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Posts posted by Sigvried

  1. Haven't seen screenshots of it? Did you miss the super large one on the front page of the site? xD

    It looks way more threatening in Dokucraft Dark! It looks almost silly in this one xD

    Thanks tho' !

  2. The next moments happened in just a matter of seconds.

    Loud cracks of stone echoed in the distance and water came rushing down roaring like a huge beast.

    It was shallow though... It barely reached Kozeljko's chest but it offered quite some pressure to all of them and could sweep them off their feet at any moment.

    But the worst part was that the water had some hitch-hikers, Zombies and Skeletons toiled down along the water. Some were incapacitated and probably being killed by the water and stone but that did not change the facts that bodies and bones rushed at the adventurers.

    Thyst roared as he he swung his axe at the wall. It stuck.

    "Everybody hug the wall!"

  3. missusing Gm powers and creating an atmosphere is two diffrent things my good friend

    (also atmosphere is the right word? right? :geek: )

    Yeah atmosphere is the right word.

    and you are right.

    Then again I was not there so I can't honestly say.

    I just REALLY doubt he wrote something like:

    Undeadguy:*Snaps his fingers and slowly disappears*


    That creates mood and if he did that then I'm fine with it.

    But like I said, I don't think he anything close to that.

    and really I died a couple of times. it is not a bad thing, if anything you can have a nice chat with other people, asking how they died.

  4. So rather than logging off he missuses his GM powers to flee the field? yeah that's perfectly okay. /sarcasm

    I respect GM's when I notice them doing stuff. Like Vaq with the plug ins, or Availer, Native and Tythus who respond swiftly to questions in ooc and work the forums.

    Just because someone has a GM stuck on his user-name doesn't mean he automatically gains my respect.

    Sorry for the Fword

  5. OOC: He is (remember you cant use this) MrZombez, or Prophet Rott, the second most powerful undead. He could easily get away into the nether.

    That is a ******* lame excuse. If anything, to move a physical body from one plane to another takes a hell of a ritual or a waygate. If you logg off to safe your hide you are a massive coward and a breaker of immersion.

  6. Vault has more chests and has a location near the main gate of Al'Khazar.

    Plus room prices have increased as well with the housing inflation.

    No pyro is right, you can easily get a house for that money.

    I'd say 10 to 50 for 1 chest and 50 to 100 for 4 chests.

    The workbench/furnace thing doesn't even make sense if they are located in a bank.

    and how do you manage this bank?

    Can I deposit and withdraw at my pleasure or do I have to wait for some doors to open or someone to help me.

  7. The pace of the orc was too fast. There were times he almost hit his head on low hanging stalactites or slip on the damp stones, that said you could hear water run violently the higher they got.

    Thyst paused his lead twice to listen to the roaring liquid, fearing it might swoop from above and take them to a rather painful trip down but after the second time he considered it safe and kept his quick pace.

    "We might not be able to set up camp any time s--"

    He paused for a third time and spoke in a lower voice.

    "Did you hear that?"

  8. The impatience of Thyst bursted out in a manner of his first words being incoherently orcish.

    "Krugdrarin mokor we die. Give me that torch!" he growled as he took it from her hands.

    The orc was no longer as composed as he was when they all met and he walked towards the chosen tunnel. If there were any Deathlings left in this cave Thyst would rather get rid of them sooner than later and his pace reflected on that.

    "Dwarf, honour your word and keep an eye behind us, if we are not meeting them upwards they are sure to come after us from below."

    ((there are multiple mistakes in your more previous posts but if it's Dyslexia I will try harder to read over it but isn't your spell-check working?))

  9. If one of the torches was slightly closer to Thyst's face you could see he grew impatient very rapidly. The elves seemed to be interested in every little thing and he mumbled an orcish curse under his breath towards the dwarf for pointing it out.

    Another sharp wind blew and it almost killed the flames.

    ((Ninja, your spelling makes me cringe in pain -/melodramatic- please double-check your posts for mistakes before you hit the submit button))

  10. "Right." the orc growled softly.

    "I'm not keen on descending any further. If anything, going up might lead to another exit. It won't stop the storm but I'd rather know my options before making a new fire."

    That said they were nowhere near a good spot to camp the wind from the tunnels simply blew to hard to ever start a fire.

  11. The torch was lit on the last sputters of the fire and the party descended through the larger tunnel. After the talking with each other they all silently agreed that survival goes first but suspicion still slowed them down.

    Thyst for example kept turning around to glance at the dwarf, he vaguely trusted him but only for so long every time he didn't have his eyes on him.

    Apparently he also did not feel like engaging in conversation until they found a better spot to spend the night.

  12. Thyst caught the map of the dwarf and stared at it. He had little interest in Relok'oth's supplies but gave him a small nod.

    He looked at his fire and finally turned to Wyrd with a bit of a smug look.

    "Well this is something to write down in history books. An elf wants to venture deeper in the cavern and the dwarf wants to try his luck outside."

    Thyst lit the second map with the dying camp-fire and held it in his hand. As the flame brightened it showed two possible ways. Either a shallow crack in the nearby wall or a larger pathway. The latter one was traversed by Iblees-spawn but only one with a knowledge of tracking would know --Thyst did not.

    "Well what is it going to be? The crack, The large tunnel or outside?"

    He gave no eye contact saying this. He kept his eyes on the tunnel, his choice was obvious.

  13. "Cloud's roar is a tool of gods dwarf, used to punish those unworthy of life. I don't like enemies I can't swing my weapons at, not to mention Iblees can also use this magic."

    With his last words he finally held his axe solid. He had followed the gaze of Wyrd and also stared into what seemed a portal of darkness. Elves had better sight and dwarves are used to dark underground caverns.

    As an Orc he had high resilience against the freezing nights of the desert but there never were many clouds so the moon always lightened his path. Missing and eye did not help much either. He felt disadvantaged and that kept him on full guard.

    "The fire is going out again, burn something you won't be needing here."

  14. The orc eyed the last of the stranded and slowly nodded.

    "If we are going to share names..." he said as he cleared his throat "My name is Thyst. I would figure that titles don't mean much in these parts, so let's keep it at that."

    Another moment of silence. This one did not last long as thunder smashed the lands and its roar coloured the skies white. Anyone with a bit of insight regarding weather would understand that these four people had to spend the night.

    Thyst fiddled with his axe, for whatever reason he did not seem to enjoy the loud acoustics of the clouds.

  15. actualy there are goods to be sold in the black market like items that bandits stole

    Bandits too are just as likely to make stuff as to steal stuff. Sure he could steal it and say he crafted it but the vice versa of that works fine too.

    It's more the RP you are willing to put behind it and the individuals involved but I don't think I will be having any trouble finding anything on the normal market that I could buy on a black market.

  16. I second the "Black Market" kinda theme but you guys forgot to take 2 things in account.

    As craotor mentioned, it's located on water. If people shat anywhere in medieval times it was a nearby river. So a sewer theme wouldn't work.

    Secondly... nothing is really illegal to sell. So any Black market is a normal market.

  17. "Hurry up with what?" Thyst sternly replied. "Do you want a bigger fire?"

    Still, there was not much to add to the fire, rain made most of the wood to damp to burn. The orc threw his map in the fire. "This won't be necessary in these uncharted parts..." he mumbled.

    ((Ninja this is slow paced RP, just wait patiently for more people to join. Also double check your posts for typo's!))

  18. FRP: Forum Roleplay! derp. Only 3 slots AND IT IS FULL! feel free to read but please don't join. I don't want to RP with 20 different people. Do try to keep up and check this post often.

    Night-time in an unknown part of the Wilds

    Drenched clothes and tired bodies, four silent shadows, each with a weapon drawn and their guard up. Taking residence in a small cavern -hiding from rain, an unexpectedly large group of skeletons and other deathlings.

    In these parts anyone was as likely to be a bandit as an ally and no one really wanted to get a shiv in their back or their stuff taken.

    After an hour the first one sat down, weapon still drawn but no one had made a strike so the tension slowly lowered. The others soon followed, nobody wanted to stand after running for their lives.

    The slim orc of the four took out a flint and started a small fire but enough to lit up his face, it was Thyst. He held his axe on his knee but seemed to relax near the fire.

    It took almost another hour before the other three approached. One by one the light showed more of their demeanour and for a while they silently sat by the fire. The other ones weren't a threat... at least for now.

  19. I doubt I will be doing a tournament every week so probably every two weeks?

    Who knows, maybe every Saturday a small tournament but not a big one like Trial by Flesh.

    The next one will be Trial of the Desert (or Trial of Endurance still want to make up a good name :()

    I'm very indecisive about planning stuff but once something is set in stone it will happen. I will try next week too.

    It will probably depend on the attendance of this tournament and the next one to see how many people are interested!

    Just keep your eye on the forum and your Saturdays free xD

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