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Posts posted by Riizu

  1. And I also can't leave the city, because the gates are locked........which is a big pain too.

    There's actually a very elegant solution to this issue, which would be blinking through the gate. Just jump and right-click while holding your "Wand." I am fairly sure there will be a tutorial on this later, and will be the mass solution for when the city is locked down.

    Will permissions be granted once training is over, and we have been proven to be honest people, and you know we aren't going to be stealing things?

    I truly wish just going through training was enough for us to judge character. Unfortunately, that isn't the case, as seen with Nialena. (I STILL am probably not spelling that name right)

    I do believe a more elegant solution for food is needed though. Perhaps either the solution Sage Candle has posted, or we can look into maybe a communal cafeteria or something.

    Ultimately, I will admit that as sages there are some things we forget, but I don't think were being TOO irrational about this. I'd rather see the city extremely protected and everyone's valuables and homes safe then not protected and griefed all the time. Months of effort went into the city, and we'd rather not see it wasted.

    I would LOVE to see you're ideas for solutions to this problem though! :(

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