfavorable to a Sea-Dwarf, and it is rare for them to be found there. Please do not roleplay one as some swimming god that can fly in water, they can just simply move with more agility, but are still bound by the physical combat limits of their other dwarven kin.


    Eyesight: As a Sea Dwarf ages, that is they spend more and more time upon the ocean, their eyesight almost always worsens. This can be countered  through remaining on the coast after they start feeling their eyesight fade, or a type of fashioned goggles. This is meant to be caused by Salt and harsh winds. Their sensitivity and keen eyesight fades over time if they spend too long at sea without eye protection. This is meant to mean that an older Sea Dwarf will not have the hawk like eyesight of one of their younger kin, so please roleplay it as such.





    The Clan Stormbreaker is governed by their rules of the sea, which apply both when sailing and when on land. These laws are simple and rough but serve to keep the Clan functioning as a well oiled gear. The Clan has instituted the following as the law in their halls:


    Failure to abide by the codex, besides standing consequences, will in general result in expulsion from the Stormbreakers and the party will be branded as a ‘broken brother’.




    No stealing.

    You will return what you stole and receive a flogging. 


    No lying or scheming.

    Your tongue will be removed with tongs.


    No killing fellow dwarves, lest it be in physical or verbal self defense.

    You will be killed in the same way. Think on it.


    No coveting nor bedding with the wife of another dwarf.

    You will be flogged publicly by a minimum of fifty lashes, and then sent into exile. Castration depending on certain severity.


    No openly displaced cowardice.

    You will be treated as a broken brother and outcast.




    Inability to respect classifies as violation of law.

    1. The name of Yemekar, and His Wrath, is to be respected. Confessed heretics and heathens will be beheaded, sent into exile, or melted into gold.

    2. The name of Mount Ardol is to be respected.

    3. All of the line of the Blue Mountain Folk are to be respected.

    4. All combat veterans, especially the wounded, are to be respected.

    5. All holy dwarves are to be greatly respected.

    6. Respect is gold in clan culture.










    The Serpent Axe is one of the most commonly used clan weapons. The axe features a bladed edge on one side, and a fang styled pick on the other. The axe also usually has ornate workings on it that resemble an ocean serpent, waves, gears, or all three.




    The Gear Warhammer’s head is made from dense and heavy gears that can deliver crushing blows upon impact. The base of the warhammer is riveted to allow a good grip, and is relatively light in comparison to the massive top, allowing for a large build of momentum before impact. On the opposite side of the massive gear is a fang styled as a drill bit, and can be made to spin by taking the hammer to certain Clan engineers.






    The Crossbow is mostly used by the engineers and researchers of the Stormbreaker clan. In order to reduce the morale of opponents, the crossbow often is made to resemble a sea monster of some sort. Featuring the Clan’s most recent engineering prowess, the crossbow is relatively easy to pull back due to a set of internal locking gears, but delivers a punch comparable to a crank-crossbow.





    The Mechanical Shield is a durable and hefty one, made from black ferrum and thornbark, the shield is able to withstand massive blows. The inner parts of the shield consist of many small mechanized gears that help to absorb blows and spread impact throughout the entire shield.



  2. 25 minutes ago, Sham404 said:

    Knuckleduster RP items would be good for crp, i dont think we need them as pvp items

    I dont think you should be criticising him based on what you think will happen. Your criticism is theoretical, its not based in any level of experience with the proposition.

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