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Posts posted by Eledyr

  1. The question is does it matter that it is not part of the LOTC medium?
    The players are after all players from LOTC, and I'm glad that this kind of behaviour is not tolerated by our moderators.
    In my opinion there are no excuses, cyber-bullying (or bullying of any kind for that matter) is a horrible thing and it must be dealth with. And no it wasn't on the LOTC teamspeak yet I am glad that the moderators decided that we do not want this kind of players on our server. After all, if they pull this kind of stuff on another server there is no reason why they wouldn't do it on here as well...
    And for those who do not realise how harsh cyber bullying can be...just look at the amount of suicides yearly affiliated with (cyber)bullying. If you do that I am sure you'll understand why the moderators are so strickt about these things.

  2. *Eledyr gazes at where the portal was but a moment ago, still trembling from the effort he looks at the other clerics in the room and speaks*


    Mandru is right, we need to cease this meeting for now and go out to find Hosper! I suggest that we spread out and find this evil. However once someone manages to find Hosper do not try to save him by yourself. You have all seen what this evil is capable off.
    Together we stand a chance.
    Clerics let's do what we were meant to do all this time, protect this world from the evil and unholy things.


  3. ((I wish to point out that my character is also fit to teach and is in fact a very strong cleric since he has been one since the beginning of the order. This is not for boasting purposes but simple so that those whom do not know me because of my year away from the server know who I am. In addition to that if there are any question or if anyone doesn't  believe me just send me a pm))

    *Eledyr looks confused, apperantly none of the attendant had heard his prior statement or they had chosen to ignore it*

  4. *Listens to Ivanus speach with great interest, not interupting him*
    I was not there when what you speak of took place and I do not know anything about the order's structure or the way it works.
    But if what you say is true then do you not think that it is our job, as clerics whom all serve the same light, to give this order a new chance. 

    *Takes a deep breath before he continues*
    I believe that what this order needs most of all is a reform, A new leader must be chosen and the existing clerics should come forth so that the order has an idea of whom their brothers are. I also suggest that all training of pupils is put on hold untill you manage to find a way to make the order work. As for those whom no longer wish to be an active part of the order, as myself, I wish you all the best of luck. However we must never forget that we are all followers of the same light. Therefore I deem it our duty as master clerics to help this order find it's way once more.

    And I do agree with you (looks at Haruki)...at least for a part.
    The order should not return to what it once was. However I think that it would be a waste if we clerics did not share our knowledge with eachother. I am sure that there is a lot to be learned from one another. I also think that it is beneficial if we could keep track of eachother. So that when an evil arises we can band together and fight it off together!

    Therefore I suggest that the hierarchie within the clerics be diminished. We ar all equals, no one is worth more than the other and ones wisdom and value is not determined by his age or magical prowess. I suggest that we form a 'council' of sort. One wich every cleric takes a seat. Everyone would go their own way but when a meeting is called we would assemble. This way we can fight evil individualy but also count on the help and knowledge of those whom share the same goal.

  5. *An old looking elf enters the room, he pulls down the hood of his robe and reveals his face*
    Greetings, I do not think that most of you know me but my name is Eledyr and I was once a leader of this order.
    I am not here to claim the place of prophet, however I think that my knowledge both magic and non magic could be of use for the order.
    For those who do not know me nor have heard of me I shall briefly tell you my story.

    Back in Aegis I was one of the first pupils, I passed the tasks that where given and I became a cleric.
    When we transferred to Asulon however, our leader decided that he no longer wished to lead the order and he appointed me as his succesor. But I was young and foolish and instead of giving it my all I was not able to revive the order.
    I took a pupil myself, his name was Braxis and he was a promising young lad, so when I thought that he was wise enough I gave him command while I ventured out to find knowledge and peace in my travels.
    However I stayed in touch with Braxis and it saddened me what he did to the order but it was no longer my place to speak or confront him about it. Now that he is gone I wish to help the order once more, I can help us become true to our faith

  6. I've been trying to join or at least find the Clerics for the past few weeks and I've decided to get a little more pro-active about it. Judging by the distinct lack of activity on this thread and the lack of presence on the server I assume that the guild has either disbanded or is otherwise inactive. If this isn't the case I'd appreciate a reply. Even if the guild has disbanded, I would appreciate any contact from any practicing Cleric to my overtures.



    I'm going to be honest, I myself am dissapointed at the order.
    I complained before, tried to solve things in rp but was told "Things will get better come 3.0!"
    Well we have been here for a while now and besides some new threads nothing has happened.
    Therefore I think that it is safe to say that this guild is inactive, if you want to learn cleric magic contact Braxis and see if something can be done about it


  7. The Dunjal Pride






    Brief History:
    The Dunjal pride is not and old pride, they have only been formed recently by Yhl’Shavvir an elder of the Kha and an ex-Dra’Metza. The pride itself was formed for two main reasons. Firstly it was created to make a group of a kha’s with mutual interests so that they can live a healthy and strong life while being protected by the pride. Secondly it was made to protect the heritage and culture of the Kha. Yhl’shavvir has knowledge that he wants to pass on and by making the pride he would ensure that at least a handfull of kharajyr would know of the old ways and the old traditions. When Yhl’Shavvir decided to make the pride he turned to the one person that he trusts the most: Dri’Quorak. Together they formed the pride to what it is now, finding the perfect balance between the old ways and new.

    Structure of the pride:
    The structure of the pride is a basic ‘military’ structure:


    The Mane:

    The mane is the one that leads the pride, his word is final and overrules that of

    the council.


    The council:


    -The pride Champion:

    The person in the pride that has the higest number of wins

    in the arena. He does not have a special task within the pride but his opinion is

    appreciated because of prowess in battle.


    -The elders:

    All elders that are part of the pride are automaticly on the council, their task is to pass on

    their knowledge to the future generation.


    -The others:

    This can be anyone whom is chosen by the mane. The reason can range from a special skill to a high social status outside of the pride.


    The pride members:
    Everyone that is not on the council is a normal pride member, they are not worth less than the others. However they have to show respect to all those that are higher in the pride than they are (council and mane). They will most likely be warriors or arena fighters. Other jobs are frowned upon (see the dunjal way)





    The ‘way’ of the Dunjal:

    The Dunjal Pride is a pride that focusses on the art of fighting and war. All of the adult kha’s that have passed their trials are forced to chose one weapon and train with it untill they master it. They are trained by the elders and leaders of the pride, once they are deemed good enough they start teaching themselves and thus creating a constant flow of fresh warriors.

    Once a member of the pride has reached adulthood he will be ‘forced’ to chose a weapon of his choise wich he will use from that moment on. The Kha are allowed to use other weapons but their main objectif should be to master their ‘chosen’ weapon. That all members of the pride are trained warriors and not just soldiers that know how to use a variety of weapons but fail to master any of them.

    All adult pride members are expected to join the military of the Kharajyr. The only ecxeptions are female kha’ with cubs or kha’ that have reached a higher social status than that of warrior. (for example, Aelkos/Priest/...)

    Respect is one of the things that the Dunjal take as seriously as their fighting. They believe that the Kharajyr society is build on respect. All kha (even/especially) the cubs are thought to respect those that have a higher social status than them. Those that show disrespect to anyone that is higher in the social class than them (this includes non-pride members) will be banished from the pride.

    Current members:
    -Mane and Elder: Yhl’Shavvir Dunjal
    -Council members: Dri’Quorak Dunjal



    *a signup paper hangs at the bottom of the papers*


    Job and status within the empire:

    Weapon of choice:

    Weaknesses in battle:

    Strenghts in battle:

    Reason for joining the pride:

  8. *reads the letter and frowns "A letter from Braxis? First he ignores the letters I post and send and now he expects me to come running back?" He takes out a quill and starts writing down a reply*

    First of all congratulations on coming back to the 'real' world, I must say I didn't expect to every hear from you again. I received your message, and to be honest it has managed to dissapoint me...
    However I have stayed true to the faith, and I will do so now more than ever, sadly however I will not simply come running back to you like a dog that runs to his master after being kicked. I have said it before and I say it again, the order needs change, new leaders and a new mentality. Should nothing change, I fear I cannot stay, no matter how strong my believes I cannot server under men that return when the future seems bright for them. And yes, I am speaking of Hosper . I know that the order has changed and the way it works however I still think that we need a meeting between all clerics and paladins alike, to chose new 'leaders' and decide upon what comes next.

    (besides the pupils ofcourse). If this meeting is not held I fear that we must part ways...

    *Eledyr re-reads the letter and sends it off*

    ((edited because it wasn't finished when I accidentally first posted it))

  9. I'm going to make a quick suggestion (since Liri already bumped this :p)
    Maybe instead of just posting renders and the question of the day you could also make polls, talk about some funny moment, etc.
    Getting more involved on the social media websites. All I see now is the question of the day and (rarely) a render.

  10. I want to apologize, not for what I said because I still stand by that.
    However I do want to apologize for the fact that you thought this was aimed at Viper, because it wasn't.
    It was just simply me giving my opinion on something that happened, as far as I know we are allowed to do that.
    What you do with that opinion is entirely up to you. Also I didn't take it personal, especially not since apperantly
    everyone was qualified and everyone will be rp'ing as this antagonist in the end anyway.
    I do not stand by your decision but I can understand it....partially.
    I guess we'll just have to wait...

  11. I am not worrying about 'being left out' however I do worry about something else,
    We are all event team, we were al chosen for the same reasons and for the same job.
    What is happening now is that you are seperating the event team into two smaller groups: the ones that know about the lore and the ones that don't. Personally I don't mind having to wait but is the signal that you are sending, and the things that it might cause that do get at me. First of all you are giving certain people info while denieng it to other, they should both have acces to the lore especially since all of us will (if I can believe your words) be part of the antagonist anyway. Having acces to the lore, and being part of the antagonists doesn't mean that all of us should be rp'ing it would just be us getting ready for when we DO start rp'ing. What is the use of us having to raed over tons of lore and everything you already did when we have to join in? Why not let us be there from the start so that we can follow how everything develops. The signal that you are sending by accepting a select few into the group is:
    "Hey these people are more valuable than you, and I trust them more"
    If don't think that this is the signal you wanted to send but that IS the signal that I am getting.
    Like I said before, we are all part of the same team, if there are certain individuals that you do not trust enough with the lore than they shouldn't be on the team.
    You gave us the position, the job so the least you could do is trust us with the lore.
    Sorry if all of this sounds ragy, cause I'm not angry it is just that I do not agree with how this was handled.
  12. Shavvir looks at Ja'Natayshi, he tries not to take the words she said as an insult. He knows that he has an explanation to offer, and so he will

    She is right, Shavvir hasa bewn gawn fur tu longs...

    He has bewn griefung, fur his pawrtner und cub as wull as fur hish friend.
    Thuy ave gawn tu Metztli during tha travulss frum isle taw isle.
    Shavvir lawst hisself, but naw he's back...back fur tha Kha unda back fur tha Emparawr.
    I awsk, fur alwd timus sace, furgif shavvir fur is mistawkes...I ave learned and now am ready to pawss on ma knowledgss

    Grows silent and looks at the kha around him, it hits him hard how much has changed since he got out of that trance of saddnes and sorrow.
    He knows that it won't be easy to regain trust, but he will work on it for the betterment of the race.


  13. A strong yet old looking Kha stands at the gates of the island, he starts scanning the surroundings. Knowing that there has to be at least someone in the vicinity he starts speaking in a deep, strong voice.


    Sa'vi fellow Kha'
    I is 
    Yhl'Shavvir, his nam' is long porbably longa forgutten but he has a message.

    For thuse thaw remembur, He was strungg Dra' un after a wissa Aelkos.

    Nu, ol' unda forgutten, I coma again to teacha to those that wants mya wisdum.

    Before explaining what he means Shavvir takes a few deep breaths and takes a golden sword from his back and swings it around for a bit. It is obvious that he is trained in using this weapon


    Thiss isa sword, a weapun.
    With tha righta trainung itss can becuum much more.
    I uva been trained, long agu tu becuma a masterr in figthung, it wussa my taskk tu prutect tha Tla'Tiazar.
    Shavvir iss nuw olds und nut ass quick as he wus as a youngling, but he still knuws...
    I uva seen that a lut uf younglings are eagers tu fight, su I will teach thum whut I know.
    Fur anyoness that is interestud, they can cuum tu Yhl'Shavvir.

    Shavvir walks of, he knows that his speech wasn't long but he hopes that this will only attrackt the ones that are willing to work hard to become a good warrior.

    ((so basicly I decided that my character will be giving fighting instructions to those that want it. All my taining and knowledge come from what I actually learned in game back when I was still a Dra'. Since my character is an Eleder I thought I'd share his knowledge with those that are willing to))

  14. *reads the letter and sighs, getting to the end of it he feels a rage comming up. He goes outside and looks at the sun that is slowly rising*

    I do not understand what I have ever done to instult you, none of my letter were directly adressed to you (it is only because you are the only order member that replies that I direct my messages to you). First of all you are just taking my words and turn them so that they fit in the image you have of me. I still stand by my points but I won't speak of them again till a meeting is held. However Fengric, I never was angry at you, you have insulted me deeply by suggesting that I do not know what I speak off. I hoped that we could be colleagues, maybe even friends but I fear that you have gone to far...I will not argue with you for that would only hurt the order.
    If you want to talk in a more formal, and less personal way (since you seem to have a grudge against me) I will gladly do that.
    But for now I say goodbye.
    Signed Eledyr

  15. *he quickly reads over fengric's letter and sighs, He doesn't seem to speak the same language I do...*
    He quickly writes another letter that he sends back to fengric with his own bird

    It amazes you that I am this persistent?
    Well, it amazes me that I have to explain the same thing over and over again, it's like I'm talking to a wall. First of all as I remeber correctly I did not say they never call for us, heck I even said that they call for me. What I did say however is that they never call for the Order, they call for us in person. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing however keep in mind that it would be better if they knew that there is an order that they can trust, not just a few individuals. Secondly why can you not believe me when I say that numbers are not thing that matters? Yes more clerics are needed but we cannot simply accept anyone that wants to join, if we would do that we would be not better than every single knightly order in Oren.

    Secondly, you want to use my own words against me yet you do not realise that what you said only made my statement clearer. I have not and can not take a pupil, not because I don't want to, neither because I don't think anyone is an able candidate. The answer as to why is simple tho, I am not allowed to. I am but a mere cleric, am I not? I am no teacher, no master cleric that can accept or deny people into the order. Same for you, you are just a paladin. Do not see this as an insult, because it isn't. This is just me trying to make clear to you one of the many problems this order has. Those who are allowed to make changes don't and those that want to aren't allowed. 

    I hope that this letter is more understandable than the previous one, since it seems that you didn't understand. Weather it is ignorance or just not wanting to understand I don't know.

    Signed Eledyr


  16. -Eledyr sits down at his desk and sighs. It had been more than an elven week now since he send his message outward, yet only one person replied and he wasn't even a full cleric yet. He knows that at least some of the birds had to have reached their goal, especially the bird to Fengric, yet even he did not reply.-

    Maybe they did not receive the message after all...or maybe they just didn't care...
    I cannot wait forever, if they don't want to help than so be it! The least I did was try.

    -Eledyr takes out a quill and some paper he opens his bottle of ink, after wrestling with it for a while, and start stiring in the bottle with a small stick. Meanwhile he start thinking about the content that he will write in the letter. When the ink is sturred enough he takes his quill and starts writing.


    To any and all members of the clerical order,
    Since the previous letter apperantly did not manage to reach everyone I send out a new one. In the hopes that this time I get a response. The order is no longer what it used to be. We have become nothing more than an empty shell, bearers of empty titles of wich the meaning has long been forgotten. We are weak, we no longer seem to know what to do and some of us have even become so bound to a nation that they would no longer be able to remain neutral. We are weak, when people need healing they do not ask for a cleric. No, they ask for a forest wich or an elven 'doctor'. They either do not trust us or do not know us at all. And we can't blaim them, it is our own fault that people lose trust and fait. We are spread out, no one knows eachother anymore and our leader? Well lets just say that even he did not respond to my previous message, and neither did the high cleric for that matter. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, we are all to share the blame but they are the ones that are supposed to keep this order together. Therefore I give them an ultimatum. Either they return to their positions, do their job and start mending to
    our self inflicted wounds. Their second choice is to step down and let someone else take upon himself the burden of leading this order... If they do neither of that, and ignore this message...I WILL take matter in my own hands I doubted about it at first but as I am writing this I am getting more certain about these choises. I do this for the order, for the pupils without teacher, for the knowledge that can't be passed on. I ask of you, wether you are pupil, cleric or teacher...respond to this message and voice your opinion!
    Signed, Eledyr


    -Eledyr re-reads the letter and rests his quill, satisfied with the result he starts copying the letter, some of them he close with wax other he doesn't. After this he goes to the hawkery and starts sending of the letters to all different places. In the hope that a cleric might find one. The other letters he hangs on noticeboards. one on each of the new isles and one at the docks of the old isle. He hopes to reach Braxis, for if he doesn't the times ahead would be hard


  17. Malinor Citizenship Application


    Truename ((MCName)):


    I was born and raised in Solace after wich I started traveling around, not staying at one place for longer than a year.

    What do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor:
    I wish to become a citizen of Malinor simply because, most of my time is spend in Malinor.
    I have left the human lands for personal reasons (no I am not one the run for anyone, nor am I being prosecuted).
    Now I wish to become a citizen so that I can find myself a place to live in the elven lands.

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor:
    I hereby agree to follow any and all rules.

    I am a Cleric of the clerical order, I am capable of healing both by using magic as by using the more 'normal' recources.
    Reading and studying are my hobbies, I would love to share my knowledge with those that need it.
    However, and this is important, I have sworn to remain neutral in battles that do not concern an 'evil'.
    If it would come to a war between the elves and another Nation I would not pick a side, therefore I will not be able to join any branch of the military.


  18. *a Letter is send to all members of the order, it is also send to Braxis multiple times Eledyr hopes that the birds know where he is*
    People from the order,
    I write this letter because I wish to confirm a date for a meeting.
    We have not spoken in a long while and I wish for us to meet to discuss the problems considering our current state.
    On top of that I think that we need to talk about who has what position in the order and who has what tasks and duties.
    I know that most have not heard of me but I have been in this order for more than 6 elven months now.
    I have spend my days healing the wounded and assisting the weak but there is only so much one man can do.
    It is time for us to rise again, a reform is needed and I say it starts today!
    It is time for a change of the way we think and do things, otherwise our order is doomed to die a silent dead.
    Eledyr Cleric of the order

  19. * recieves one of the letters, and reads them, after reading he tugs it away in one of his pockets*
    I do not know of this Paladin, yet again I have not seen anyone from the order in over a decade. 
    Even Braxis hasn't contacted me...These are not good times for the order...something has to be done...

  20. *an owl arrives, it is carrying a letter, when you open it you can see a message written in blue ink*


    while I find your organisation noble and just I have a request, no not a request more a demmand.
    I ask of you to change your name, long ago there was already a guild named the (white) ravens.
    They had the same goals and ideas as you, they as well dreamed of a better world. However,
    Like almost everything, eventually they failed and got corrupted. The reason that I want you to change
    your name is for your own safety. The ravens have made many enemies in the past, some of wich are still
    around to date. It would be, unfortunate if you would be killed simply because of a name.
    Another suggestion that I make, tho is a suggestion and not a demand like the previous, is that you drop this idea.
    There are manier groups around that have the same goal as you, groups that already have fighters and supplies.
    Why not rather join them? After all a club makes a far better weapons than a twig.
    Consider my words and don't be afraid to write a reply, send it to tent camp at the docks. I'll pop by every day to look for a message.


  21. ((Nicely done, however I was wondering when I can/will become a Cleric instead of pupil. I have contacted you before but I guess that it you haven't noticed it. I have been a pupil for abour 5 months now and had a lot of training with healing spells and got an accepted MA. so yeah just wondering))

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