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Posts posted by moondoggy

  1. *reads notice board..."welcome to wedding".

    *looks around to see only sand and stone and sandstone and more sand.

    *reads board again "welcome to wedding"

    *wanders off to hunt.

    *comes back to board with meat...still no wedding.

    *wanders off to hunt more.

    ((this will continue hopefully i catch yall before you have it:D))

  2. *walks into Aerog's hut to see the body of that hosh wretch on the floor.

    *begins to rummage through the chests and takes anything of "interest"

    *takes the pipe out of Aerog's dead mitts and cuts a chunk of flesh from Aerogs shoulder, stuffing it in the pipe with some of his finest "tonics" and takes a long and dizzying draw from the pipe.

    *passes out next to Aerog's body

    *awakens with an idea...something that must be done

    *leaves the hut muttering something like..."silbur bukkit"

    ((i'll miss you dude. you have been an inspiration to my character in becoming more orcy. I enjoyed the times spent with Aerog and i hope everything goes well in your life here on out. If you ever come back come as rose:p rose and my new character petunia will confuse the hell out of everyone:D I'll turn your hut into a dilapidated relic to future orcs to ponder-- "what the hell happened in here"


  3. Lats are one of the closest guilds to Mount Gorbad in da Vergelands so expect bub'hosh Orcish presence. Most other guilds around orcs have paid tribute and Yahgy remembers lats guild attacks Yahgy, Aerog, and Jarkarll soon after settle Vergelands and nub pay tribute...well nub so much attacks...but more shoot arrows from walls when we callin lats pinkskins. Yahgy nub knows about nubded or half orc lats talking about here tho. Just lettin' lats know dat Orcs be close, an our only purpose in Vergelands is conquest. ((being protected and small you will probably be mostly ignored though...unless we see you there then you might come over for some fun. I am all about the nicely built, quant 20x bedrock plots. It's those giant unprotected cobble "walls" that are empty that we are mostly concerned with smashin'))

  4. Misses every other hit. It's near impossible to kill.

    Hitting a cave spider with a diamond sword; "You need a powerful weapon to fight this monster".

    its tougher but you can still kill them. actually i've enjoyed it like this we have been hunting "flying tents" as i call them as well as spiders. Having it hard in the verge is what it's all about i feel.

  5. This is the first i've heard of this term. LotC is the first MMorpg type thing i've played since text based mudds so.... Reading through the test made me realize that there are a LOT of big time Mary Sue's on the server lol.

    Here's what i checked on the survey for Yahgy's character.

    -Was the character ever estranged from her/his family/tribe/country/etc.?

    -Does the character have an accent relative to her/his country of residence?

    -Does the character have a physical handicap that does not hinder her/him significantly?

    -Is the character is a smoker?

    -Does the character have a dependency or addiction that is or would be very hard to break (e.g.

    alcoholism, drugs, gambling, sex addiction, a potentially dangerous sexual fetish, etc.)?

    -The ability to shrug off minor wounds

    -Is the character old, even by the standards of her/his race?

    -Do you draw the character, or ask other people to draw her/him for you, more often than any of your other characters?

    -Is the character someone you would want to be friends with, assuming she/he would be receptive to friendship with you?


  6. *deciphers the meaning

    *thinks to himself he will find Gragarn...because he will miss him

    *gets suited up with his best armor and sword and follows the desert scorpions into the desert to find the orc who threw him around so often causing so much joy in old Yahgy.

    ((now whats his address? :P i'll show up painted blue with a laptop. *grunts to laptop))

  7. *posts a picture of a stick figure orc pissing in a cave under Fort Gorbad in all orc cities.



    Yahgy find curious stone so dig and find bub'hosh hole for pissy in Fort Gorbad. Lats shud peep.

    (thanks Aerog for helping me build it. we might need to weed out some of the vines...i...kinda went...overboard.)

  8. ((It's a rule that when you die from rp you lose the last 30 minutes irl memory...which is almost 2 days in game. this helps to make it so everyone doesn't avenge their own death. Also, you cannot return to the spot or battle you died (again in rp) for 30 minutes. These rules don't apply if you die by mobs(non undead spawned), arena fights (other than duels to death), and accidents like drowning or falling. Also if your house is the place you died from rp you can go back but be warned...you don't remember the last 30 minutes so very well might not remember your killers and they might still be there and kill you again.

    I enjoyed your story i just wanted to throw out these rules so you might understand them as i wasn't sure if you did. I didn't til a month or longer after i joined the server. In the story the first time seemed like a standard arena klomping so you would remember being beaten. the second and third times, however seemed like they were to the death because you were insulted and usually an orc fights to the death with someone who insults him so you wouldn't remember 30 minutes prior to each of those deaths. not sure how if even it would play into the story again i just wanted to throw that out there. I awhait more exploits from Bruug! :D))

    Yahgy hope Bruug smash sneaky alflin with big orc mitts!

  9. Bog tell about da time i nearly killed you! *laughs "gya gya gya"

    wait...where is dat lunk head?

    ((i actually killed Bog 4k, 4k in the wilds by accident with serrated strikes once when he was showing me his little cave hut that every player on the server equipped with xray would still not bother to look for))

  10. Now tell da story were lat be mining and a umie apear!

    everyone know dat story. Yahgy be minin and feel great pain in leg...then another in ass. Yahgy turn around an see Uumie with bow so yahgy tell him "if ya attack me again i will defend maself"

    Tuupid Uumie tried to shoot another arrow at me so i pulled out my sword and killed him. da end. ((that makes for 2 kills i've done in...3 months. lolol i'm a badass))

  11. Yahgy peep lats klompin an felt lats fist it be a good start but lats gotta do more en dat ta be a bruddah. ya lastin longa dan most tho so far. If lats really wanna impress da warlord ya need ta help us udda ways dan simply klomp or bring food or blah bub'hosh. Information dat help Krugmar grow be wut yahgy blah-in about. Da Wanderer((not sure if you knew him or not)) nub become a bruddah just because he was good fighter...

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