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  1. im gmt but on week ends ill go all night if i want to
  2. Name: Tofh MCName:tofh30 A bit about yourself: I'm a dwarf, and i come from a small village in the south east. in that village combat based skills a neccessary to be ecsepted into the tribe. And I did, since then I have been part of the dwarven armie and promoted to the head archer, after I moved into hunting, soon after I did bounty hunting . from what you read I seem rich but no. (Im sorry for being so bad a the intro Im sorta in a rush...) Your skills: Scoting, archery and spy work Your goals: have fun. What do you bring: i can bring great skill, with me i can change the field. Other notes: I would prefer a bow with arrows with maby a stone sword, i also work better with groups of three or less, unless your getting me to lead a big charge. im great at completing specialized missions, i have alot of expirience. (Im really sorry about my bad post, i was in a rush but if you want to test me go ahead... im ready for any challange.)
  3. MC name:tofh30 RP name:Tofh Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC): I come from a village were fighting is compulsary, to become true to the village you must comite an assasination to some that is close to you. After I left my home looking for a force alies to share my hate and betrail with. i went from working with the dwarf legion, to being a spy, hunter and bounty hunter. i have seen it all and lived it all. i have fought undead and succeded. i have foght waves and wave of orcs and men and came out victorious with out a scrach. I left a small group of soldiers in the deserts, fighting orcs. but they betraid me. Stole my armour weapons and left me with no bread. returning to my last home to find out that it was burnt down to the ground in the war... Now im tiered of following rules of the kings, i want a family and friends to hunt and kill with, and here I feal that here I will make my home, but i dont come to serve mead and bread i come to kill but to kill with family. Why do you wish to join us?: To have a family to kill with, and to have people I can trust( irl: have fun and because it reminds me of a bad ass gang in skyrim by the name of dark brotherhood) What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial): I had a farm, I am a very constant miner, i have alot of hunting expirience and bounty hunting aswell, i know how to intiidate people. as long as you provide the tools. I was in the dwarven archery guild. What are your most prominent skills (Include the level of these skills):archery Do you worship Iblees?:no Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?:no Do you understand and agree to the rules:yes. I have read them and I'm willing to follow to it
  4. The valve rangers are an elite force for the protection of the valve. In this force you are required to do many things including guarding, killing and spying; some other things are to gather materials, kill mobs and build. If you are thinking to be in the Valve rangers force you have to be very disciplined and able to follow simple orders without complaining or asking too many questions. When you do get in contact with Tofh30 or Winner123456789 you will be put to the test of accuracy, movement and position. There will be few steps of training before you join the force. After you passed the test you will be asked to do a task, to gain a our trust. After your task has been complete you will be serving the Valve rangers. However this does not mean you will have to be in the valve protecting it all the time, you will be able to the normal things that you would usually would in the server. In the headquarters there will be houses for you to live in for a small price, you will not have to pay any tax or extra cost unless the rule changes. We have training grounds in the Valve and the Dwarven capital, if you are a Human or Ork it would be best to go to the valve. If you do need help on getting to the Valve we can either send a ranger to come and assist you or you can watch a video that I will be making on how to get to the Valve. To contact us you can send Tofh30 or DarkThunder247 a message. If you have any questions please leave a comment down bellow. (you can post your submissions down bellow.) sign up form: -MC name: -Name: -race: -Why do you want to join: -How often do you play: -How reliable you think you are: -What do you expect from this legion: -Do you have Skype: These are the answers you can answer to get in the valve rangers.
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