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Gold VIP
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Posts posted by Golden_Harvest_Richards

  1. Regarding the last 3 posts:

    Talen- I think I still have the music disk and its all yours if i ever see you again.

    Leland- No more iron for me now that stats are back on and i messed up my free skill points.

    Aedin- I'll post prices.

    This thread is still relevant!

  2. Well then that absolutely screws over the people that had already donated... because I donated a gold package and cheating me out of extra points, if there are any, is just plain stupid. Why show favoritism towards the newer VIP's? The older VIP's are of the same importance if not more. So it should be the previous VIP's get points and the VIP's after don't get them because they took too long to decide. That is just my opinion... feel free to give me yours towards my reply :)

    pretty sure that idea was already crushed, for obvious reasons.

  3. For those saying the skill system is horrible RP I really suggest you read older threads and articles about the importance of the skill system in building an RP enviroment, creating community and making people more reliant on each other. Less Mary Sues, more struggle and a lot better richer RP for that reason.

    I think you're taking what i said out of context. I only meant that since a lot of us have already done the grind raising my skills once, and donated money, its more than fair that we get some extra skill points for the hard work. (and a free res-sepc would be nice too since i messed up the first one due to being a skills noob.)

  4. Personally, I would donate for the sake of the server, not for the perks.

    Yet, personally, you havent donated anything. GG

    Regarding Arik

    What your saying doesn't make sense.

    Let me re emphasize that most people don't join this server and donate on day one. I've been on here for 4 months and its Horrible RP that I'd have this stack of diamond and iron picks and SUDDENLY not be able to use them without days and days of grinding all over again.

    I've probably broken 10 thousand pieces of stone in my time on this server and now I'm back to the stone age.

    I even had stats before 1.8. High stats from hours and days of leveling dirt and mining. Giving veterans and donators enough skill points to get ahead makes total sense.

  5. Pay to win?

    How about, you donate to the server and keep us afloat, in return we'll give you some in-game bonuses for being so awesome.

    Thank you!

    ((*checks bank account to see if upgrade to diamond can be made soon))

    I think that its totally fair for donators and long time server members to not be set back to the stone age when they've already leveled up their stats before in pre 1.8.

  6. Pretty much every donator perk helps one "get ahead." And if you dont think that its worth it dont donate,if you want to support your server and get some little kick backs then do donate.

    But I think its totally fair that people who have spent real money towards the development of this server get a reward on their stats.

    I personally know that I would have maxed many stats if they had been on this whole time. Its pretty unfair to the people who worked hard for their stats in 1.7 before they were erased.

  7. Is the server down for anyone else?

    Also, it's metagaming. Why? Because you're using OOC information (donations) to empower a character IC. It's no good! No good at all! It's server enabled metagaming. I don't care HOW much money you donate - it shouldn't allow you to break the rules!

    Sorry for double post but this one popped while I was writing. You realize that right now you arent arguing against the proposed stat boost for donators, you're arguing against the entire donator scheme. A well accepted rule and mechanic on this server.

    Edit: a lot of new posts popped while i was writing that one..

    annnnnd the thread has been hijacked

  8. I think that donators should get additional points as part of their VIP package.

    It should not only be new donators, that doesnt make any sense.

    If you dont like the way donator perks are set up, and think they're "OP", then you are disagreeing with the server rules and might as well just move on to the next one where everything is free and the gameplay environment sucks.

    Consider this: Before I even bought my VIP package I had VERY high levels in a lot of skills. How fair is it that after 4 months I start with the same skill levels as someone who joined yesterday?

    More perks = more donators = more money = more content.

    Good for everyone, even the non-donators.

  9. ((nothing personal, brah

    I'm post number 285 in this thread. I feel entitled to my one opinion I expressed. The rest was an attempted summary of what the other 284 posts said.))

    Anyway, to address Ambros and Rilath: I'm working on my bio ((in notepad since server is down)) but I'd like to get started on my initiation ASAP. Let me know what I can do.

  10. .[*]Value of the Mina being deflated - There is no material that the mina is backed by, meaning that the Mina is not on the gold standard, the Iron standard, diamond standard or anything. GMs just spawn more minas when needed (usually for good reasons) and there goes inflation. Instead of giving minas as treasure or to VIPs, I think giving items that then must be sold accomplishes the same thing without deflating the value of the Mina.

    I think you're using inflation and deflation interchangeably. Deflation is when the value of a Mina increases, like when diamonds go up in price because there arent as many left in the mines. Regenning the mines used to cause regular fluctuations in the value of minas but now there is been a steady deflation with diamonds rising to around 350 mina retail.

    Deflation is not generally considered bad for an economy....

    When the new map is created there will be a myriad of diamonds and valuable ores hitting the market. This is when we can expect the INFLATION to occur. And I dont know what to do about that except ride it out and enjoy the low prices while they last.

    As far as what items are kept after the reset.... If people are allowed to keep one inventory of goods, and their minas, it will appease the majority. Taking everyone's hard work without a SOLID RP reason that nothing can carry over doesnt make sense.

    I RP'd for every item and mina that I have in my posession and to take it all away just to level the playing field doesn't make sense. And neither does saying that "people who want to keep their stuff arent here for the right reason (RP)"

    I dont know what KH1 and KH2 are (Petyr's post) but usually when a game's sequel comes out you dont get to keep everything. What if in the middle of KH1 they took your epic drops and said "ok, keep playing but start over"

    would that make ANY sense at all?

    Nope. And all the players on the server (that have enough wealth to be concerned with it) worked hard for their stuff and wouldnt like to see it all discarded because some people think the economy is out of whack.

    I think the economy is FINE right now. just wait until the new map chocked full of resources comes out and see what happens.... People bringing over 1 inventory of goods wont make a dent in the inflation that will be caused.

    And kits..... just an attempt to "level the playing field" without pissing off your donators. It still doesnt really seem fair.

    My Verdict:

    Dont take our stuff. We worked hard for it. If I have to lose my 30k minas then syrio should have to lose his 900k minas and johnny come lately should have to lose his 400 minas. Which might make the most impact of all since he'd have the least capacity to replace it.

  11. [[Called the wiki brah. No need to post this. Just post a link to the wiki and people will think you are smart ;). Also with evil doers, we dont know if they are or not. So we dont want to powergame and be like "We sence you have done some bad things in your past...... be a shame if you join... ]]

    ((Whoa ...how old are you?

    "no need to post this?" Couldnt that be said about your last 20 posts that I had to sift through on the way to the last page? spammer....

    and the things i posted are not all in the wiki, it was a recap of this thread. partly to prove i read the whole thing, partly for those who dont want (have time) to read the whole thing.

    On villains:

    I was just expressing my opinion about villains. Every one I've ever RP'd with powergamed against me. letting them use magic seems like a bad idea.

    And its not META (you said power gaming, same difference to some people I guess.) to do background checks on your guild members to make sure bad apples don't get in.

    There has been talk of using the Mage's Guild as a governing body for magic users in aegis so it would make sense that they vet recruits to avoid baddys getting in. Evil characters certainly violate the "neutral" nature of the guild.

    Though if a guild memeber became corrupted organically... that might make more sense, and be more fair, than the "OMG I want to be evil mage" people.))

  12. Maximus reporting for duty.

    ((Recruited by Ambros))

    ((and some people in this thread need to learn to PM. read the whole 15 pages but a lot of them were spamville.))

    If you're just getting to the thread let me save you like an hour of reading.

    Things i learned over the last 15 pages:

    The Mages guild was, then it wasnt, now it is.

    They werent recruiting, then started training, then started actually recruiting.

    No application, members are hand picked.

    Magic is RP'd with great care to avoid metagaming and powergaming.

    There will be some interesting tests as part of the initiation.

    Evil doers may be allowed to join (which I dont like because it seems like it will lead to abuse)

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