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Posts posted by Redbaron™

  1. Hello orcs of Krugmar. I am Ogland of snowy fields and i need your help.

    I come from a guild. Some of you may know us, some may not. But i come seeking the help of the orc shamans. Your kind is nonexistent in our guild. And we seek you to join. But there is more i must discuss with the warlord himself if such a meeting is available.

    I request this on behalf of the mages guild. Thank you for reading


    The Arch Mage Ogland

  2. (( The problem we have with using many different Elements is the texture packs that many people have, if the texture pack was the same it would be nice. But some nether items on texture packs are crude and ugly. Which leaves the guild tainted on all of these people with this texture pack

    Which is why we like to keep it simple with this, lapis hasn't been destroyed on many texture packs. And wools look basically the same on all textures. This keeps the the guild symbol simple and oddly unique to what most guilds use. As the mages guild we have access to the materials that make our guild houses look great.

    I find the simple use of only three different types of material a nice fit and nothing that could be over complicated. simplicity at its prime. ))

  3. ff7rb9.png

    The following, as it stands is the Mages guild symbol. This represents what the guild is. The four elements are stationed within the symbol itself. But this may change as the symbol is new and we debate what it should look like. For now this will be on our guild halls. It will show the areas the mages guild is allocated.

    Thank you for reading, sincerely Arch-mage Ogland

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