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Posts posted by 0000

  1. *obviously drunk, sets his glass down, spilling some ale on the table. He speaks*

    "Ye're crazy, sir. Ne'er heard of such a thing. A wall of fog?"

    *chuckles to himself. He speaks up over the commotion of responses from what the man said, sarcastic in his next words*

    "Ye best stay away from them wall!"

    *Now shaking his head in disbelief, he drops coins for his drink on the table and shuffles out of the tavern, chuckling here and there, and mumbling phrases of disbelief against the mans word.*

  2. . . But you're STILL BACK IN AEGIS/VERGE.

    It's completely plausible I walked to the Verge portal which was some 20 yards away from the Nawari Camp, gotten to the boats, and stowed away, is it not?

    The switch to Asulon was not for probably a month or two after Alkenaar's 'death'. I would have had time.

  3. -Permadied

    -Sliced on the chest

    -Burnt ALIVE


    -STILL ALIVE? I can feel the legit.

    I remind you, to even pass out in water of 0.4 degrees celcius take about 15 minutes. Death takes about 45. I wasn't in the water for more than a minute and a half.

    Silced on the chest + bandages = possibly sustainable injury.

    Burnt ALIVE for 10 seconds. This can cause moderate to severe burns, but does not ensure death.

    I have also made the point to roleplay the fact Alkenaar has been severely injured even after years, has weakened motor control, and etc.

    ((Edit: I'm not really RPing it completely yet, this is only and idea. [Will add that to the post in Roleplay] ))

    And Brianna, i'm not quite sure if you're being serious or not. :D

    And also right down the road from the cloud temple, theirs a high chance a monk noticed the yelling, and bandaged me up or healed me to the best of their abilities.

    I feel I have put the research into my argument. If you believe my facts are false or there are other factors I haven't taken into account, could you please be a little more specific and detailed? :)

  4. EDIT: I am not going RP this. I decided to kill him off before and I have to stick to that decision.

    I earlier wrote this about how Alkenaar managed to stay alive these years:


    This has gotten alot of comments about how it might be power-gaming.

    Trust me, I understand why this might be powergaming, and would gladly cease all (or not even begin in the first place) roleplay of the new Alkenaar if enough people believe it to be Powergaming. I understand how that would be a problem to the community and under no circumstances would want to do such a thing. I write this post to get others feedback and to explain to them why I think it could be legit.

    If you absolutley thinking it is, please tell me, so I can be sure I don't begin this roleplay.

    Here is my belief on the subject, after extensive research:

    Alkenaar (this is how he 'perma-died') kissed Eoin.

    Eoin sliced him in the chest and pushed him into the fire pit in the Nawari camp. He managed to pull himself out after Eoin turned. Let's assume he was on the fire for about 10 seconds. (keep in mind this is in a winter biome, if that affects the situation). Depending on how he fell in, he would most likely have second degree burns. Eoin only pushed him in, and he had time to react, so he most likely avoided falling face first into the fire. He was obviously wearing clothes (and considering it was a winter biome and night time they most likely weren't very light clothes..)

    Second degree burns when placed in cold water can cause shock. If Alkenaar managed to get out of the fire quickly, he may have severe burns most likely on his hands or face, or where he was sliced. Since the first thing he would have done was drag himself into the water, he perhaps experienced shock.

    Because of this, he passed out. Within minutes he washed up on shore, and stayed passed out, but out of the water. When he woke the same night, he was bandaged. Possibly by himself, or by another person, but he doesn't have clear memory of the event (hence the shock). This somewhat deals with the wound on his chest enough to keep him alive. The burns are currently his concern, and possibly hypothermia.

    Body temperature lowering below 35 degrees Celcius can cause hypothermia. Even in water around 32.5 degrees Fahrenheit hold (about .4 Celsius), this could take several minutes. Passing out would happen around 15 minutes, and death 45 minutes. So Alkenaar, being in the water for only about a minute, should not be very worried about hypothermia.

    This leaves his primary concern, the burns. Improper treatment of burns can cause swelling or decreased blood flow, which can cause problems.

    But considering Alkenaar was never exposed to any of these severely for very long at all (10 second fire, around a minute of cold water, and a slice wound), I took the assumption that Alkenaar had blood loss, motor damage, but nothing fatal. Thus, I could assume that Alkenaar was able to, once he was conscious, treat his wounds with simple herbology that he, living on his own, should know somewhat about, and maintain the bandages and of his wound so he could survive, and travel to the nearby desert and away from the winter biome to get rid of the risk of any further hypothermia.


    Please let me know if you think any of this could be considered powergaming, as I have gone through the research to make sure the situation wouldn't be.

    ((I apologize if this was in the wrong section, I was somewhat in a rush))

  5. ((To explain why I am still alive: ))

    ((When Eoin stabbed him and threw him into the fire, he was burnt severely, and wounded in the chest. Eoin left to a shocked spectator, and Alkenaar managed to climb out of the pit and into the freezing lake nearby, passing out. Neither of the two who witnessed the event noticed, and Alkenaar woke on a shoreline, a bandage around his chest where the wound was several burns. He didn't remember much of what had happened, and he could have easily been the one who bandaged the wounds, but someone might have found him. He could not remember. He left for the Verge, where he thought he could stay under the radar (if others found out what he did and he was alive, he would be killed for sure next time by Lucas or Will). He found that Cedric Evelyn, an earlier friend of his, had picked up from the fire pit what he thought to be his ashes. He accidentally revealed himself to Cedric through voice, and Cedric believed him to be a ghost. Alkenaar played along, and pretended to be a ghost, until the move to Asulon, where he stowed away on a ship and began living less attached to Cedric, and soon lived on his own. It was until this point he decided to live up to what he had done and face the world out of hiding.

    Alkenaar is still burnt heavily, and is very much weakened from his wound. I will take all of this into consideration when roleplaying him. ))

  6. ((Edit: I'm not really RPing it completely yet, this is only and idea considering this might be on the edge of powergaming, in which case I would not RP this at all. ))

    The lap of the ocean gently nudges the beach as it strokes the fine particles of the sand. Each lap is calming, until one makes the sound of something being dragged. As the water water retreats, what you see is not damp sand. It is a brown, water-logged notebook. As you pick it up, the cover reveals an inscribed title of ‘The Journal of Al—-” and the rest was disfigured from the water. As you open the book, the first few pages seem wet and burnt, which is odd, considering you found it in the ocean.

    You finally come to the middle pages that can actually be read to a point. The passages are dated back before the move to Asulon. They read as follows, with some points being wet so as unreadable:

    “I can’t believe she would do such a thing. I loved her— I still do. But after what she did I cannot. No, this was all my fault…. my fault….

    Perhaps I should speak with her… No. I’ve done that enough. Lucas will probably kill me. Then Will. Then Lucas again. They already think I’m dead. Why give them a reason to make sure I am?

    Maybe I should talk with—- NO. I can’t talk with anyone. I’m dead to everyone, and it’s all over. Maybe I SHOULD be dead…… Or maybe…”

    Another entry reads:

    “I’ve decided I should stay in New Oasis, but be extremely subtle. I already accidentally was discovered by Cedric… but… he doesn’t even think I’m alive. He brought ashes from the site of… well.. my ‘death’. They aren’t even mine.. but he’s going to bury them. He thinks they will rest my soul, which is eager to be brought back to life.

    I now just play along with it. ‘Revealing’ myself through speaking, etc. I’m sure by now he should realize I’m not even a ghost… It’s quite amusing in fact. I’m tempted to go to my own funeral.. but that’s insane.

    I should tell the truth to him. That I’ve been pretending. All because of.. her. Or just let him bury the ashes and me along with them.. Leave the world.

    No. I must return. Face what I have done and turn my back on what has been finished. I’ve stowed away on one of the ships to Asulon. Perhaps I may start a new life, away from everyone else….”

    The rest of the pages are either burnt, water-logged, or both. The final page, you can read one word, and it is a signature.


  7. This is obviously a real thing, and the people who have it aren't necessarily happy about it. When we, say, fall from a height, our ankle may begin hurting badly. This tells us, "Perhaps something is wrong". If it keeps hurting, then that tells us we should get it checked, and we find it's broken.

    Pain is our bodies indicator for a problem. It tells us "Hold on there, I think there might be something bad on this spot of your body".

    Rashes, burns, scratches, etc. are all ways of saying something bad could happen from this.

    When your brain can no longer process the pain, it can no longer indicate a problem. This means you could develop things like cancer, have broken limbs, etc. and not even know, which poses a horrible risk to the person who has such a non-pain feeling condition. I believe you should take that into consideration when RPing this, that you could be in serious pain from some illness, injury, etc., but think it is nothing since it doesn't hurt. Which means your character is more prone to blood loss, infections, diseases, etc.

    The idea is good, but should be implemented just to be able to take arrows to the knee without even blinking. It doesn't make you invincible. Quite the contrary in fact.

  8. "Hmm... I fell into a coma in front of the only women I loved, was then buried alive, managed to survive that, and woke to be told that she had a husband."

    *I sit down on the rock beside me, watching the ocean lap against the beach*

    "Not the best of luck."

    *I look down beside me to see what I didn't notice before; a beautiful, red rose, a few feet from me. Leaning, I pick it, and look it over.*

    "I should give this to her---"

    *I stand, overlooking the ocean. A frown grows upon my face and the anger travels through my body. In moments, I have left, and the shredded rose floats away into the ocean.*

    ((EDIT: Awkwardly enough, the one I was talking about just posted right above me. > > Hey Liri :3.))

  9. I have been informed of yer Peacekeepers, and wish to join. I may be an Elf, but I'm always loyal to Humans and fight for their causes. Here's my application.

    MC name: ForhavuMahea

    IC name: Feraneldth

    What weapon you are most comfortable with (and your stats for swords, axes, archery, wrestling and smithing): My weapon of choice is most certainly the sword (level 99). I am, although, fairly skilled in hand-to-hand combat (level 83 wrestling). Although I may not be a skilled archer, smither, or good with axes (all 0's), I am skilled in the ways of combat, allow me to at least have the advantage dexterity-wise and strategically.

    How long have you lived in Salvus: I have not yet lived in Salvus, in fact I am searching for a home, and I have found this great city.

    Why do you wish to join the Peacekeepers: I have the need to keep order to the city of which I have seen as a marvelous one, and will be willing to give my services to such cause

    What military experience (if any) do you have: I've fought in some battles, like the Battle of Galahar, and was part of the Vanguard of Laurelin for quite some time, before the move to Asulon.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post? (Name one of the laws of high accord and the fines that can be imposed from it): Aye, I have looked over the laws to ensure I understand them. One that stands out as important is Unlawful Murder, any killing that has no justification, and can cause a fine of the suspect of up to 5000 minas, jail them for up to 7 days, or possibly even execution, banishment, or have their possesions seized.

    Thank you for taking the time to look over my application, and I hope to hear from you soon. Farewell


  10. I think there should be boats and caravans to fast travel with but when you travel you will have to wait a certain amount of time before you will arrive like wait in a room. So when you fast travel you will have to wait in a room for 5 minutes or longer (depending on distance) then when the 5 minutes is up you will be T'pd to the destination. You would also have to pay.

    This would simulate waiting in the ships lower deck or inside of a caravan waiting till you get to the destination.

    This is somewhat what I was trying to say in the previous post

  11. I did recently notice a plugin that allows for riding dragons, which was cool (stations, etc.), so that could be implemented with other features as well, such as "horses" or such, where you can ride and control certain mobs.

    Although an interesting idea would be ports, or stations, which have a list of defined pathways and other stations to connect to. Perhaps these could have different depature times, and it "teleports" you to say, a boat in the middle of the ocean, for effect (to be RPed as getting on a ship and sailing). Then after the chosen duration of travel, you would be teleported of the ship and placed on the port/station that you were headed to. It would add to RP, and be realistic.

  12. It was my belief that RP is more interesting when conflict and realism is presented. For example, traveling for 2 IRL days to reach a magnificent city (possibly exaggerated) will make RP more comfortable when you say "I've traveled far to reach this place, I am weary, etc". You will spend more time to appreciate the beauty of the world your in and not just making money or other minor RP. Also, the long travels may encourage people to buy food, or kill animals for that food, making RP once again more realistic. If I began traveling on foot from Florida to Washington with no food, I won't become desperately starving, then just stay that way but be perfectly alive. I would fall over, become dizzy, be less aware of my surroundings, and there would be more disadvantages, and eventually I would die.

    Who wouldn't pack food for a journey that takes a week?

    I think these long travel distances ADD to RP, even though it may be individual. I find myself RPing with myself sometimes, and it helps me prepare for when I meet others.

    I say when you die, you are brought to either the closest temple (so multiple ones, maybe in major cities), or possibly even allow other players to take you with them when your dead.

    This will focus attention on those cities with temples, and more people will be there to RP, for getting ready to journey outside.

    I also say making it even harder to travel (buff monsters, increase spawning in certain areas during the night, possibility of ambushes, etc.) will make people RP better to prepare, such as making a party, or buying food/equipment, traveling in groups.

    That's just my opinion, but I believe that could help.

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