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Posts posted by 0000

  1. They cannot die easily, hence their status as "Undead". If we wish to fight back without being destroyed like them, perhaps we need the same advantage as they do.

    Perhaps we need to be Undead. Fight fire with fire. It's crazy, but maybe that's what we need to do. We'll have their advantage, then it'll be a fair fight. But we need everybody in on it. And we have to be strong. The temptation of Iblees power is amazing. Most will want to become a true Undead...

  2. “An Elf's Story”

    (based of a true tale)

    By Alkenaar


    Its was a rather windy night. Rain was pouring hard and thunder shot in the distance as the sound of 5 horses galloping rang through the air.

    "Men! Halt!" yelled the leader of the noise of the weather. The cavalry halted and dismounted, surveying the area.

    "Are you sure, Reinhal?" a man asked the leader.

    "Positive," confirmed Reinhal.

    The men quickly strode into the forest, following Reinhal. Upon entering the forest, the men were hit with what seemed like a curtain of pure darkness. They could barely see past their hands.

    "Tregnak, do you have the lanterns?" asked Reinhal.

    "Indeed I do." he replied as he reached into his satchel and retrieved two lanterns, one of which Reinhal carried, the other was carried by Tregnak.

    "Men, I want you to scout the area for any settlement, shelter, cave, anything someone could be hiding out in. When you find it, send the signal, and we'll come." Reinhal instructed.

    The four other men nodded and went their separate ways, while Reinhal continued on straight. It wasn't more than an hour before a call was heard throughout the forest, and Reinhal immediately dashed in the direction of the sound.


    "Anna, will you quite him, for the love of---"

    "Rangak, he's just a baby! And your causing more noise than he is at the moment. You're going to wake up the other."

    "I don't care. We all need to be alert anyway, but we don't need HIM giving away our position to the Orcs!"

    Rangak was looking at his wife furiously. Anna, her head bent low, took the baby and went into another room.

    "Shh... Alkenaar. Be quiet, it's alright." she cradled the small child in her arms.

    At the moment, a loud horn was heard throughout the house, coming from nearby. Followed by screams and shouts of Orcs.

    "They've found us!" yelled Rangak, "Get to the basement, quick!"

    But it was no use. In minutes the house was in flames, and Reinhal was staring down his new victim.

    "Please.. we'll give ourselves up to you as prisoners, just promise you'll let the boys live as well."

    "Oh, don't worry, the boys will live," Reinhal grinned. "But we won't be taking no prisoners."



    "P..p.. please! Don't kill me."

    Alkenaar laughed a distorted laugh.

    "Don't worry. I won't kill you," Alkenaar replied with a grin. Alkenaar then took the dwarf by the collar of his work clothes and pulled him close. "That is, I won't kill you if you give me the money."

    Alkenaar dropped the dwarf and pulled out a sword of pure diamond. The dwarf's eyes widened.


    The Dwarf reluctantly reached into his satchel and pulled out a sack of coins. Alkenaar reached over and snatched it from his hand.

    "Thank you, dwarf," said Alkenaar, sarcastically, turning away.

    "Th..th..thank you, sir, for your mercy." the dwarf replied, his voice still trembling.

    Alkenaar, facing away from the dwarf, raised an eyebrow. Mercy? Heh.

    "LEAVE!" yelled Alkenaar, his back still to the dwarf, who proceeded to scroll back down King's Road. Alkenaar quickly snapped around, a bow in his hand. Grinning, he took an arrow, aimed, and shot the dwarf right in the shoulder.

    Screaming in pain, the dwarf fell to his knees, still attempting to get away from the bandit. Alkenaar chuckled to himself, admiring his new profit. He swiftly leaped onto ledge above him, continuing into the wilds.

    He came upon a crude, wooden hut in a clearing. The nearby trees were only stumps, and the ground was slightly disheveled. Alkenaar dislodged a wooden panel from the deck, revealing a small underground pathway. He dropped in, and put the wooden panel back in place.

    “We got some more.” Alkenaar shouted. He set his pack down over in his room. He entered the main lounge, noticing the crackling of the fireplace. The old, worn armchair was occupied by rather slender figure.

    “I managed another 100 minas.”

    “Good... good.” said the man in the chair. He looked up at Alkenaar, and stood.

    “Your arm.”

    Alkenaar looked at his wound.

    “Ah, yes. Stupid Orc decided to fight back.” Alkenaar explained, laughing. “I think we have enough now, Master.”

    The man smile.

    “Yes. This should do it. I have some of my own minas put aside for supplies for the journey. The northern planes are desolate and dangerous. Not to mention the fact we are walking right up to the Undead’s doorstep. You are brave to come along.”

    “There is a problem though,” Alkenaar said “I haven’t encountered any myself, but you are wanted by the Royal Guard. Dead”

    “Is that so?” his master replied, smiling. “Well then. I guess we’ll have to turn me in.”



    The waves hit the shore with a gentle rumble. The soft smell of the ocean accented the calm, cloudy sky. A path of cobblestone was built along the edge of a cliff, a forest to one side, the ocean to the other. The road was relatively quite, except for the occasional traveler. A tall, muscular man in iron armor walked along the road. He surveyed the area for any trouble.

    “Hayden! Hail!” yelled another guard walking by, wearing the same armor. Hayden whisked around, his finger to his lips. He replied, whispering.

    “I’ve received a hint towards the location of an infamous bandit...”

    The other became silent, nodding. Just then, rustling in the leaves off the road caused the guards to turn their heads, quietly unsheathing their swords.

    “Bandit! Ye better show yerself if ye don’t want our swords through yer back now in seconds.” Hayden threatened. Then, a man wearing rugged, torn clothes, walked out of the brush. He looked up at the guards, a scar pierced his left eye, slightly covered by his golden hair. Both guards looked at each other in surprise.


    They held their swords at Avalon, his head bent in anguish, so as he could not escape. Upon the sound of a voice, both guards, without releasing there gaze from the bandit, stepped aside to let the speaker through.

    “Looks like you aren’t untraceable after all, Avalon,” said a voice he recognized. Avalon looked up, to see the shining, blue, traitor eyes of Alkenaar.

    “Yeah, with your help,” spat Avalon “And to think I considered you a respectable bandit.”

    “Oh, but the reward was much more than your pitiful efforts at thievery could have ever raised, Master.”

    Alkenaar gave Avalon a subtle look, not enough for the guards to notice. At the same time, Alkenaar and Avalon swept their feet under the guards legs, knocking them off the road’s edge into the water, rendering them unconscious. Avalon turned to Alkenaar.

    “Get their armor and identification” Alkenaar nodded at his request. Both jumped off the cliff, preparing themselves for the incoming water. The two bandits struggled to get the guard’s limp bodies to the shore, and stripped them of the armor, weapons, and identification, then turning to leave.

    “Die, bandit!” Avalon turned around quickly, only to be punched in the jaw by Hayden. Avalon yelled at Alkenaar to go quickly, but Alkenaar refused. Knocking the guard down cold with the blunt of his sword, and rushed to Avalon, now on the ground.

    “Okay, let’s keep going.” Alkenaar insisted, but Avalon did not budge. He just stared at Alkenaar, a smile on his face.

    “Come on!” Alkenaar yelled, fighting his unyielding resistance. “I can’t finish this alone. It’s too dangerous... I’m only your apprentice ---”

    Avalon spoke, cutting Alkenaar off suddenly.

    “No. No, you are the master. I am merely the apprentice, Alkenaar.”

    “I don’t understand.”

    “No, you wouldn’t... You nor your brother. There are things you two don’t understand.”

    Avalon coughed, clutching his chest. Alkenaar noticed it was bleeding heavily. He shook his head wildly.

    “But you’ve taught me everything. What couldn’t I understand, Avalon?”

    Avalon chuckled.

    “First of all,” said Avalon, relatively humored, “My name’s not Avalon.” Alkenaar

    naturally looked confused.

    “It’s Rangak.” Alkenaar stared his master in the face, and suddenly it was like staring into a mirror. The shining blue eyes, the shape of the mouth, cheeks....


    Rangak coughed severely.

    “You were born with good in you Alkenaar. You don’t need to be a hero or a ruler or anything above a lower class peasant, as a matter of fact. You need to be you. And you are perfect.”

    “You taught me the life of a bandit! You aided me in murdering other civilians, taking their money! And you say theirs good in me? As if all this time you were joking around?” Alkenaar looked fiercely at his long-lost father. “What do you want me to be? You basically come back to life and suddenly the tables turn... What side are you on?”

    Rangak chuckled quietly,

    “You’ll understand.” His father spoke these words with his last breathe he drew, smiling at his son. He then fell limp, as Alkenaar knelt beside him, his eyes stone dry, but his heart aflame.

    Alkenaar lowered his head.

    “Oi! Your getting real close to being with him again, boy! I suggest ye give that armor back...”

    Alkenaar looked up. Four other guards stood around him. Sighing, he pulled out his diamond sword. Several guards took a step back, but did not waver, since Alkenaar was still outnumbered.

    One guard ran up, his sword to the side of his body, about to swing. Alkenaar dropped to the floor, and pulled his feet under the guard’s legs, while clashing his sword with the second guard, knocking them both off balance. He turned around in time to catch the third guard’s sword coming straight to his neck.

    Alkenaar raised his sword, and became locked with the other. Struggling for the advantage, Alkenaar shifted his balance, and he was able to knock the sword out of the guard’s hand. He hit the guard in the chest with the blunt of his sword.

    Three guards were down, and Alkenaar was lose to passing out. He brandished his sword, turning to the final guard.

    “Go.” Alkenaar said, saving the combat. The guard ran off. Alkenaar fell to his knees, his vision turning white. He lay sprawled on the sand, next to the other unconscious guards and his father pale body.

    “Take him to the camp. Now”



    Alkenaar awoke to a hooded man examining him.

    “What is your name?” the man asked harshly.

    “Alkenaar...” He replied, drowsy.

    “Where are you from?”

    “I’m not really from anywhere... I was abandoned at birth. I’ve lived on the streets for my life,” Alkenaar explained.

    “I see,” he paused for a moment, thinking. “I’ll be back,” Th man exited a solid iron door, locking it excessively. Alkenaar was lying in a bed surrounded by torches, emitting a dark, red light.

    Alkenaar attempted to get up, but his wrist was chained to a post. He lay back, evaluating the situation. Who are these people? Are they dangerous?

    He then froze in his realization. He’s in an Undead camp.

    “Alkenaar, is it?” said a different voice, coming from outside the small room.

    “Well, Alkenaar, we’ve had our eye on you for a while.”

    Alkenaar was confused; he had never seen an Undead in his life.

    “Yes we’ve had our eye on you. And... you've showed a promise. Iblees has seen your doings and heard you pleas. You could be of use to him, and to our cause.” said the disembodied voice.

    Alkenaar was surprised. This was what he and ‘Avalon’ were trying to accomplish, to become an Undead. He remembered not to make a big deal of wishing for acceptance.

    “Such recognition from Iblees would be the greatest of honors.” Alkenaar replied, keeping his composure.

    “Don’t think you can fool me, boy. Yes, such recognition would be an honor, but one must DESERVE it to acquire it.” the man spat. There was a long pause, followed by a light natured chuckle.

    “But... you may have promise.”

    Alkenaar silently sighed in relief. For a moment there, he thought he was going to be----

    “Now.” the voice spoke, “You cannot leave with memory of this.”

    Alkenaar froze. They were going to erase his memory? In a flash, Alkenaar was in a large open space, outside of a tower surrounded by a large wall.

    “The fool...” spoke one of the Undead to another.

    Suddenly, the sky grew dark, clouds rolled in, and the air become chilly.

    “You really gave me an entertaining time, fool. It did seem you were thoroughly convinced we were going to recruit you! Ha! Well, don’t worry. You can be an undead. Just without the ‘un’ before it.”

    Alkenaar was immediately knocked on his back, a powerful fore striking him. He felt bleeding, and a.. tingling.

    “Them temple monks won’t be able to help you this time. Goodbye, Alkenaar.”

    Then another flash appeared beside him, missing him. Four or five times he was struck, until he lay there, unmoving, upon the rocky ground.


    Hope you liked it!


  3. *looking around ensuring no Undead can be listening*

    I.. have some skills that you may find useful.

    I have been to the very gates of the Undead keep. Spoken to their fierce warriors without any speck of fear or emotion in my eye, and I did not die. In fact, I have been INSIDE the tower.

    My skills to talk myself out of situations are vital, and if we can get one or two people INSIDE the tower, we may be able to preform different operations.


    Now, when you get inside, the walls surround the tower, and there is a sort of "grounds" between the walls and the actual tower, covering it like a circle.

    On top of the walls is where most of the guards and warriors keep watch.

    Usually there's only one or two on top of the gate, I have not seen more, but they have advantages, as they can attack you (with magic) but you cannot attack them.

    One will probably not be inside the tower alive unless another Undead has brought you inside to question you or something of the like (that's how I got in).

    You go down a simple flight of stairs, and upon turning a sharp left through a small doorway, you enter a sort of lounge, or some central room. Beautiful minerals and obsidian line the floors and walls, and a fire place is nearby.

    I passed through there, and was taken down another flight of stairs to a system of hallways where one is to be question in one of the rooms.

    I didn't risk it, but I believe it is relatively easy to escape into the hallways , as they are maze-like, and you could quite easily evade the escorter. Mine traveled further in front of me, and only once in a while looked back to see if I was still there. I had the chance to fall behind a corner and run the opposite direction, and explore the tower while staying hidden (it'd be hard.)

    Also what's possible, is that we could wear cloaks like the undead do, and thus we could disguise ourselves as undead once where inside the castle, so walking around and passing another, we will not raise too much suspicion, as long as we keep conversation to a minimum.

    Then if we could locate the portals inside the tower, we'd have further knowledge on how to reach and destroy them when we do this with an army, so as to momentarily stop the influx of Undead, greatly reducing the amount of attacks and back up. The army would have to attack then and there. With as many people as we can get to join.

    It will be tricky, but possible.

    I am willing to help preform this task. I have a currently rebellion to the undead going on, so another group of warriors would be great. ((look for post Unite of all, in general roleplay))

    Note that they do have magic. Upon leaving my interrogation, I was told that I could have no memory of the event, and I thought they were going to wipe my memory or something.

    But they're not that merciful.

    They struck me with lightning. I held my strength and tried to stay alive, but after 6 or 7 strikes, I lost my balance, and fell over. I thought it was the end, I died.

    But somehow, I awake in the Cloud Temple. The miracles of the monks saved me from INSIDE the tower. And I awoke with vivid memory of the event.

    This IS possible. We just need to focus.

    I can be the one which goes into the tower to locate the portals. We might want another, depending on the situation, in case we need backup, as if one us is discovered, the other can continue.

    We can do this. The Undead say they are never to be defeated. Let's prove them wrong.

  4. Here's my idea:

    So it opens with haunting music, showing a dark, stormy night. The camera pans through the bay of the ocean along Kings Road. Soft lightning rumbles in the distance. Fade out.

    Fade in to the Kingdom of Laurelin, and the druid tree,

    then to Alk'hazar,

    Then the Orc kingdom,

    Then the Dwarven kingdom.

    Then it shows a pan of a sunny, beautiful day in an ascended city. It then begins to darken, the screen begins to fade. The city seems to be infested with darkness. Not just nighttime, but everything that was once beautiful just darkens. Flowers possible shrivel.

    Once the screen is completely black, you hear a loud blast of thunder, unlike the thunder in the beginning. It is harsh and sudden. A flash of light streaks the screen, and harsh rain is heard.

    Fades in to an Undead temple, the overlord sitting at this throne overlooking hundreds of minions are gathered outside. The overlord stands and shouts "Death to the kingdoms!"

    The crowd of Undead cheer shouting "Death to the king" and phrases like that.

    Then another harsh lightning, and you see the undead attacking the cities shown previously. The druid tree of Laurelin is on fire, and other moments are knocked down and destroyed.

    The screen then goes to white, and comes back to show men in shining Armour, with diamond swords. Members of the Orc, Dwarf, Elf, and Human nations are all gathered, their leaders near the front. In the very front, Availer, or some other very influential character is leading the armies. The camera then zooms close to his face, then up, look at the starry sky.

    It then fades one final time, to a black screen, and some magic spell inscribes "Lord of The Craft"

    I might come up with some more ideas to implement, but that's my outline idea

  5. The base is relatively sloppy at the moment for our needs. We need to clean it up, organize the tunnels. There is a labyrinth underneath there, basically. The largest cavern I've seen as well, torches everywhere on the ground...

    I suggest we keep the unneeded parts(the winding tunnels and caves and all) blocked off for now so we don't confuse everyone. But, keep it in mind, so that if the Undead attack US, we can escape them and confuse them by using the tunnels. Okay, right now, let's all gather at the Snowy fields, and stake out until someone else from this team gets there.

    I actually have a home bought for me there, so we could use that as a temporary base that isn't suspicious.

  6. Yes, that might work.

    But in the case we want to stay hidden, there's a HUGE shelter built on the site of hill by someone staking out there before. We can modify it to suit our needs, so that we're close to the Undead tower, but will not be disturbed or seen.

    We don't want to make our presence known just yet, so we should wait to take over Snowy Fields. Cause when we do, we'll be seen, heard of, and targeted by the Undead.

    So, till now, we should use that shelter in the hill. (it's mostly underground)

  7. We should spread this topic to the other races ((and their separate forums.))

    I am near the undead keep now, and by the time this pigeon reaches you with the message you are reading now, I should be very near. I have found a camp... I can establish living quarters, training facilities, and whatever we need. It's not too far from the Undead but it's also not too close.

    Also, we need several messengers to take our word to each kingdom. Step up if you can travel to one of the four kingdoms.

  8. 'tis improbable. The fortress has immense support, and defense is amazing. The undead have amazing power, and it's.... well. Wait. Maybe....

    I have been to the fort and know how to get in without being killed. But with a whole army..... Hmm. the army could wait in the distance while someone goes in and is inside. if they could somehow escape the guards and find a way to sneak some men through or open the gates, the army could get in and attack.

    I can do this for you. It'd be tricky, but possible. I can accomplish it, if you wish.

    Gather all armies and send a message to each kingdom spread the word but keep it contained, if the Undead find out about this, we're dead.

    Okay. I will prepare for this. If I could have another man who's willing to go in with me, step forward.

    I think this just may work.

    * Alkenaar smiles.

    The Undead are going down.

  9. Aye. That would be an accomplishment.

    But 'tis impossible.

    Nay, 'tis improbable, but with the nature of livin' beings, it wouldn't occur in our lifetime. The wars will still be fought, the deaths will still occur.

    May the people who find peace with other races be blessed with strength. May those who find war be blessed with peace.

  10. ((sorry for triple post, didn't notice a post...))


    I am no undead however me and me clan (the seekers) are ye servants.

    I have come across some info that ye might want.

    one alkenaar and some one named Anu have come to ye offering their work.

    however they plan to betray ye and are trying to destroy ye, they want to use this to start a war, how i do they will not be able to do what they have planed however I thought I could save ye some trouble.

    me and thee seeker are at ye command.


    ** Alkenaar grins

    Oh, yes. Destroy the Undead.

    That's exactly the plan. I pretend to offer my services, gain your trust, and then take you down from the inside.

    Now, how many people attempt this?

    How many people say they are doing this for a greater good.

    None accomplish it.

    The Undead are stronger, more powerful, and a soul who tries to "take them down from the inside" will be strengthened and corrupted with evil.

    Perhaps I wish to be stregthened and corrupted with evil....

    And I'm glad to find you actually had the same intentions as me....

    You were convincing, I might add.

    ** Alkenaar laughs, a solemn, unreal laugh

    And again, I ask not the Undead to let me become one. I am simply offering services.

    I would be honored, extremely grateful, and ever loyal if I was to become one,

    but that's not my goal.

    My goal is to aid Iblees in the destruction of Aegis, and the way I can do that now is retrieve and deliver these offerings.

    And Ueri'ka, I am glad you too have the intention of helping the Undead cause.


  11. I have been traveling, and upon reaching Oren, I was hearing of an Undead attack upon the KotF fort. I then, struggling to get my voice heard over the crowd, managed to find someone insane enough to take me to the fort.

    I reach the fort, and we're hiding some rocks, while the man beside me whispers "There it is"

    I then, spotting some undead, step out of my hiding spot, and declare "I am Alkenaar"

    As I was about to mention I brought offerings for Iblees, an Undead killed, on the spot.

    No, I am not mad, and I am not complaining at my death. I am grateful that my offerings have been successfully transferred, and I also greatly admire the power and ferocity of the Undead warriors.

    I had 2 ingots of gold, 10 or so ingots of iron, around 6 or 7 lapis lazuli, and 3 or 4 mushroom stews, made by the finest cook in Aegis.

    I... I feel accomplished, knowing that I have possibly helped the Undead cause.

    Thank you for taking me as a loyal servant.

    And other wishes, commands, I can supply you with anything else you want. Do any other deeds you wish. Just let me know. As I am awed at the impeccable power of the Undead people, I am loyal to you, despite the fact I am not undead.

    And, I remind you, this is simple an offering of service, I am not begging to become an Undead like other scum.....

    So, what else can I do to help the Undead, and to help Iblees?


  12. Ye goin to be killed I tell you! There more greedy than dwarfs only with more power and their whim!

    I have the ability to retrieve more! Why would they kill a worthwhile income?

    Filthy dwraves anyway, the undead are actually respectable.

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