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Posts posted by Eledyr

  1. *these notes are posted in all big city's*

    Sabet, 21st of Sun's smile year 45

    People from Asulon! I Geoffrey Blackwood am looking for the braves soldiers that I can find. Are you a man or woman that is capable of handling a bow or sword and are you eager to use it? Search no more the Blackwood legion is recruiting and we can use all help. As a legionnair of the Blackwood legion you would serve as the guards and army of the Blackwood province of Dydimo, an upcomming Nation state. Your tasks would include guarding the wall. Patrolling the city and protecting the important buildings and members of the Blackwood society. All guards shall be given full equipment (in iron) and also a place to live. If the soldiers wish to buy a home in the city they shall also be given a discount. If you are interested send a birt to Western Dydimo.

    Signed Geoffrey Blackwood, Pontifex

    *A few other notes are attached as well*

    The accepted charter for the City states of Levantus

    *The Military of the western province of Dydimo*

    -The Pontifex(currently Geoffrey Blackwood)

    The Pontifex is the great leader of the Blackwood province (western Dydimo),

    The title of Pontifex is passed down from generation on generation, however every pontifex has the ability to change this during his ruling, The tasks of the Pontifex are overseeing the military and the politics of Blackwood, For example when a new law is suggested by the senate this first needs to be approved by the pontifex before it can even be considered, In terms of military, during war the Pontifex discusses the tactics with his generals and he also oversees the battle, He is expected to fight alongside his men to ensure that he is not considered a coward

    -The Legionnaires:

    The Legionnaires are the main soldiers of the province, they are well trained and well equipped soldiers that fight in Cohorts (see cohorts), They are also the guards of the Province and the western part of the twin city during peace time, All Legionnaires are trained in a specific weapon, although the sword is still the weapon that is used most of all.

    -The Cohorts

    A cohort is a group of Legionnaires, 10 to be exact,

    In total the army of Blackwood will consist out of 3 Cohorts each with their own leader: the Centurion(see Centurii), All cohorts are specified in one branch of the army,

    You have the Taurus cohort, this one is the main vanguard of the army and they are the most common,

    Secondly you have the Accipiter Cohort, these are the archers and scouts of the army,

    And thirdly you have the preatorians, this is not a real cohort in the meaning of the word, These are the elite soldiers that have taken an oath to protect the Pontifex, To be a part of this group is one of the greatest honours that a soldier can get,

    -The Centurii

    The Centurri (plural) are the 'generals' of the army, they are each in charge of their own Cohort,

    The generals are the ones who, in times of war, lead the army together with the pontifex, They are looked up to with great respect and are each given a noble home in the twin city of didymo, They are also free of any kind of taxes, In return these people have to make sure that the province stays save, This is done by regular training for the legionnaires and scouting missions by the accipiter legion.

  2. +1 You'll find I will support anyone that have the guts enough to break away and become their own people.

    Also instead of just OOCing how your government works why not also write a IC constitution on how your government will preform, what makes the leader the leader, how do you get a new leader, who controls the military. It is easy just take one of the many constitutions or government documents written in the real world such as the US Constitution, US Bill of Rights, English Bill of Rights, etc and use it as a base format to build around.

    I did not show you guys anything ic yet because I do not want to start doing IC posts about the province untill I am absolutly sure that it will become reality.

  3. This is the simplified version of how the Governement of the blackwood part of Dydimo will work.

    Some info about the Twin city of Dydimo:

    The twin city(state) of Dydimo is a city state that is split in two provinces: the western province

    (under rule of the Blackwoods) and the Eastern province (under rule of oupavoq), They live in a common city that is also split in two parts (by the river that flows through it), Both parts of the city and the state as a whole, are lead by their own governement, However they share the same ideals and the same goals, So in general this is a nation state that is split in two, uncluding the city itself,

    (any questions conserning this can be send to me in a pm)

    The Governement and Military of western Dydimo

    *The governement:*

    -The Pontifex(currently Geoffrey Blackwood)

    The Pontifex is the great leader of the Blackwood province (western Dydimo),

    The title of Pontifex is passed down from generation on generation, however every pontifex has the ability to change this during his ruling, The tasks of the Pontifex are overseeing the military and the politics of Blackwood, For example when a new law is suggested by the senate this first needs to be approved by the pontifex before it can even be considered, In terms of military, during war the Pontifex discusses the tactics with his generals and he also oversees the battle, He is expected to fight alongside his men to ensure that he is not considered a coward,

    -The Senate:

    The Senate is the council of western Dydimo, they consist of 5 senators who are supposed to be wise and able to make important decissions, They are in charge of both internal diplomacy as diplomacy with the other city-states, They also are in charge of keeping the people happy and the Province wealthy, This means that they also oversee the economy and the justice system of Western Dydimo, The senators are those who are chosen to sit in the senate, out of the total of five senators two are chosen by the people of the Blackwood province, These socalled Tribunes are those who stand closest to the people of western dydimo,

    The Leader of the Senate is the Consul, he is in charge of leading the senate and organizing regular meetings, He is also the one that brieves the findings of the senate to the Pontifex, The Consul is also considered the right hand of the Pontifex, taking over command of the province in his abcense,

    *The Military:*

    -The Legionnaires:

    The Legionnaires are the main soldiers of the province, they are well trained and well equipped soldiers that fight in Cohorts (see cohorts), They are also the guards of the Province and the western part of the twin city during peace time, All Legionnaires are trained in a specific weapon, although the sword is still the weapon that is used most of all,

    -The Cohorts

    A cohort is a group of Legionnaires, 10 to be exact,

    In total the army of Blackwood will consist out of 3 Cohorts each with their own leader: the Centurion(see Centurii), All cohorts are specified in one branch of the army,

    You have the Taurus cohort, this one is the main vanguard of the army and they are the most common,

    Secondly you have the Accipiter Cohort, these are the archers and scouts of the army,

    And thirdly you have the preatorians, this is not a real cohort in the meaning of the word, These are the elite soldiers that have taken an oath to protect the Pontifex, To be a part of this group is one of the greatest honours that a soldier can get,

    -The Centurii

    The Centurri (plural) are the 'generals' of the army, they are each in charge of their own Cohort,

    The generals are the ones who, in times of war, lead the army together with the pontifex, They are looked up to with great respect and are each given a noble home in the twin city of didymo, They are also free of any kind of taxes, In return these people have to make sure that the province stays save, This is done by regular training for the legionnaires and scouting missions by the accipiter legion.

    Extra note:

    I am aware that at the moment this all may seem a very simple ruling system.

    however during time we will adapt it and expand on it (for example more military branches).

  4. I am not a real fan of bringing them back,

    However should they be brought back I hope for both the ascended and undead to come back.

    (since that is the only thing that would make sence rp wise). However things would need to change for it to be somewhat enjoyable.

    Also who would decide who gets to be undead or ascended?

    Would you just bring back all the old once or would you choose some new rp'ers as well?

  5. *reads the note with interest, he than asks his guard to take a quill and some ink out of his bag*

    Greetings sir Censtan,

    I might have a place for you where you can work as a smith.

    However sadly this place is still in the making but if you are willing to wait a few days than I will be able to give you a home and workshop for free. However in return for the home you will either pay a small tribute to me or smith some tools and weapons for the rest of the kingdom.

    If you are capabable of mining that would be even more excellent since that would allow you to gain your own materials. Let me know if you are interested.


    Geoffrey Blackwood

  6. We are still tweaking both archery damage modifiers and slowness of armor. DW we will make it balanced :P.

    as you can see they are still tweaking and 'fixing' the issues/problems. I am sure everything will be much more balanced when they are done.

  7. Loyal fellows of my guild,

    It is with pain in my hart that I have to say that I will be gone for 3 elven weeks.

    I'd rather stay but my <relative or friend> is sick and he needs a medicine that can only be found in the far away plains. I have taken this task upon myself for the safety of my friend.

    After these 3 elven weeks I will return and take the tasks as guild member upon me once more.


    Always loyal, Nikias

    (( I will be gone for the next 3 weeks ))

    This is a rp way of saying that you will be gone for some time, as you see I added an ooc note at the end but that is not even needed. Just like I did this you can rp almost everything.

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