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Everything posted by CalinderTheSly

  1. So with todays rp events is the FOA now the enlightened?
  2. Alright i have issues with what is happening to the FOA. I fear our organisation is falling apart. I think that the best way to combat this is quick, immediate action. I want whoever is now the leader of the FOA -whether it be through chain of command or if were are intergrated into the ascended to step forth and take charge. They need to repost the current membership and ranks of the FOA and begin to once again monitor the forum, provide updates and go through applications.
  3. May have gone unoticed. There has been alot going on lately and some posts and applications may have been overlooked. Wait a few days and if no reply than repost your app.
  4. unfortunetly i have been away for the week and only able to watch as this happened. But i am back and i intend to ensure the the light of Areiel continues to shine and that the FOA continues to stand strong against our enimies. [[i will be unable to return to the server for a few days while my computer is being repaired but i will be ready for duty by friday, where do i report now that everything has changed? and could someone give an estimation of our current streangth.]]
  5. also i was wondering if i am able to get a room in the barracks to rest and store my things. At the moment im stuck in the medical tent and i cant even open a door.
  6. oh...but i like the ascended...oh well as has been said the FOA will live on, still fighting evil regardless of the foes nature. Still it was cool that we, all the races, had a common enemy rather then the assorted bandits we used to face.
  7. me too, i want to know if this is just rumour mongering or actual truth [ooc; as they say link/screenies or it didnt happen]
  8. Proud to serve. What is my ranking and where do i report to, i am currently in the ascended fort after saving a recruit of yours, Krashiun.
  9. Calinders apllication to join the Followers of Areiel. Brief Character History: Calinder always knew that he was destined for something great. As he progressed further through his life he began to look to the north with a growing sense of fear. He knew, or rather sensed, that some great perturbation of nature was taking place. He knew that if he did nothing to help, eventually the darkness would come to his doorstep. This attitude solidified after the death of the elfish maiden he loved at the hands of an early necromancer. Soon after he joined the lost ones in an effort to have a greater role to play in the fight against the undead. He rose through the ranks to become third in command, and was the one that the lost guardian forced to assist in his suicide after his possession by a daemon. He now looks to join the army of the ascended. Character Name (I.C.): Calinder Character name (O.C.) 1337sh0t Race: Elf [Dark Elf] IC Age: 105 [quite young for an elf] Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): I aim to become one of the greatest and noble soldiers throughout the land. Goals in the FOA?: I wish to join the fight against the undead, rise through the ranks and become one of the most renowned figures to stand against the darkness in all of Ageis. I also wish to climb the ladder and become a key figure in the F.O.A so as to secure a sturdy foundation for the future generations. Good deeds you have done?: • Served in the lost ones in their fight against the undead. • Fought in several small-medium scale skirmishs against the undead • Saved a number of people from bandits and highwaymen • Helped purge a mine and house of evil creatures Have you done any bad deeds?: I don’t belive that I have done anything truly evil, but there are a few events that still haunt me…decisions of mine that where I choose wrong • Assisted in the suicide of lost guardian Frozenblade, whose mind had been tainted by a daemon...It still huants me. • When I found the necromancer that killed the love of my life, I beat him to death…I’m still ashamed of that… How did you hear of us?: The followers of Areiel are one of the most renowned, respected organisation in all of Ageis, as well as the Angeul Areiel herself being one of the most loved figures known today. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I have always felt, or rather sensed of the disturbance to the north and when the undead emerged I realized that I needed to fight them, to stop them. When one of their acolytes in the early days of Aegeis killed my beloved my fate was set. I was to war against the undead until death and to champion the idea of purity and life. What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My prefered weapon is the bow, a noble weapon of grace and strength. I am, however, also accomplishe with the sword [level 18] and have some basic skill with an axe-although I find it to be a barbaric, clumsey weapon. Are you a capable builder?: Yes I am a highly capable builder and I have had experience in the construction and design of both stone and wooden construction. Can you wield any other weapons?: [see above: Primary weapon] Any special skills?: I am an accomplished miner, which can be considered unusual for an elf [level 31], and I have experience in excavation and woodmanship. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: As a child I knew of Areiel and she was often a figure in my dreams as I aged I cannot deny that I began to pay less attention to her and the others than they deserved. But after the death of my love by the necromancer and of his death by my own hand-I was left a broken man. It was Areiel that saved me, that guided me, that shielded me from the darkness of my own mind and soul. I would do anything for Areiel. I would die for Areiel. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will be your shield, I will be your sword, I will be your walls and I will be your eyes. I will watch the north and defend the darkness. I will fight against the evil of the north, as well as the evil of our hearts and minds. I will be sure to spread the word of Areiel, the lessons of the ascended and the righteousness of our hearts.
  10. Attention lost ones...It is with a deep regret that i inform you all of this tragic event...our beloved leader. lost-One Guardian FrozenBlade is dead. He was killed like with a golden blade by my hand just like destiny fortold. During dusk he took me out into the north lands and handed me the golden sword. He told me to kill him and i said no. But eventually he convinced me and i drove the golden sword through his chest. He lay in the snow his blood turning the white land red. He looked up at me with sorrow in his eyes. my final words to him were "It has been an Honour sir". I then drove the blade into his heart and he died. It was a cold day when Lost-One-Guardian FrozenBlade lead his 3rd in command up into the north. He told his officer that his days were numbered and that as fortold in the prophecies he was the one who had to kill him with the golden blade. Frozenblade past the golden sword to his fellow officer and told him of the dark times ahead. Then when the officer was told of the prophecy he refused to believe it. It took almost all day to convince him but the time had come. It was dusk and frozenblade stood in the snow with his freind ready to die, he opened his arms and said farewell goodluck in the coming times. Calinder was a great freind of his, He stood with the golden sword in hand and drove it through FrozenBlades chest. Frozenblade lay in the snow, his blood turning the pristine white snow red. The final words that calinder said to frozenblade were "It has been an Honour sir" and with that he drove the blade into frozenblades heart and sat there in the snow thinking of what he had just done. FrozenBlade or otherwise known as Callum to close freinds will RIP.
  11. It is and because of what happened a complaint / report is being filed with the gm's. this was meta-gaming, little/no RP and Massive griefing*. *The rules state that the undead are able to destroy gates and such blocking their way as well as damage walls and buildings to RP the atttack, it does not give them permission to compleatly destroy and remove a gm approved building.
  12. Just a quick post. This is a list of members and their current posistions. Lost Guardian : Lost Guardian Frozenblade (Callum2357) Lost Apostle: Mysterious wanderer (Pointblank898) Lost Keeper: Calinder the sly (1337SH0T) Purifiers: Vacant Lost Whisperer: Bastion (Lastchance2099) Lost listeners: Gulroid (Zuluman) Phoenix Lord: Eramil (forgottendebt) Lost Commander: Vacant Lost Captain: Vacant Number of Night walkers: (names not displayed due to secrecy) Lost Protectors: Vacant Followers: Balin_Griffinhammer (Luchian) Shaidar (EvilProphecy) Wanderer (IIGiestII ) Vance (VANCe42)
  13. Big news! We are starting the construction of our fort, so any donations of cobble or sand are much apreciated. Also we are still accepting members so if you are interested see myself or messenger of death.
  14. Peraldon, it is my embarresment to tell you that you have not in fact been accepted. There was a mistake between your application and another, private application. It is with my most sincere and deepest apologies that you will not be joining us. It is not really your fault-it is just that right now our security is very high, and unfortuneatly you didn't quite meet the character tests. We privately interviewed a few people and they didnt paint the picture that we would like for applicants.
  15. RP NAME: Calinder MC NAME: 1337SH0T YOUR FIGHTING EXPERIENCE: I have large amounts of fighting experiance. I have fought many battles against the monsters, bandits, iblees supporters and what i suspect may have been an undead. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED MC: I've played Minecraft since its alpha build. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED LoC: I have been paying attention to the site for atound a month before the server came online, became a member of the server for a week or two before it came online. i have been playing ever since. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU DESERVE TO JOIN: I have always wanted to stand against the rising darkness and as a member of the creation team for this guild i have been heavily invested in it. WHAT POSITION YOU WANT TO BE IN: I would prefer to start off in a higher position in the guild, due to my input, but if nesscesary i will start at the bottom and work my way up. OTHER INFORMATION: I am skilled in construction and combat, as well as in assasination and stealth.
  16. This sounds fantastic! Please sign me up-i look forword to aiding in the fight against the undead horde.
  17. Actually many of the great and famous battles of the medievil age were formal, organised occasions.
  18. There are rumours that the Trisian army is supported by an elite few who preform operations of a delicate nature. but these are just myths. arnt they? :D
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