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Everything posted by mcmuffinfluffin

  1. 1)MC Name & RP Name: McMuffinfluffin & Beorhtryth 2)Chosen Patron: The Light 3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): Beorhtryth wishes to join to further his dedications tot he divine. Beorhtryth wishes to devote his life in the service of God who created the races of the world and has brought all that is good to the world. 4)Race: Human 5)Flaws in Your Character: Loyal: Beorhtryth is quick to trust and very loyal. People in higher positions with unsure intentions would find it easy to manipulate Beorhtryth to do their bidding. Untested Faith: Beorhtryth zealously follows God because that is what he has been taught and exposed to. If someone was to bring evidence that God was false or that his intentions were not pure, than Beorhtryth could possibly turn away front the church and lose all faith with in it the divine. Impatient: Beorhtryth prefers quicker solutions than long, tedious ones. He would prefer to be quick than doing things 'correct' if he seems them as unnecessarily long. 6) How long have you been on the server: Joined july of 2011, but played infrequently than. So I would say my combined time would equal that of a couple months of experience. Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation. 7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] Beorhtryth approaches the two, unaware of the shade's identity. "You there! Stop harassing that man. If he has wronged you than take it up with the law," said Beorhtryth in a raised voice. The shade made no understandable reply, but began to murmur words Beorhtryth was unfamiliar with. Beorhtryth quickly pushes the shade to the hard ground causing the shade to gasp and lose focus of incantation. As the shade gets up Beorhtryth turns to the citizen and said, "Quick! Go and find the guards!" The citizen ran off as Beorhtryth drew his sword to face the mage. Beorhtryth was unsure if the citizen would actually get help or if the guards would be willing to leave their post, but had no intentions of showing his doubt to the mage. As the mage gets back on his feet Beorhtryth says, "Leave now with your life while you have the chance, the guards will be here before you could beat me and than you will have no chance to escape with your life. Leave while you have the chance." The shade took a dew steps back and reluctantly turned his head to eye the woods which he soon voluted into. 8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. Beorhtryth saw something shivering right off the path, he couldn't see what it was through the thick snow. Beorhtryth walked to the shivering child, slowed down as his feet dragged against the snow, and drew his dagger believing he was about to put an injured animal out of its misery. Beorhtryth dropped his dagger in surprise as he realized the things is a child. Beorhtryth quickly picked up the child, dusted the snow off of her, and held her close to him as his cloak completely buried her against him. Beorhtryth heard stammering and quickly said in a soft voice, "Hush child save your energy." Beorhtryth took her into the nearest town and immediately headed towards the inn. Beorhtryth sat the child at a table and approached the counter. "I'll have two bowls of soup and some bread. And would you know if their are any orphanages nearby?" The bartender came backs with the bowls and bread, "Sorry, none of those around here." Beorhtryth smiled and nodded as he dropped some minas on the counter and took the food to the table. The girls quickly grabbed for the bowl, but Beorhtryth blocked the greedy hand and said, "Prayer first." she sighed and bowed her head as Beorhtryth muttered a prayer. The girl quickly attacked the bowl after and Beorhtryth asked, "Where are your parents, miss?" The child slowed down her eating, but didn't answer. Beorhtryth understood and remained silent while she ate. After she quickly finished Beorhtryth took her into his arms again and gave her his piece of bread before leaving the inn. He would take her to the monks at the sanctuary, they would surely take care of the child. As he began to leave the town the child asked with a full mouth of bread, "What is your name?" Beorhtryth smiled and said, "Beorhtryth, m'lady." She responded with a giggle as Beorhtryth continued on. 9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. Beorhtryth looked the poor man over, he was obviously desperate as Beorhtryth never left home without his arms and armor. Beorhtryth's hand automatically grasped the hilt of his sheathed sword and he saw a flash of fear go through the man's eyes. Beorhtryth felt a jolt of guilt and and sighed. He tossed over a generous pouch of minas and asked for the man's weapon. He handed over a dull dagger and Beorhtryth waved his hand to signal for the man to leave who quickly did so. 10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. Beorhtryth felt a fit of rage overcome him as he shouted to the man, "How could you say that you fool! The followers of Iblees hide and cower before the might and strength of Aeriel and the 'other patrons'." Beorhtryth took a deep breath and did his best to calm himself as he said, "Us followers of the divine serve to heal and guide those in need, the followers of Iblees murder all they see. I do not believe healing is cruel, but murder is. Those who follow Iblees cower or are dead while the followers of the divine walk with pride, knowing the that our God will protect us." Beorhtryth removed himself from the crowd as the guards grabbed the heretic shouting about the false diety linked to innumerable amounts of murders. 11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" Beorhtryth sighed a she thought up an answer of the difficult question asked by a young man. "God allows suffering because he has given us the will to do as we see fit. If God governed how we must live life than what would be the point of living? Our God weeps over every man, woman, and child that must suffer, but trusts that us mortals will work together to bring an end to it. God has personally placed his trust in each and everyone of us. Everyone person who suffers is simply another opportunity to show that God was right to place his trust in us. Take strength in the fact that those who are not relieved of their suffering are soon to join with God and find no end to their fortunes." Beorhtryth placed a hand on the man's shoulders and concluded, "God allows suffering so we may bring an end to it and bring those who cause it to justice."
  2. Brief Character History: Beorhtryth lived his days on farm that was remnant from his family's past. His great grandfather was a minor noble, but he eventually lost much of his wealth throughout his years. Beorhtryth's family fell out of nobility and Beorhtryth lived on a once grand farm that was luckily still their own. Beorhtryth planned on serving the Oren military or guards to restore his family's name and hopefully their wealth, but on his journey to the human city his home was raided and his family killed... Beorhtryth saw that Oren did nothing after the crime because of politics and it being outside the city. Beorhtryth vowed to avenge both the people who killed his family and the Oren guards/military who did nothing to help. Beorhtryth fell to a life of petty crimes in order to survive and fell from his original intent and became nothing more then a petty criminal... Beorhtryth was eventually caught and executed when he tried to escape. Luckily the monks at the cloud temple were able to save him and revive him. Beorhtryth had a change in heart and planned to turn his life around. He no longer wanted vengeance, but rather to prevent the same things from happening to other innocents. Beorhtryth now plans sets off to redeem his own name and make his now gone family proud of him through good deeds and strong faith in what is good. Character Name (I.C.): Beorhtryth Character name (O.C.) mcmuffinfluffin Race: Human IC Age: 29 Goals in the FOA?: To perform good deeds and better himself by helping innocents and the ascended from all evils no matter what the cost to himself. Good deeds you have done?: I have fought in two fights against the undead hordes, both at or near allistan. (sorry if i spelled that wrong). Other then that I off my help when I can, but without much wealth and resources I have not been able to do more. Have you done any bad deeds?: Unfortunately I have done some crimes in my past. But I have turned from those way and plan to start a new life with two goals, two redeem my name and my family's name and also to spread news and assist in the coming of the most holy ascended. How did you hear of us?: I visited fort for the FOA and the paladins, they told me to apply Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am because I have witness their bloodthirsty attacks on innocent towns. They serve only to remove life from the world and I plan on doing everything in my power to help protect our world. Can you wield a blade?: Aye Are you a capable builder?: I can build a home or fort if provided with the resources though I am not a master of complicated traps and hidden passages. Are you an archer?: I am fairly well if with a bow Any special skills?: Nothing special to note, just my loyalty to cause of doing good Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I do have faith they will return because they are a beacon of all that is good and there is still good and evil left in the world, so they are still needed and wanted. I will do whatever I can to help whether it be fighting hordes of undead or spreading the word of the ascended. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: Well as I previously mentioned I will do whatever is asked of me, whether it is fighting evil, spreading the good news that the ascended will return, or helping assist unlucky folks in the world. I plan on fully serving to bring good to the world where it is lacking so the ascendeds' return will be the most glorious it can be.
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