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Posts posted by Nononymous

  1. Redbain sits on the road, citizens running left and right. He sheds a single tear, and glances back at his small cottage in Galahar, or at least what is left of it. The survivors of the ghast attack gather at the gates, searching for a place of safety. Redbain thinks back to his days in Alk"Hazar where his only worry was finding a good cup of ale. He misses Dawn's Bakery, and the pleasure he felt after a good nights work in the service of Oren. Slowly, careful to avoid parts of the road remaining on fire, he enters his cottage.

    Redbain searches his chests and wardrobes where he notices two articles of clothing that made him the man he is. The old, tattered Oren Guard uniform and his mask. He spends an awful long time looking at his mask, and comes to a decision. The Faceless Man will remain "dead" for a little while longer. For now, it is time to find a new home, a new city, a new family. Redbain tosses his mask into a fire, and can't help but smile, something in the back of his head telling him old friends will rise anew. He mutters to himself as he walks through the burnt landscape.

    "I'm coming home..."

    Redbain can't help but laugh, knowing he will only have more misadventures to tell of soon. He hesitates for one more moment, only to look at the locket hanging around his neck, the unknown story. He glances at his son's face and his wife's features for the last time. With the undead threat back, deaths must be avenged, especially the murder of his family. The undead will soon have the "un" removed as long as Redbain has anything to do with it, and thus begins a tale yet unwritten...

  2. As of now, Circle Nine has been disbanded, there shall be no further business arrangements for Circle Nine. The Guild may rise once again, but not under my leadership. If any object to Circle Nine being disbanded, simply step up and take command. I, Redbain Adelban, as my final statement, declare that all current, past, and future members shall not harm any of the Adelban family or you may get into a deadly "accident." That is all.

    EDIT: For those who were interested in a Criminal Job, be on the look out for a possible guild I might make. Excited to type it up, might do it tonight. Guild will definetly not be formed IC until 2.0 however.

  3. Circle Nine

    News and Announcements:

    Under New Management; Circle Nine is now under command of Redbain Adelban, also known as the Faceless Man. The guild was handed down to him by Will Chapman via a book. All those who question the authority of the Faceless Man may ask to see the book and then be killed. All those who do not question may remain living. All handlers are asked to go to a meeting on Saturday, 1/7/12 at 8:00 P.M. EST. Also, any members should post their name ((Ign and MC)) on this thread.

    Business Oportunities:

    Funding; If you are a leader of a nation or just need someone to do some of your dirty work, contact The Faceless Man ((Jtheo2016)) or Ashdourne Addlerwood ((edronos)) for job offerings. Also, if you are already a benefactor of Circle Nine, please message The Faceless Man on the forums so he knows who is paying for services.


    What is Circle Nine?

    Circle Nine is a group of men and women, dedicated to knowing everything there is to know in Aegis, and to monetize off that information. With agents in every notable guild, army, and government; the Circle sells their services as spies and political manipulators to any that can pay the price.



    Officialy formed on Ahad, 6th of Malins Welcome, 1339, by Will Chapman and Redbain; the two friends had recently been reunited after almost a year of separation. Once good men, the two had been corrupted by the horrors encountered in Aegis, the death of their friends, and a sense of the lessening value of good people in general. Only recently brought together again, a decision was made to become information brokers utilizing spies and power plays off the fact that their last profession as hired word, mercenaries, had ended in disaster. They saw fit to title their organization: Circle Nine after The Sword of Lorem, their old mercenary guild, of nine original members.



    The group has no approval for any of the governments of Aegis, or any other guilds except for the Master Thieves Guild. The circle never has and never will publicly speak out against an official organization. All races are welcome as members as this adds to the ability to obtain information. However, should a member leave the guild, depending on how, the Capo and Doncenti reserve the right to kill and past member. ((This is a perma-kill, which will only happen if the member betrays other members or information))



    Operating differently from other run of the mill guilds, every Circle Nine member is kept separate from the others, instead being managed by handlers. Every agent is left to his own devices, allowed to join any group, do anything, as long as their loyalty stays with the circle. This system ensures that no member can betray another, as no Circle Nine member knows another, even if they are working in the same area or group.

    Potential contracts are first put through the leader, who in turn, if agrees upon the contract, will give it to various members depending on the work. In cases where more then one agent is required, code names are given, and identities hidden. Even though they operate on a basis of backstabbing and deceit, Circle Nine takes its contracts very seriously; refusing to be paid until the job is done.



    The ranking is very simple. All members are equal, with the exception of the very few administrative individuals.



    Leader of Circle Nine, he knows the identity of all the people associated with Circle Nine. All business deals should be addresssed to him. Most recruitment is done by him.


    Second in Command of Circle Nine. He too knows the identities of all the people associated with the Circle Nine business. All business goes through him to agents. Can recruit new people.


    Reserved for only the most trusted of men, they are trusted with the identity of 3-5 Circle Nine members. They will give them assignments, payment, and be the ones to induct those they are responsible for.



    Given the task as deep cover or plain clothes spies, they are left to their own lives as long as it does not interfere with the Circle Nine agenda.

    (Requires 1, 4)


    The muscle; these people are almost never actually in Circle Nine, instead being consistently hired thugs. They are given tasks like beat-downs, assassinations, and intimidation.

    (Requires 2a, 2b recommended)

    -Hidden Merchants-

    These merchants help to fund Circle Nine as they are part of it. The merchants can con other people should they choose but most will simply be those looking for protection from being stolen from. (No evils required, 1 required only if merchant wishes to con)


    These men attempt to penetrate the political systems of all nations. They report directly to the Capo, who then reports to the Doncente. Should they choose, they may come to the Doncenti, now the Faceless Man, and ask to learn Valar Maguro so as to better master their jobs.

    (Requires 1 and 2a, 2b and 4 are reccomended)


    The selection process for joining is extremely selective, depending on lineage, skills,morals (and villain app)

    If you are interested in joining, leave a response, and a man may meet you.

    (ign: Jtheo2016)


    Leave a post on this thread if you are in the guild with your IGN Name and MC Name.

  4. Attention All Members of Circle Nine:

    I, Redbain Adelban, the Faceless Man, Jhaquen Q'har, and Elthor Tyrund, as a handler of many men in Circle Nine, request a formal decision. This decision is of who shall resume the seat of power whilst our leader, Will Chapman, is away. As co-founder, I shall set a time for us to meet. All those with questions send me a bird. Should you so much as mention my name, you shall be mercilessly killed. Any of those who show up to the meeting who are not members of Circle Nine will also be killed and possibly tortured ((This post is ONLY to members of Circle Nine, do not meta game and show up to the meeting if you are not in Circle Nine. This is your first and last warning)). The meeting will be an elven ((Saturday 1/7/11)) day from now, towards the middle of the night. ((8:00 P.M. EST)) At the headquarters in Alras shall be our meeting place. Everyone who shows up should be disguised as there may be Guards showing up at our door. Burn this letter as soon as it is received. Till then. ((Please message me In-Game so I can clarify who is going))

    EDIT: ((Just found out from Will that most don't know of homes in Alras. Instead, meet at Redbain's Serf Home in Galahar. From there we shall walk to Wrath's Clutch. Also, do not be afraid to simply walk inside. If a guard asks, say you were told by a friend to meet there. Reveal no other information.))

  5. MC name: Jtheo2016

    RP name: The Faceless Man

    Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC): The Faceless Man is forever lost in a maze known as the search for power. Faceless often makes wrong turns, and needs new brothers to guide him. Faceless has seen the wolfpack in action before, witnessed them ruin his plans, and is now eager to join. As they say, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

    Faceless believes that at some point, he may begin to enjoy his time in the wolfpack. Until his death, he shall not abandon their cause. The search for money and power has only just begun...

    Why do you wish to join us?: Kinmanship and safety among numbers.

    What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial): Money, power, and my sword in your support.

    What are your most prominent skills: Swordsmanship

    Do you worship Iblees?: No

    Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?: Yes, 1 and 2a

    Do you understand and agree to the rules: Yes.

  6. Minecraft name: Jtheo2016

    Roleplay name (You can come disguised): The Faceless Man and yes, I'm always disguised :P

    Can you wield a blade? (Sword level): 61

    Can you wield an axe? (Axe level): 0

    Can you shoot a bow? (Archery level): 8

    Will you remain loyal to the cause and see the battle through? Yes

    Will you come armed and ready? Yup, but I may need armor repairs by the fight.

    HEADS UP: Before the fighting begins, my sword level will probably increase as I train a lot.

  7. [Questions]

    MC Name: Jtheo2016

    Why do you want to join? Money, power, and protection from others within the guild.

    How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? Robbing, killing, and creating conflict between players. It's what I'm here for :D.

    What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Emotes are vital. If you don't use emotes, many of your actions may appear hazy or unclear. Also, the person being robbed must also be a good sport. People who run before I (The Faceless Man) even mention my name are meta gamers, which is ridiculously boring and frustrating for me. Also, despite my love of RP fights, I must say MC fighting is a little bit more exciting for me. However, should I have to choose between RP and MC for the comfort of another player I would pick RP so they don't feel cheated or TOO frustrated.

    To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? Yes.

    [Character Questions]

    RP name: The Faceless Man, Redbain, or Jhaquen Q'Har. (Jhaq favored among friends and allies. Faceless among victims)


    (The Faceless Man walks into your office and tosses down a book)

    Week 1:

    My doctor reccomended I write a journal in an attempt to preserve my sanity, based upon what has already happend to most of the crew. To anyone reading this, I should explain. First off, I have had 16 name days, and my name is Redbain. I am the cabin boy on the Life Giver, owned by Captain Faren. Although, I am beginning to find the irony in the name of our ship. Every week, another man goes missing, only to appear the day after they have gone missing. After another week has passed, the man dissapears again, this time for good. The process then begins all over again. Men are beginnng to get a crazed look in my eyes, which is why my doctor is trying to help me. May Aeriel save our souls.

    Week 2:

    Many on board would say I am greedy or have a lust for power, I would call it ambition. I hate my job as cabin boy, as my own hope is to some day become the captain of my own ship. I fear this dream may never be realized as my family is poor, thus my job as a cabin boy. Still, a man without dreams is not a man at all. This week, it was the poor cook that went missing, which is scary for all of us, as now, we may not get cooked food until our next docking which is yet another month away in Galahar. I already miss my pork. On other news, the Captain is beginning to get the crazed look in his eyes which has me worried if we will have a Captain at all two weeks from now.

    Week 3:

    The cook is gone for good apparently, and now our meals consist of nothing but dried, salted pork which has been sitting in our main hold for weeks and some stale moldy bread that we discovered in one of the barrels. Surprisingly enough, I met a new sailor today, god knows where we got him from as we have been at sea for a few weeks now. Perhaps I just haven't noticed him before. His name is Jhaqun'Qhar. He's a mean looking fellow with a crooked nose and a missing ear. He said he has much to teach me in the next two weeks. Why it's only two weeks, I don't know as we will finally port in another four. All I can do is sit and wait.

    Week 4:

    Jhaq, has he has told me to call him, is teaching me a weird sort of magic. I want to report him to the captain, but I cannot as I am curious with the magic he is teaching. He calls is "Valar Maguro." He says next week he will show me it in action. Until then, he said not to repeat these words when alone with one person. I'll do what he says for now, but my curiosity may get the better of me. This week, it was the first mate, Ricardo, who went missing. Aeriel help his soul. I better get back to practicing the "spells" Jhaq taught me.

    Week 5: They're dead! They're all dead! Today I ventured down into the hold of the ship searching for an orange and I opened a door. There were so many bodies in there! I saw Ricardo and the Cook in there! Scarier yet, when I went back on deck, Ricardo waved to me, the very same man I had just seen dead. Today, I am going to ask Jhaq what is going on.

    (Later on that same day)

    He killed everyone! It was Jhaq, using his odd magic! He showed me! He can change his face with only one finger. I have seen him turn into the cook and into Ricardo. Jhaq is a faceless man! He taught me his abilities! I must kill him, if not, Galahar is in trouble. But if I do, I will be seen as a murderer to all those in Galahar. I will play this by year, and hopefully all will turn out well...

    ((Application as it appeared on VA. If you want another biography, could you please specify which one? As in is it about how I heard of the guild or how I was introduced into the guild? My best bet is this biography is not good as it already appears in my VA but I do not understand what other one I would put up. Sorry! -Jtheo2016))

    Personality: Evil yet strangely noble at times, always keeping his word when it comes to "Minas or death." Also, many would call the Faceless Man crazy, but he only acts so in order to establish fear in the heart of the victim. The Faceless Man likes to create plans for large heists and robberies yet can turn into a coward should he be injured. However, as he is very hard to kill ((permanently)), the Faceless Man will often "suicide" should he be captured, regardless of what he has on his person.

    Motives: The Faceless Man craves power and money. He recognizes that money and power are connected, and in turn is connected to fear. The Faceless Man wants to become a house hold name, a story told by parents to their children to get them to listen. The Faceless Man wants his name to inflict fear in the hearts of all who hear it. However, the Faceless Man also keeps a social life, going by the name Redbain Adelban and, to his closer friends who know him fully, Jhaquen Q'Har.

    Aspirations: Redbain/Jhaq wants nothing more than to rise to a rank in which he is untouchable, forever safe. On another note, Jhaq wants to buy his own ship someday, at which time he will sail away from Aegis where he shall die a sailor, just as he began one. However, as a link to his past, Jhaq has a specific name reserved for his ship. Just as Captain Faren had the Life Giver, Jhaq will have the Life Taker, on which he shall live abroad and take on the life of a pirate.

    [Open Response. Answer all questions]

    You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery?

    ((Spoken in role play as if being questioned by an elder)) Easy. *giggles*. There is a deserted stand, what else should I do but burn it? *giggles*. As the guards, once guarding the sewers, run to put out the beautiful spitting flames, I shall hold my dagger to the fat pig's... I mean merchant's belly. I will tell him to empty his pockets and hand over his rich clothes. As soon as the Guards are within minutes of extinguishing the flames of wealth, *giggles at his play on words*, I will simply walk into the sewer. But, as I go, I shall drag the merchant with me. As I am a master of Valar Maguro, I will simply steal his personality and face and walk away from the situation, unbothered and significantly richer. *giggles*.

    The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery?

    Old drunken warriors you say? You make this too easy Mister Upright! *smiles at his complex yet brilliant plan*. First step, manipulate my voice to that of a young maiden. As they are drunk, it should not be too hard to convince one of them to come out. The second one leaves, I hit him over the head with a brick I had concealed in my uniform. *giggles, thinking of the mess created*. I then take off his clothes and don them over mine. As usual, I steal his face and enter again, this time with the face, voice, and clothes as the man they had seen earlier. I tell them I am going to my room in the tavern, at which time I steal the scroll and sneak out through the hole in the roof. *giggles, admiring his own plan*. As they are drunk, they will remember nothing. The man whose clothes and face I stole will return to normal, every day life, not suspecting anything except an odd, crazy night of drinking.

    An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery?

    Simple enough. The old man is asleep and apparently, based on the dagger, not too happy. So I play this to the on coming travelers emotions. Quickly, I wake him up, as he will be pointing his dagger at me. He has been woken just before the travelers make a quarter mile distance from us. I lie and cheat involving asking him not to rob me and to give me back my bags, only once the travelers are in ear shot. He is confused, but I convince the travelers that he is the liar, playing dumb to avoid arrest. The travelers do the rest for me. They draw their swords, dropping what they have, and chase him. Now, I not only have the Old Man's items, but those of the travelers. Since every able bodied man will be chasing him, I will have no trouble taking what I want. *giggles again*. I love my job.

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