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Posts posted by Riizu

  1. I'm not moaning for myself, I'm just saying there were people that should have become an Ascended before a former Iblees worshipper. It seems whoever Bell likes gets whatever they want.

    ((Bell had NO influence on Latsi's place in the Ascended. She actually REMOVED herself from our race, do to disagreements. We chose to bring Latsi in because he proved himself an amazing RP'er, and we understood the ORIGINAL reason for why he joined the Undead. Please be aware folks that we add people when we can, and routinely go out in the world and RP with people. This is why we do events and such, so we can get to know a broad spectrum of players. While it may seem like we through a fair few parties, its because we need a method of meeting players.))

  2. *finishes scribing his answer, and attaches it to a pidgeon that you soon receive*


    we are strongly considering a counter-attack against the Undead, once our numbers become stronger. Please keep an eye on the horizon, as you soon may see more on this matter. Until then, we will take note of your concern, and act accordingly. We apologize for a lack of a presence in the north. While we attempted to stop the destruction of Snowy Fields, we were defeated by the Undead. I assure you though, this will not happen. We intend to grow our numbers, and nip this in the bud before this gets any worse.


    Master Sage Riizu

  3. Apologies for OOC:

    To be honest, I like that the Ascended are a rarity in battle and general conflict. I believe it actually adds to the RP, despite what you might think. In many ways, it reflects how religion is viewed by some in the real world. Many people feel that either they've been abandoned, there is nothing to worship or look up to for lack of evidence, or the matter is entirely of little consequence.

    In Aegis, alignment with God typically translates to moral warmth and fullness. That might not always be true, although I haven't really seen anything to say otherwise, yet. Regardless, heresy or any similar acts in some way against Aegis' religion are viewed as crimes worthy of punishment. In short, according to law in Aegis, if you don't respect the God of Aegis, you might be looking at some trouble, it seems.

    I'll continue under the assumption that worshiping the God of Aegis (in-game) means morally good, and doubt or any such disbelief represents morally lacking.

    I typically feel that being good all of the time is more difficult than being bad anytime (apologies for the general terms), and I assert that this should be represented in games more often (at least the ones with moral choices).

    In regards to RP, the absence or otherwise lack of action of the Ascended represents a certain religious strife of sorts. It may push the people toward the Undead, having lost hope. It may drive people to moral seclusion, acting on their own desires, having cut themselves off from the rest of society. My point is that, even if there are OOC reasons for complaints, this provides a pretty rich set of circumstances for RP.

    ((This. All the time. As Sue would say, all day, errday.

    But, back on topic. You complain that the Ascended is too weak. We just had a full out ASSAULT on the Undead yesterday, and while they packed a mighty punch, and we now have a huge RP situation, that being Brunhyldir's betrayal, they still got wrecked. There hasn't been a single battle so far the Undead have won. Please consider things like that before you complain of our weak powers.

    As well as that, yes, the spells currently are weak, but thats because they are meant to be TIER 1 spells. They WILL get stronger. So while we dont have much right now in the form of magic, we will get a lot more, and eventually be the strongest ones on the battlefield IF we have people to watch are back. Here's an example:






    So, I know it looks like a bunch of random symbols, but here's the breakdown. The *'s are Undead, and the dashes are their minions. The tilde's (~) are empty space, the w's are warriors, the A's are Ascended, the S's are shamans, and the d's are druids. In this situation, the ascended would be the primary battlemages, while magic from the other races defends us, and the warriors protect us from melee attacks. In an ideal situation like this, which as far as I can tell is meant to be what the devs strive for, it will be an equal battle IF the undead are buffed through the roof. A gameplay situation like this fosters better RP, teamwork, and a possibly more interesting fight. (ie. druids have a job healing, proper leadership, strategy, etc) ))

  4. ((Eos, Lightning and Mob Summon are spells for ALL Undead. Currently, most of the mobs are just bypassed anyway by Undead opponents. Please do not complain about Undead vs Ascended magic-wise. We are actually very well matched, especially considering Undead magic is SUPPOSED to be stronger. For example, they get stronger magic, but we get actual allies, and when magic is fully implemented, that means all of the other races magic too. Ascended are meant to be weak alone, but when they join a battle, they can turn the tide, because of our powerful offensive spells.))

  5. ~Everyone crowds around as Master Sage Riizu posts a new notice on the Haven Notice Board, eventually it is up, and he backs away~

    A notice to all Ascended:

    On Monday, August 1st, the Council of Sages will be formally attending the Funeral of King Perea, the King who was killed in a valiant battle against the undead. As such, we shall wear our battle robes to the event, in honor of his memory. If any other Ascended wish to join it is asked that you:

    - Wear the Acolyte Battle Robes (http://tinypic.com/r/2625bv8/7)

    -Maintain absolute silence, and show the respect that both the King deserves, as well as the rest of Aegis (this means dont talk in OOC. Set an example for the rest of the Atendees)

    -Listen to the speeches (This means be on TeamSpeak server)

    -Sit with the rest of the crowd. While being an Ascended is special, you are no better or worse than the rest of Aegis. By sitting with them, you show unity with the rest of the races, which is whats important.

    If you have any questions, please contact Master Sage Riizu. The ceremony begins at 5 PM EST. (Thats 4 CST, 3 MST, and 2 PST)

    ~Master Sage Riizu

  6. Yes, the gates currently in place were created to keep people out of the Main City. (For reference, the underground portion is called the Main City, NOT the undercity) It is not available for access except to the Ascended. If you wish to get down, please use the Blink spell to get past the gates. Thank you.

  7. *You receive a furled scroll, bound by twine. Unraveling it, you discover a letter written in looping text*

    ~Attention Ascended!~

    There is currently an issue within the ranks of the Ascended. For the most part, very few are proving themselves true images of what the Ascended stand for. This MUST change. The whole of Aegis is beginning to find us unnecessary, and occasionally, detrimental to their survival. Any questions should be directed towards myself.


    Master Sage Riizu


    So, RP off. First, in case your wondering, thats what a post is MEANT to be like in the RP forums. I felt a little reminder could be used, considering very few posts in this thread are voiced like that.

    Secondly, in case you couldn't tell from the RP, we have a problem. Of the VERY few members we have, even FEWER are properly RP'ing, being an active part of the world of Aegis, and in general, not acting like Ascended. While I was unable to watch the class today, I heard from some that most of it wasn't even IN character. Regardless of if you know the people, its an RP event, which means it NEEDS TO BE IN RP. I mean really, the Ascended and Undead are meant to be.

    As well as that, people are just conducting themselves in a very immature manner. Regardless of WHAT story your character has, discussing your genitals with another player is NOT allowed on Lord of the Craft, and as Ascended, you should KNOW better. So, how bout a checklist eh?

    1. You're Ascended. Act like it.

    2. Stay IN character, and if you're going to talk out of it, using OOC brackets (()).

    3. Being in character means using PROPER speech, such as capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Just cause you have to type a message doesn't mean you get away with not speaking proper English.

    4. Talking about your genitals is NEVER allowed. Not just in Haven, but on the server at all.

    Really people, things like this aren't just expected from Ascended, there expected from EVERYONE! As Ascended, if you're accepted it means that you are supposed to be the pristine example of an amazing player on LotC. So start doing it.

    One final note, and this is directed towards those in a leadership position. You're supposed to represent these qualities even MORE. So, NEVER leave IC unless you use brackets. If someone provides a decent reason for something that coincides with what the Ascended exist for, don't fight them on it, and in general just use good judgement. I'm tired of feeling like im the only person who really cares about the RP environment. If you see an Ascended breaking these rules, REPRIMAND them. NO ONE is guaranteed a spot in this race, even if they are known outside the game.

    Lets make this better, and start showing that the Ascended ARE special, and don't just talk big.



    P.S. I will also be adding the minecart track to the top of the towers. This should provide faster access to the main nation. I will also be looking into more on the ship contest as the main concern most of us have right now is we are unable to reach any battles from where we are.

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