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Posts posted by Sigvried

  1. Not many saw how Thyst fell to the Rex's fists. It was remarkably swift, even if his opponent was the Warlord of Orcs himself, Thyst was still the Champion of the Arena.

    It is odd how he died with a smile as he catched Tythus's last punch with his throat.

    Not much later books were found in the house of Thyst, they were stacked on top of each other right in the middle of the room.


    "It is not everyday an orc struggles with his inevitable death. I tried to fight it but I was already swept in the currents of the void. Here I will do my story for brothers who wish to learn more of my intentional death in the ring.

    First off, as I write this, I will not die a coward. I plan to give it my all and if the miracle happens that I will stand victorious I shall have to lead the Orcs. Although I doubt a miracle will happen once again in the ring.

    What pushed me to do this.

    Asai'ah, a Grand spirit, he stands for Revolution, Ambition, Madness yet Control.

    A strange spirit but no doubt a powerful one.

    He was the very first spirit that ever possessed me. Such spiritual energy ravaged my young body and I was ripped from the spiritual veil for years. Only later I found out what he truly wished.

    With the spirit of Ambition on my side I had no trouble giving it my all to attain Dominus-hood. Even after that Asai'ah did not cool, he wanted more. I stood in the Arena the very same week and defeated all the contestants, one more did I please Asai'ah.

    But it was not enough! *this line was clearly written with force and rage*

    *the writing style changed, as if Thyst starts to write faster*

    I asked Donuur and Arya to subdue him, but in exchange they set my time. Asai'ah would posses me once more and would do anything to lead the orcs. I saw no other options.

    He would not have stopped with only orcs. He would crush the dwarves and enslave the fleshkin for years to come. He can do this and I shall not have him use MY body for his madness!

    *The writing gets messier*

    In these final moments of sanity I challenged the Warlord out of my own will and I will soon depart for my last battle I have almost completed the ritual to forever hold Asai'ah from completely taking over another breathing orc... Now to finish it Blood must be spilled.

    My last Will.

    Bein'lur, My equal, my brother, my friend...

    Take the lands I once owned, may you rule over Sanhar and the Nomads as High Dominus.

    Tre'Bok, The shaman I would trust my very essence with.

    please take care of my apprentices. As well as the Shaman Clan. I was not fast enough to gather all the shamans but the start is there.

    To my apprentices Lex and Shaggo,

    You will get my home in Sanhar, along with all the items, be it staffs, books, totems and recipes for incenses and potions it is all yours. I hope you two are wise enough to share at this moment and have put aside your differences in skin. You two are polar opposites but you must realise how strong you are together. Use the staff, I have enchanted it with part of my soul but only use it when the need is great and once you have become Journeymen.

    To mY SOn IWilL gLRh-"

    *The writing gets incomparable from here on, it seems like the book closed with the feather on this page*


  2. "Lived like a dwarf, died like a mole in the ground...

    I bet he loved doing so. We breathe thanks to his sacrifice. A noble thing to do for strangers, not to mention different kin. You can only find stories like this in books and songs. He shall have his story."

    After his words the orc walked away, there was slight hesitation before all of them split up to take them to their respective homelands but each went another way.

    A strange company that met by cavern-light.

  3. I'm not asking to render an entire new map, I figured you'd already have one, or at least another Isometric map which doesn't have the brown overlay on it. It is because it is pretty hard to see where water starts and forests end!

    It will do but it'll be harder xD

  4. You mean this map?


    I guess I could but isometric view can be confusing and a lot of the map is saturated with a brown overlay, forcing me to guess some parts or travel to them in-game. This map IS however better to pinpoint important places and buildings.

    I can start on it like this yes but it a top-view map would make it hell of a lot easier.

    or perhaps an unaltered version of the map we have now? (or the 20.000x20.000 one would do too!)

  5. I have no idea what the hell is up with all those NPC shops, the ones i visit barely have any items for sale and won't buy anything I have.

    I remember buyin a couple of arrows once though, but that was before they removed and re-added NPC shops.

  6. (finishing it! Wyrd takes to long and RP is dying, so feel free to post one more time to finish up too or leave it at this post (: )

    Rocked around my the forces of nature the three survivors step out of a small gap and for the first time feel grass under their feet after the full day they spent in.

    They were in a weird cliff-like formation it was pretty deep but luck was finally on their side, a broken rope-bridge, hanging just in the orcs armlength, provided a way up.

    After collecting the last bit of their strength they managed to get to the top.Thyst looked down one more time and muttered something about the dwarf who's sacrifice was likely the cause the other managed to get out.

    After this he silently started to build a grave in his honor.

  7. Nope, I once had a monster-trap and Availer personally destoryed it.

    In retrospect he is right, it is an Un-RP way to gain items and skills.

    There is plenty of gravel and feathers around to make arrows, Faster than any monstertrap out there. NPC stores tend to sell them too.

    I also never have seen enemies drop loot by dying naturally.

  8. Money for a dead person? I don't imagine a whole lot would be good, but don't forget friend, the person at the computer behind the screen isn't undead (I don't think) and they would like money or a home and so fourth. If homes were just coffins, money didn't matter, and undead didn't need food, we wouldn't need a city now would we. Cities are fun.

    In regards to telling people we're ooc, we do! Invis mod is really up to Availer, but when there is a character in an Undead skin walking about town casually taking down houses and rebuilding them, or using world edit, or other GM commands, it should be obvious. Especially when, like last night, I was with several other GM's such as the Seneschal or a Princess. It wasn't a tea party. I assure you, I didn't make these points on a whim, I made all for the above post out of experience. These things do happen, they do get annoying, so I tall people of them here.

    Also, Undead will get a magic stat bonus, and they are ignored by mobs, so if an undead is smart, they can surround themselves with summoned zombies or skeletons making them harder to get too. Have faith in the GM's, we won't make any race overpowered since all of us are different races.

    10 + 14 do make sense, I might just not have worded it right. I didn't think Priests, Druids, and Shamans could see us, I knew the Ascended could "sense" us but not necessarily pick us out right away. I could be wrong about that. I'm apart of the development team for the server, so I do lots of building as well, changing skins doesn't always work since sometimes people need to relog for it to take place. Also, i haven't had a lot of time to actually sit down and make a skin i'm afraid.

    @MrZombez The only people who think we are OP are the ones who get struck by our lightning. :)

    On second thought, yeah, 10 makes sense its probaly worded in a way different people understand it in different ways! (I still have mixed feelings for 14)

    It's not like I ment Priests and like-kind have some sort of X-ray vision radar for undead. Lets say when a priest is chanting something holy the undead rebukes from it or when a shaman is doped up on mushrooms he is getting paranoid.

    Maybe a very specialised proffesion like Witch-hunter will be able to spot you more quickly but I haven't seen any of those yet xD

  9. Undeads have an economy? D:

    What good is money to a dead person?

    Kudos on the skinchanging then! As I said you should really consider modding yourself invisible rather than tell "every brain dead retard" to get the hell out.

    Undead are far from OP, they have no racial bonusses and the only thing they do is cast magic and summon monsters, wich are -if the server is full enough, easily avoidable.

    Maybe the fact that they are currently the only ones that can reside in the Nether over a long period of time but I -and I asume a hell of a lot of other people, have litte business there.

    People know this, OOC is basicly troll chat

  10. ((King_of_Gondor12, first off you did not read the very first post, it said: "Only 3 slots AND IT IS FULL! feel free to read but please don't join."

    at the very top, this also makes me doubt you read the whole thing because -secondly you'd have realised we are in a completely desolate place, unmapped with no camps nearby. You don't seem to be able to sense the mood of the RP that is going on here. -thirdly You RP'd our characters. Thyst for one is not impressed by fancy titles, much less will be "shocked" to hear an elf boast about himself being a hero and asking for now reward.

    Thank you for your contribution but we will not use it, please refrain from posting again. ))


    Thyst thanked Krum he was born with a slim build, any normal-sized orc would never fit to the deeper parts of the gap.

    There was light at the end of the escape-route and natural instinct accelerated his feet.

    Relative safety was close and after being in a dark, danger-filled cavern for hours Thyst wanted nothing more than see the sun.

  11. 7 and 1 will keep a dump-load of noobs out.

    They are simple but from my point of view the most important ones.

    10 and 14 don't make a lot of sense. At the very least Priests, Druids, Shamans and the Ascended should be able to tell who is alive and who isn't ICly.

    Although (I hope) happens rarely if you are going to build/repair/whatever OOCly you should tell us in ooc-chat.

    Even though GM's aren't, everybody else should be IC most of the time and I admit it will look weird to see an undead to something constructive rather than something destructive but players can not smell you are OOC.

    Maybe change your skin while you are at it.

    Being undead means you are going to get attacked where-ever you go so changing the skin as you do ICly should also help a bit.

    If you don't want to, make some sort of invisibility mod rather than Godmode.

    ROFL at 5, did you really summon some poor smuck into the nether only to have him burned slowly? :D

    All in all if someone wishes to be undead these are good tips.


    I am curious how many undeads there are currently.

  12. "Are you kidding that gap is about to fall apart we have to ke--"

    The tunnel in front of them started to collapse leaving the gap the only relatively safest way out.

    Thyst roared an orcish swearword as he punched the last skeleton that was close enough and made his way towards the gap.

  13. The ceiling gave Relok'oth its awnser as it came crashing down. If the water stream had pushed them back any further they'd been crushed by the first rocks.

    The rush of water was subdued into smaller streams but the cracks above their heads were slowly giving in. Thyst hesitate to abandon his axe and sprint upwards.

    "Up! Up!" He screamed

    Although most of the deathlings were washed downwards and crushed below with rocks a handfull still remained above them slowly getting on their feet.

    Thyst ran passed three of them and lunged his first into the throat of a zombie, its head came almost off and the ripping of flesh was sickening to anyone not combat-hardened.

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