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Posts posted by Coconuta

  1. Info

    MC Name:Coconuta

    Character Name:

    Rio 'coconuts' Therving

    Have you read, and are familiar with all server rules and villain rules?

    Yes I am

    Are you sure?


    Links to any previous villain applications (for reference):

    Since the new villain app, these two, however the top one was used as a draft for the second one, since their is no draft button anymore

    What SPECIFIC evils does your character plan on committing? Please list the number of each Evil you would like to be considered for, and specifically when/why you need them:

    Refereances (from a old app):

    Andyboy124 / luke bradshawe

    Kane / willizl33t

    (also not needed but a extra)

    Cedric evelyn / einnatz

    1) Deception, Thievery, and Cheating - Self explanatory. Cheating must not abuse game mechanics, you may not lie or cheat out of character.

    Rio is a good person, however what he is doing is to protect his family and friends from harm, after a lot off time fighting criminals as a ranger, and guard, rio started to think about the ways he could help his family, thieving is one However he put the thought away, for a while, until the boats landed at Asulon, he went back to his habit, hunting monsters in his spare time, and helping people around him, however when he killed a monster, he found out that they didn't carry money, and so, he needed to come up with a way to make money, and his thoughts when't back to the thievery

    However rio himself hates thieves, and so would only steal low amounts, around 100 a person, unless they where rich, also, when rio has enough money, he would not steal, as he only wants what he needs to afford a 'good' life, which rio was used to,.

    Rio would also try to repay his victims eventually, if it was possible, as he doesn't like the idea of thieving, more of a loan to protect himself and his friends

    2A) Murder Type A - This includes killing when threatened, assassinations, unprovoked or provoked. Murder Type B - Killing for pleasure, twisted ways of killing (cannibalism, weird fetishes), Torture, Slaving

    Rio started to scheme up easy ways to make large portions of money, without causing harm, and slavery was one of them, in some places slavery was legal, and the targets to find where easy, seeing strangers on the road passing by, unarmored and easy to fight, the first times he started to think of the idea of slaving, was when a slaver himself, attempted to catch rio, however orcs freed him later, and the slaver got chased far, yet he escaped, barely scratched.

    At first rio hated the slaver, but later he started to see what they where doing, they where traders in a way, the poor and weak, who could not afford armour, and probably food, where sold off to the rich, who could feed them, and protect them, it was a good trade, and it helped lots of people, the poor got food and protection, and the rich got everything they needed, for the right price

    Biography (Between 2-5 paragraphs. No walls of text, please):

    Rio walked up to the boats, a new life awaiting him, however, was life worth it?He grabbed at his stomach, feeling ill from the blade mark he himself had caused earlier, attempting to kill himself, life was bad, everything he faught for, his home, his friends.. dead, except a few, but they hated him mainly, now..

    He had tried to kill a man, 'issbaner' before, all over a woman, he loved.. however he failed, he ended up turning his blade upon himself..

    He got on the ship, a new life awaiting him, a free life, his valuable goods upon him, however.. all was not ment to be, the ships leaders confiscated his items, claiming that the items must be given, or he wouldn't be allowed on the boat, he would be left for dead, trapped in the verge.

    So rio gave the items, everything he had worked for, his home, his life, his friends and his possessions, all taken by the nation he had worked all his life for, as a military 'ranger'

    Eventually, Rio started to regain his possessions, building a house out of wood, inside a camp, the name of it he still doesn't know, he even started to love another woman, once again, however life struck once more at rio, being cruel

    Rio's old friend, and a man from the military, 'tamara' had tried to rape rio's girlfriend, rio spent a long time trying to find the identity of the rapist, however, it was under his nose all the time, living in the same village, running a shop...

    Rio finally found out who it was, not his identity, but he had found the man, and gave chase to him, over oceans they chased, until eventually, the man was cornered, by rio, who was also accompanied by two different people, 'typos therving' and a dwarf.

    They pulled down the mans hood, revealing who it was..

    Rio was shocked at who it was, tamara had been a friend of rio's in the past, a good man, and guard.. however he was angered, preparing to punch tamara, rio asked "Why?" however tamara's only reaction was to laugh in rio's face.

    Rio prepared to hit him.. but to slow, tamara escaped.. a strange potion exploded, giving tamara the chance to escape, running randomly across the fields, blinded by the potion to..

    Rio then ran back to the town, going to make sure everyone was safe.. however, he was to slow, tamara had already attempted to kill his girlfriend, twice in fact..

    Rio new that he had to protect her better, a third time could be the last, and be successful, so he prepared to buy some armour, however, he had no money..

    Rio's thoughts came back to those of thieves and slavers in his past, making lots of money easily.. and he prepared himself to, a small theft would help him greatly, 100 mina would be enough to find food for a while, and after a while, 100 mina's a person could amass to a house, safe from thieves and bandits..

    So rio vowed to do what he had fought against in his past, however he also vowed to re pay those he stole from, eventually, if he could afford to

    Question Section - Answer with as much detail as necessary

    Why does your character do what he/she does? What are his/her motives?

    His motives are to protect his friends and family, and to help those around him, however for that, he needs money..

    If his friends where safe and his family safer, rio would not thieve, infect he would try to get money the normal way, to re pay his former victims

    He also believes that slavery is just a form of trade, benefiting both sides and strengthening up the slaves, only the strong survive, and they would be able to live a good life, if they fought their way to freedom, and if not, they would still keep their life, a bad one, but one at the least

    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any?

    My character believes what he is doing is good, if he was convinced that what he was doing is wrong, he wouldn't do it..

    He also is heavily affected by his family, if his family was harmed, he would try to protect them, and if he was harming them, he would stop and do the opposite

    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character? What might cause him/her to falter? Include things such as temptations, addictions, physical handicaps, etc.

    My character is actually extremely scared of those who are better armoured than him, and also has a high fear of orcs, in the past he has nearly been killed by orcs, their vicious way of acting and their strength scares rio heavily

    What role will your character play in Asulon? What separates them and makes them unique and original among villains?

    Rio would in a way, be a villain, but he would be trying to be good, and help people, most villains who do robberies will just use the money for whatever they want.. but i would actually try to repay them, eventaully

    Is your character loyal or a backstabber? Does he/she trust others in return?

    My character is extremely loyal, those who are good to rio, he would help in return, he never has betrayed his friends, and doesn''t intend to

    Why do you as a player wish to and deserve to play a villain?

    I played as a good person on the server, for around 6 months, and I have only ever had one complaint on my rp, which was for running into a no pvp zone (Thought pvp was on)

    Open Response - Answer at least four out of five listed. Do not powergame, metagame, or do anything else illegal or unrealistic. Each scenario is designed with no particular objective in mind and is open ended deliberately. Assume your character is in each position, regardless of their normal situations:

    A middle aged man, a young wife, and a small male child are walking down the King’s Road together. The women walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side.

    You hear knocking on your door and go to answer. It turns out to be an angry looking woman with a large human behind her. She is telling you that you owe taxes to King ___ and must pay within the fortday.

    Rio grabs at the women, attempting to grab her and her money, however he misses, the woman expecting such a low tactic from her experiences..

    The large man then grabs rio, slamming into the wall...

    "Why stupid 'umie attack women!" the human roared..

    Rio started to thing.. a half orc, this man might be, he was taller than rio, by a large proportion, and stronger.. rio suddenly started to fear the man, getting scared of him, rio's fear of orcs kicking in..

    Rio then grabs a pouch from his pocket

    "Mo.. money" rio spoke, while choking.. getting out a pouch full of mina and passing it to the woman..

    The halfbreed orc then let go of rio, leaving him to fall to the ground

    Sitting in Dawn’s Bakery, you hear two men talking in hushed voices upstairs. Sneaking up the stairs, you see a man robed in black and a Warden. The man is revealing Undead plans to a Warden. You can’t tell if the man in black is betraying the Undead, or if it is vice-versa.

    Rio hears the voices, and starts to walk upstairs, His hate of the undead for the distruction of aegis boiling, however he was cautious not to make as much noise as he can

    Rio unsheathes his sword, and tries to open the door.. however locks prevent him

    "We should.. leave.." The warden spoke.. hearing noises from the door

    Rio unsheathes his sword, preparing to threaten the warden and the man, or men, as he was unsure on the amount of people their

    However the men where prepared for people to attempt to stop them, one swung at rio's sword, forcing him out of a block, while the other stabbed him through the chest, just under his arm, if the blow was anywhere closer to rio's heart, he could of bled to death.. however, he was lucky..

    The men then run downstairs, a woman screaming at the site of rio bleeding, what happened next, rio wouldn't know..

    Two Guard tries to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two Goblins. Your friend slays one of the Guards as he approaches, causing the other Guard as well as the Goblins to unsheath their arms.

    "Da skah?" the goblins shouted, preparing to slay rio's freind

    The guard then drew his sword to, ready to slay rio's friend, however his sword was readied slowly, weakly.. a new guard.. rio guessed, no insignia was imprinted on the guard.. he must of still been in training, the other one was probably his captain..

    Rio then approached the goblins.. and the guard

    "Guards, goblins.." Rio shouted

    "The guard died in his duty, their is no need for more blood, money, can be used to resolve.. this.." Rio finished..

    The recruits eyes turned to face rio.. the goblins did to

    "I offer you 1000 mina each, more than a guards lifetime wages"

    The guards eyes then brightened, eagerly..

    This was the reason rio stole in the first place, to protect his friends.. and now he would use the stolen money to do just that

    The guard eagerly took the deal from rio, the goblins now would have to face rio's friend, with worse odds, and a likely chance of one being wounded.. so they thought for a moment to.. and whispered a few words in orc tongue, rio could not understand.. however their meanings where clear, they would take the bribe to

    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female halflings instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either minas or food.

    Rio gets out a bag full of 1000 mina, two swords, and a lot of bread and pork, able to last quite a few nights at the least..

    "You get nothing.. without fighting for it.." rio spoke.. the meaning was obvious to the halflings, they would have to fight for their food, and money..

    The swords clashed for quite a while, however in the end, one was successful, the friend wounded slightly.

    "Good, here is your 'winnings'" rio spoke.. passing the bag of money and food over to the victor..

    Rio walked off, satisfied with knowing that the halflings would have to fight for a good life, like the way rio fought for his

  2. ((Because Gaius is the best candidate for king and Oren doesn't have time for stupid political games))

    (Actually gaius is kind of hated in oren, RP'ly as he attacked towns and threatened the king once ect..

    OOC'ly though he is a awesome guy and great leader ^^))

  3. I 'ave 35 peaces of obsidian, but i didn't know what to do with 'em

    So im going to sell them, fer gold, if ye bid higher than the next person

    Starting price for the obsidian = 1 peace = 5 gold ingots

    Current highest bidder =

    (leave your mcname and bid below if you want to buy the obsidian and how much you would bid)

  4. OOC:

    I'm actually organizing war games with Fort Ranger and nearby Talamh. The fight will be in both places. The defenders start in the fort, and the attackers start in Talamh. All races are welcome to attend, I just have to set up a date. Personally, I think Fort Ranger and Talamh are a more ideal place to hold this kinda of thing.

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