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Posts posted by Eledyr

  1. (( I strongly agree with Serenityonyx on this topic, voiding the rp won't solve anything. Rather then that we will just have to strike back in rp. Yes perhaps we are weak at the moment but that was something that we (at least I) knew that was going to happen. All new races have certain difficulty's (I know from when I was a mor) and it is up to us to face them in rp. Perhaps we could make a counter attack or ask the High elves for help. This attack actually opened up some rp for us with the other races of Asulon. I say embrace it and kick their asses in rp.

  2. *As shavvir walks towards the farms and animal pen he notices that the crops look withered and the animals sick and unfed. He looks for the farmer responsible for it but then he comes to the conclusion that there is none. He then goes to his shack and writes a letter adressed to all the other Kha's on the island.*

    Sa'vi To all of you,

    The empire is groing and flourishing, structures are being made and ores are mined.

    yet a problem has come up, there is not enough food for everyone, the crops are withering and there is not a single Kha' that is taking care of them. No food also means no animals wich in return means no leather for clothing and armor nor will there be wool for robes. This needs to be solved quickly fellow Kha, that is why Ri'Shavvir writes this message. To tell all of you that the empire is looking for a Kha to take care for the crops and the animals on the Tattlani's farms. The Kha' that accepts this offer will be allowed to keep 20% of all food and other materials that are gained from both the animal pen as the wheat farm.

    If you are interested in this job then do not hesitate and pin a response to this message.

    Signed Ri'Shavvir,

    Truluk of the Empire

  3. ((IC)) Name:


    ((IC)) Age:


    ((IC)) Profesion:

    While he moonblade at the moment he no longer feels like fighting, an old wound at his leg has left him unable to form a threat to the other fighters and that is why he is planning on resigning when he gets the chance.

    ((IC)) Reasons why we should choose you:

    *Shavvir feels nervous as he sees the crowd, what will they think? But he knows that what he is doing is the right choice. He know that he is destined for this role and he knows that he will do the best he can to achive it.

    He then walks up to the crowd and starts speaking*

    Gather around Kha for Shavvir has an important message, I shavvir is going to try and achieve the role of Truluk. Not many of you know me, I was previously known as Dra’Shavvir moonblade of the great Tla’xerdun.

    Like all of you know he has, unfortunately moved on to join Metzli in her entourage and so a new time comes.

    The time of the great Blood Emperor. Times change and so do persons, while I was a ferocious fighter in the past I got hit in the leg by a surprise attack by a many-leg which has given me trouble to fight. That is why I am resigning the role of Moonblade and I will try and get a chance to work with my second passion, building. I want to make this Island, no our island into a true gift from Metzli. In my entire time of living I have always had a passion for building and I have helped with the construction of some of the homes you live in already. I understand it if you would rather see a known face as Truluk but today is not the time to think about having friends in the right positions for your own pleasure. Today is of making a choice that will affect the empire as a whole. So choose wisely my fellow Kha’ and know that I will be here for you.

    ((IC)) Do you understand the Truluk duties, if yes, please explain:

    *Shavvir tries to rate his success with the audience, sadly he is seeing that it is not going well

    The other Kha’s had forgotten about him in his long absence during wich he lied in bed recovering of his wounds

    Yet he does not lose hope for he knows that Metzli is with him*

    I assume that most of you know and understand the duties of the Truluk and I want you to know that I do as well If I would be given the honour of becoming the new Truluk I know what I have to do. At the moment our island is like a piece of unpolished armor, while it looks good from afar it is dirty and messy when closely inspected. In that way the empire is also like a blunt weapon, pretty to look at yet useless since it has not been sharpened. I , Shavvir will try and make both happen. I will make the empire functional yet astonishing.

    There will be homes for everyone, training grounds for our loyal military and even the market will be tidied up.

    Like I already said fellow Kha’s with a new empire also come new chances and we should take that chance to form the empire like we want for once and for all. I hope that my speech has made you understand where I am coming from and what I will do for you and the empire. Now I leave all of you with one last question to think about. What would you rather see? An empire in ruins inhabited by shy Kha kind, or a Beautifull island with proud Kha family’s? Know that I will make sure that the second happens. Now a good day to all of you and may Metzli watch over you.

    *walks of towards his home not knowing whether the other Kha’s truly believe in him, he is unsure yet he feels relieved for he knows that today he has helped, or at least tried to help the empire that he loves and cherishes.*

    (IC)) Can you bring yourself to sacrafice another when requested?:

    That question is a hard one to ask, While if it where necessary to bring a sacrifice I would. But for the honour of sacrificing on the festivals and other I will leave that to my, hopefully one day, colleague Sostelos and the priests for they are more capable when it comes to sacrificing.

    ((OOC)) Minecraft name:


    ((OOC)) An Aelkos position means you will be helping us run the race OOCly and ICly, Are you prepared for this responsability and have the time for it?:

    My online time will be limited to about 3 hours a day since I have school and other irl things to take care off.

    However I do think that that should be enough in-game time while at least another 3 hours will be me spending my time making plans for the betterment of the empire. I also understand that it will put a great weight on my shoulders and also a great responsibility but I think that I am capable of it. I have seen this race go through everything. I have seen us struggle in the beginning when most of you didn’t even know about us. I have seen the first and the second downfall and also the last very current rise. Yes we have been through a lot but I want to make sure that all of that hard work does not go to waste. Xerdun had to leave us recently because of irl priority’s but I will try and do my best to make us, his legacy to this server live on. I have to admit that I myself have not been very active in game lately and for that I apologize, I have been busy but now that I have seen how much work needs to be done still (cause lets not lie a lot of work needs to be done before we are completely ready) I want to help the best I can. Now if you still wonder whether I am just in it for the power then there is not much more that I can do to prove that all I want is the best for this race, not only for me or Xerdun no, I want this for all of you and the other players on lotc.

    And as the old sign in Va’kharaja jewel of the sand once said: common guys let’s

    make this epic 

    ((OOC)) What have you done for the race so far?:

    At the moment not many things come to my mind, I have helped in the old days with building and creating ideas for festivals. I also designed some traps that sadly never saw daylight. I helped my friend Fox the ,then, social Aelkos with some ideas as well. As for now the last few months I have not done a lot, I gathered recourses and made some houses and a design for a tavern. I helped on Deco’s build server and I have pm’ed some members with my ideas that I had. I know that what I have done is not a lot but that was mostly because I had either no time to do it or someone else was already doing it. Now that the race is on a turning point either making it or living the same fate as the mori, I am going to put everything I have in it. I WIIL write lore and I WILL make buildings and plans. And yes I will rp more frequently. I understand that some of you won’t trust me because of my sudden return to them I say please do. I know that I am for it and I know that I can do the job.

    I hope that All of you just at least consider me, Thanks to all who read this.

    Your friendly fellow Kharajyr Nikias

  4. Goodbye honourable Tla' it was an honour, may metztli guide you.

    *faces Shavvir I will now go and seek for people that have not yet heared of it, I suppose Metzli will choose a new Tla soon and then we need to be ready for it.

    ((xer I'll miss you truely, We haven't rp'ed a lot together but sure I had fun when we did. You will always get the outmost respect from me for making this race. I know howmuch time it took, I do and for that sir

    I take my hat off)

  5. * Dra'shavvir hears the roar from Ri'shajjir. and goes to see what happened, when he arrive there he freezes*

    Is he...No that can't be, Shavvir does not want to believe this!

    *he looks at the body and has to see the sad truth, the geat Tla'xerdun has died*

    Al so sudden...I don't get it *he then turns to Shajirr*

    Stand up, you need to be strong. We cannot weep now, the empire needs us and you to be strong now.

    First we need to move his body someplace safe and then we wake everyone and tell them...

  6. *you see a pamflet hanging on your local notice board*


    Goodday reader o' this pamflet,

    Le' me introduce meself, I am The wandering dwarf and I am looking for you!

    Not for any fighting noncense no nothing like that. What I am looking fer is,...TALENT.

    Ye heard me, I am looking fer talent musical talent to be more accurate.

    Why ye wonder? Well I cannot tell to much for that would ruin the suprise now wouldn't it?

    Lets just say that I am planning an event that ye shall remeber for a long, long time.

    So if ye have any kind of talent like playing the lute or juggling or anything that ye can entertain people then pleas send a letter to Roseus Aquila with a response.

    Signed The wandering Dwarf

    ((if interested send me a pm ))

  7. I am going to be honest when I say this,

    Dear xerdun I have "helped" on this race since september and I have always known you as a hardworking loyal and most of all kind person. I would hate to see you leave but I would understand. Always remember nomatter howmuch fun this game is it is what it is,...a game. Never put it before your own personal life and especially not infront of your study's since they are your future.

    So that is why I say xerdun, if you think you can keep doing this and still pass your study's then pleas stay. If not however than give the position to someone else, temporary untill you are ready to claim it again.

  8. Denied

    -pleas change the example of powergaming as it is not entirely correct

    -Change your bio, there are no other (known) lands then Asulon

    -pleas include your skin in the proper format (I cannot see it, the link does not work)

    -You cannot auto magic in your app, all magic ability's must be learned in game and true rp

  9. *posts a note on the druidic notice board*

    It appears that I am guidless, let me explain.

    When I was accepted as a dedicant into the duidic order I was apointed Jameson as my guide.

    He has send me a letter telling me that he has retired and that he cannot be my guide.

    Now I am wondering, what should I do?

    If anyone would be able to help me with this matter I would appreciate it.


    Dedicant grundill

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