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  1. ((Hey everyone, i not going to be on for a week or so. Just signed my papers for the National Guard and will be headed out for some preliminary stuff.))
  2. also as a side note i have donated so i can use lwc and craftbook if you need me to do any of that
  3. i can be on when ever this week. im usually able to get on around noon (mountain time) and can stay on till around midnight
  4. wow thanks I'll message you in game to find out the rest of the details :)
  5. Application: Roleplaying Name:Eramil Minecraft Name:forgottendebt Your fighting experience:12 swords 300 archery can take on multiple monsters at once, and really enjoy fighting them How long you have played Minecraft: four or five months How long you have played on Lord of the Craft: about a month Why you think you deserve to join The Lost ones: i would really like to take my love of fighting a step further and protect the world against what ever evils want to destroy it What position you want to be in: anything that enables me to go out and fight Other Information:Im a decent builder, I also love to write and other creative things!
  6. Minecraftname: Forgottendebt Roleplayname: Eramil_The_Dragon_Scout Are you in the guild: CONFIRMED
  7. Aplication: Minecraft name:Forgottendebt Roleplay name:Eramil Race:Elf Why do you want to join:I would like to experience more of RP aspect of this server and though this would be a good way to. Do you accept the rules:yes Sword skill level:1 (really really bad D: ) Archery skill level:300
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