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Posts posted by moondoggy

  1. Yahgy feel wrath when he see scars of Aegis from wounds dealt by da cruel. Yahgy hate it so much me can't see straight! I try and help da trees by building wooden supports but they do not last. I try and cover gaping holes with sand and soil but they don't stay covered. If anyone has knowledge of those hurt land Yahgy make dem pay with lives. Dis be common bond true Elf and Orc share. We both shud love da land and destroy those who don't.

  2. from what i hear you can purchase slaves without a villain app. just not enslave them initially. they will be bound but if you unbind them to do a certain task they can escape. i recommend keeping their legs shackled. Until i know for sure the do's and don'ts of slaving however i won't be purchasing any.

  3. yub! Yahgy hear about staff an den Yahgy tell ma story. *forgets order*

    *hobbles over and hops up on "stage" letting out a small squeaker as he lands

    Oi Orc an Gobbies listen up dis appen a few months past inside Sanjezal

    Yahgy buildin blargs an such an Orrasta da mute orc be watchin Yahgy.

    Aumen come down to inner city talkin bout he not sure how he got here an such.

    Yahgy tell Aumen to leave an read signs

    Orrasta also point to signs wit sword and grunted at Aumen.

    Aumen call Orrasta toopid

    Yahgy kill Aumen.

    da end.


  4. I'm no "advanced" villain just your standard 1,2a but i would love to know more about the do's and don't about slaving. here's some questions i got.

    1) can a villain of 3(thats slaving right?) sell a slave to a villain of just 1 and 2a(aka me)

    2) if so what can the purchaser make the slave do? i feel it would make sense he couldn't kill and eat it unless also a villain for slaving.

    I ask these mainly because i want to start buying halflings so we can cook them alive because thats the way they are most fresh. sick or twisted ideas don't come to mind when the thought of slow roasted halfling is involved for most orc.

  5. I would like to see shops be more specialized myself. Too be honest i got out of the merchant business recently to give new blood a go at making a name for themselves and i had many other things to do but i personally think that the whole autoshop thing takes away from rp. I'm a hypocrite of course because i had an autoshop but i no longer do and will never again. No autoshops would force everyone to rp much much more if you couldn't get whatever you wanted whenever you wanted. Gotta think in olden times were there wal-marts in every town?

  6. ya got any dat make yahgy stronger? wut about any dat make ya see things? ever hear of a potion dat makes ya not sleep? I've heard of a potion that makes you hear and see things better you know of that one? What would you say if i said i was looking for a potion that makes others forget things. I need a potion that will make females uglier.

  7. Orcs- I like the current idea with the mountains surrouding the main capital. Huge gates and mostly circular design with Rex Palace in center.

    Goblins- I like the pits under Isengard from LotR idea for goblins. Can be under the capital


    Shamans- I have combined two ideas to form what i think would be neat for Shamans. The huge mountain range surrounding the capital i feel could be split into trenches that would allow for both the cliff-houses and also caverns for the numerous elements and spirits that shaman follow.

    Nomads- I feel would live outside the capital in closer to where the savanna and forests meet and there is much game to hunt.

  8. gobbies didn't survive for thousands of years by goin against da warlord. Although Urara, ya still be ugliest. why didn't i vote for urara den? Like Yahgy say gobbies didn't survive by not support da warlord. *is reminded with all this talk of ugliness about Gertrude. Yahgy need go now have busy building to build aye aye.

  9. *pulls "knifesy" out of trousers

    -What be appenin now? *snorts

    oi i got it! If da Aumens sellz us all der Alfin's sos we canz eatz um we no slaughters dem?

    well dats good offer i tink weze takes it.

    *pulls up an ear to an orc's better advice

    oi we kills da Aumens den we eats da Alfins!

    *realizes he's holding "knifesy"

    -now what be appenin now? *snorts

  10. If da leader of Kaxil clan Vulgrak be tainted by Iblees it be da clans duty to Execute him and put new leader in charge. Udda dan dat they be a kill on sight clan for Krugmar Orcs of any clan who follows da Warlord. Dis be how Yahgy feel.

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