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Posts posted by Redbaron™

  1. I don't see what there is to not hear on an internet community halfway across the globe. I hear everything people tell me and I'm willing to hear it out for improvement sake, that's called being mature and our administration is assuredly just that.


    Dusks report was a situation with a completely different staff as well, what is to say that today our current staff is not responsive and attentive? :)

    I reckon that direct conversation is still head and heels above public forum posts. If none other I will use myself as an example, if we discuss something in Skype I will give you my full attention. If its something important and you PM me I'll make sure you're heard. But if its some post on the forums where you add a hint somewhere that you might just at some point be displeased with what I'm doing, I'm not obliged to kiss up. Two cents. ^-^

    Of course I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just saying humans are humans, some different but more or less we are all a lot the same regardless of how different we think we are.  I've never had the opportunity to talk to you so I cannot/will not/have not judged you.  It's just a common trend I see in all levels of this server, players, staff, Gms, Admins.  

  2. You'd have to try pretty hard to do all the wrong things not to get a response. :o


    I think it's pretty straightforward, if you have a serious suggestion you should follow through based on your own incentive. If one admin isn't responding or is away it's not anyone else but your own fault you didn't follow through with other admins or got some GM's to pay attention to your issue(s).


    I can tell you that staff take those kinds of people who PM them and explain their ideas thoroughly much more seriously than those who post feedback on the public forums. No, garnering reputation points from forum lurkers doesn't make your opinion powerful.


    I don't have anything against this poster but I do want to make an example of this topic. There is a pretty evident problem with one staff member here, I suggest contacting them personally and approach the situation very respectfully and neutrally. Contacting the lore admin when Tythus is the FM admin is a questionable approach, but perhaps you would see why your query didn't receive a response. (he may have also simply missed it).



    Moved to Support & Assistance forum.

    Dusks report wasn't answered for months before finally it came to a point it had to be clear to the community he was posting a ban report on her.  Sometimes people just don't wanna hear what they don't wanna hear 

  3. German_Infantry_Cavalry_Platoon-371x500.


    Rowan rides his horse through the blood filled streets.  The stench of death and decay linger the air as he walks by the piles of bodies being burned.


    "I warned him... the more you jump over the fence the more likely it is you'll get impaled..." he says with a sigh, trotting into the castle.

  4. Alright, this has been fun, but I think this thread (with so many GMs actually reading it) is the perfect place for us to sit down and have a little chat. A primary part of running a business based in entertainment is to remain both likable and entertaining. I like a lot of you, as judged by your posts, whereas I hardly even know Rhia but dislike her from what I've seen so far.


    Rhia you literally asked for constructive criticism, someone gave it to you, and you snapped at them. That's foolish. Don't be foolish.


    In all too brutal honesty, we as a player-base don't care what you as the moderation and administration want for this entertainment business, we want to be entertained. (Areyounotentertained.gif) The thing that makes leading hard is that everyone wants different things; a lot of people love pvp and crashing settlements, whereas I think those people are scummy plebs who deserve nothing less than crucifixion.


    I don't care what you want. I want to be happy and entertained. I came here to be happy and entertained.


    I'm not entertained right now, I am growing slowly more bored as I hold out a dying light that things might turn around and I'll be entertained again, like a crummy patch in well... any other game... being fixed. If people aren't happy, especially if this many people aren't happy, and being this vocal about it; there is something terribly wrong with this server.


    GMs, stop telling us to calm down or shut up about it. If you can't handle discontent among a couple of people, you are not fit to lead. Give us descriptions of what your jargon means, don't be hypocritical, and shape up. I am willing to donate money to this server once it starts doing things I like, even if your rewards are silly. If you want money, do what people want you to do. Dance, monkey, dance.


  5. OGWDKzpt6YMaJLK1e628UQ.jpg



    House Hightower of Kaldonia


    The House of Hightower begins in its origins far and further back through the pages of the history of Man to the first High Pontiff of the Church of the Faith, Everrard Hightower.  Prior to attaining this mark of holy blood, the Hightowers occupied a place in history in time before even the founding of the Old Kingdom of Oren as regional warlords, dukes and kings, titles long since abandoned, but not entirely forgotten.  In the time of Aegis and the Undead torments, the Hightowers took many, many losses.  A great many sons and daughters of the family perished in defense of their fatherland - a great many.


    When at last the spark of fresh air and hearty shores was again tasted, the Hightowers upon the lands of Asulon inherited the Kingdom of Salvus from Emperor Godfrey Horen.  In the time of this royal ascension, two sons were born to the family’s patriarch -  Lancel and Garth Hightower.  The two were polar opposites.   Lancel was steadfast in the art of swordsmanship, knights and tactics and warfare.  As a child he read all the books of ancient wars and great heroes.


    Garth however read the books of great kings and political figures, and the works of statesmen.  He was the mind and Lancel was the ironclad sword hand.  They grew old and in times of great peril Garth betrayed the empire by declaring Salvus’ independence, joining with the Dwarves of Urguan to satiate his unobtainable desires.  Eventually he handed the throne to a lowborn family, the Bedeveres,  who lost the kingdom not long after.  The Creator did not will the fruits of such treachery to last long.


    A decade past.  Through feasting on the ashes of Garth’s disloyalty, the two had forgiven each other’s past sins and had both had children of their own; Garth having Willas and Lancel having Rowan and, like their fathers, both they went separate ways and had different upbringings.   Garth and Willas remained with the original Hightowers to try and revive the Kingdom that was lost, often through bouts of political ruthlessness.


    But Rowan, as Lancel had died shortly before Rowan’s 16th name day, marched to join the Imperial Army of the newly-reconstructed Orenian Empire, being commissioned at first sight as the Imperial Standard-Bearer of the 2nd Regiment.  His rise in the ranks did not end.  This kindled the beginning of a new family with a dedicated tradition of Imperial Army service.  Though the Salvian remnants of the family are lost in treachery to the Empire, the stalwart and stern Hightowers of Kaldonia remain growing ever plentifully.  “Cry havoc”, they say, resiliently, beneath the Imperial banners and those of their House, “and let slip the dogs of war.”

  6. The PvP system back in Aegis was "worse" than it has become, actually. You could literally emote *takes out sword and attacks Jake! and start PvP'ing without countdown. There was less bitching and it kept people anxious. Less attachment to those precious custom named sticks. People recognized that what they were playing was in fact a game



    I don't know what you're all complaining about with Aegis pvp system.   The amount of times I died in aegis from *Bandit rips out sword and swings* click click dead, was unbelievable.   The one thing I do not miss about Aegis.  The only thing that has changed is the player base.

    When I first started this server, I was 16 years old and in like grade 10.   Now I'm almost 20, working full time, and it's probable I'm getting married soon to the girl I'm with now.   I'll be the first to tell you how I rp and how I treat this server now compared to when I was 16 is drastically different along with all those people who started three years ago with me.  Some players wish to have the Aegis mindset back, and some people like myself just accept that it never will be back.  The server is ever evolving.

  7. Bruh, you need to like get off your computer or something until you calm down. It's not healthy dude. Frick man, it's Minecraft.

    lol what


    Has no one seen that movie and the joke fly over everyone's head.

  8. I'm only toxic to people who are toxic to me. Redbaron, get down off your intellectual high horse and realize I didn't start the hate on this thread. I mean damn, I've said maybe two words to you and it's suddenly "evil watyll he is the cancer eating lotc!!1"

    As you can see, I'm not the only one who has a problem with your attitude.   And I can assure you we are not the only two.


    Edit: I'm done arguing, respond or not I don't care.  Ain't worth it if you just attack me when I'm trying to help.

  9. It's funny how you say this after dwarves make their very first victory post. The mentality here seems to be "No! Only we're allowed to do that!"

    Can you please cut it out?  You've been nothing but toxic to anyone who has a differing opinion than yours.   That wasn't the first victory post, you are not always right, you are acting like a child.   Please control yourself and stop being the problem.

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