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Posts posted by Coconuta

  1. ((don't forget the French and Indian war.

    I showed up in the middle of the fight, so I dunno how this attack started. I just showed up after receiving a bird from rio. Personally, I don't like easy fights. Hard fights are more fun :D ))

    Edit: attacking the inn would have been relatively easy, even when they were in full force. You are not crossing open land to attack them. Trees provide some overhead cover from lightning, and the inn is easy to scale.

    ((inb4 someone sais meta bird ^^

    i ran away from the battle to send a bird to tell the situiation and get resupplies for people))



    Your MC Name: Coconuta


    What is your name?: Rio Coconuts

    What kind of buisness do you want to invest in A buisness that could provide a steady profit.. something like a shop or so, something profitible for both sides

    How much are you looking to invest? 3000 minas

    Where can you normally be found?: Al'Khazzar

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