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Posts posted by Yamnothere

  1. ''Of course yer' will have my blade defending this mighty city, I shall rally as much forces as possible, with the defence of the city, I'l personally lead Patrols, of me' own men around and about''

    (( And as for this meta' situation, it is widely known within IC, that the undead are attempting to symutaniously take over the great cities, ))

  2. I would gladly get reported for posting the truth,maybe i shouldn't have bumped this but i got so disgusted when i read this thread.

    /lesighs, No offence to anyone but this guy sounds like a Nine eleven conspiracy theorist,

    Sereiusly, Nato came in to help the rebels, as it was themselfs who previusly sold gadaffi I think nuclear weapons or just normal missiles or something,

    Not... about.. the... Oil.

    Also, it was to pretect there flights, and so on.. I win ^.^ stop necroing dead threads to aim attacks towards several others.

    But im not sure, I dun' read news paper ^.^

  3. I Give This Charter My One Hundred Percent Approval,


    - The Charter is finely wrote, And the town seems excellently planned.

    - If it is anything such as the current one, I shall look faward to visiting, and maybe branching out there.

    - Because if I Do, Galaderp will be destroyed in a holy blaze of glory.

    - If I dont; Shii Will yell FUS DO RAH! At me for hours on end until I finally do + 1 it ^.^ ( not that he has asked, )

    If you need any help building, Check out my planet minecraft page; Benpowell987 for examples of my building skills.

    And if you need any additional Help, Inbox me.

    Shii, you are free to use my name within your mighty fine list of signatures. just copy right it please (( The little TM thing, you know? ))

  4. I've never experienced an event :( They are always on about 1 AM for me :S

    Awh, British, so Am I :3

    Cannot.. let.. dwarm... catch.. up.. with.. forum.. posts.. must.. think.. of.. something..


    Fun times, How open warfare became, Guarilla warfare, became tactical warfare, became seiging warfare, became Guirilla Warfare, Beca-.. you get the idea

    T'was fun :3

  5. The elves need more Noble houses, Hopefully you find a way to actually be called said, rather than just waltsing right in and saying ''we're a noble family join us'' But thats nothing a good lore, and backstory cannot handle :)

    remember: you need to actually pass a new religion post to actually say you follow one, ( if I read currectly, your thinking about making your own, if not. meh, ignore that. )

    I do suggest, helping fund the elven military, and so on, I mean its not a bad way to work your way up in earning Elven respect and all :) who knows, maybe one day becoming High prince of whichever will rule in 2.0

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    [ Note this is case sensative remember to add capital letters when required ]

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    No I did not.

    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT Central England

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I have excellent grammer, and spelling.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm a proactive guy, who consideres himself a bit of a laugh, whilst remaining mature. I enjoy many things such as gaming, socialising, and meeting new people. I am always on the constant lookout for ways to inprove myself.

    [ Add a few sentances about yourself, do not form an entire biography about yourself, but don't add a few words such as ''I like skyrim. I like games... I like making friends. Remember you can expand even the simplist of things. ]

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I would be on the server as much as possible, meaning usually all day, lest I have work.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    Role-playing in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.

    [ Please, your own description, do not copy and paste from wikipedia ]

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Metagaming - Taking knowlage to which you know out of charactor, bringing it in charactor, to which, bringing an unfair advantage into your roleplay, this is a fair reason to be banned.

    Powergaming - Acting out inpossible stuff, such as somehow becoming twenty metre's tall and stomping on people... it wouldn't happen.. Whilst another version of powergaming may take to emotes themselves; Emoting attacks to where players would not be allowed to block, but to avoid that, I always put attempts before all emotes.

    [ It is best to bring as much infomation as possible, With examples ]

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    A fun, and excellent way to meet new people, within a mature envirement, whilst being in an astounding roleplaying atmosphere.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I've played to many servers to count but here are a few;

    Chaos Craft - The owner tried to force donations upon people.

    Warcraft - The Envirement died out after a while.

    KO Craft - I hosted for a while until I woke up one day wanting a change in my life.

    Usually I leave servers due to faults with the owner, acting like a complete child, and the rest of the time just because the atmosphere dies.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes I Have read the rules, and I Am one hundrent percent agreeing the them.

    [ It is Vital you actually do read the rules, rather than just agreeing to them ]

    How did you hear about us?:

    Through several Minecraft sites to which I cannot name due to being a while back.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    Yes I have voted on Minestatus, and unfortuantly I did not keep tabs to which vote number i am.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:


    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):


    Ser Markus Powell, is a Tall, and buff male to which loves fighting, He is relitively clean the majority of the time, and usually towers over the avarage sized human. He has a muscular body to which is well earned by his actions in fighting.

    Back West

    Coming to the country following his father Ben Powell, to which had visited many, many years ago in his youth. Back west Markus was an excellently skilled knight, always seeking adventure, or a damsel in distress. Many a nations grew jelous of Markus's skills, Always trying to enlist him into there fighting forces, to which Markus refused, angering the nations tenfold.

    The Banishment

    Due to the nations growing jelous of his power, and influence, but wanting no ties with any nation, Markus found himself abandoned due to in his fathers old age, dicided to travel back east, to where he was birthed. This devistated Markus to whom in a blind rage, Almost killed an messenger in a bar during a bar brawl. The Nations kings took this opertunity to try and blackmail him into joining them, but this did not work on Markus, whom was banished from there lands. He had been hunting his father since.

    His Father's Death

    After many years, Markus had found his dad, but not in the condition he wanted him to be in.. Ben had tried to fight an old trator of the Rebellion whom he had once led, Now undead had the abilities to use magic to trick the man. Markus vow'd to never allow this scourge to hurt another living being again, Bearing arms against the undead, and anything that would wish to harm another man, be that bandit, undead, or a powercrazed tyrant.

    [ Please try to add as much detail, getting in depth, and into every knook and cranny, of your charactors history, summing it up, but still, We want a real good Biography, but we do not want a story birth to Present. ]

    Your characters ambitions:

    To defend those whom cannot themselves, and to help bring civilisation to even the furthest reaches of the wilderness.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    Markus would unsheath his Copper blade to which, charging into the frey, aiding the elf in combat. a mere two bandits would not be problem due to his size and abilities within combat. After battle, would help with any wounds the elf may have, handing him some food, being on his way. ''Goodbye master elf'' with a noble bow with his head.

    [ This is an example of your skills with writing. you would have to be good with writing to pass an emote off, not saying you have to be the best, but im sure you will do fine. ]

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    ''Is there anythin' I may help you with kind sir? no payment necessary, Whilst im in teh' city i may aswell help!'' helping the shopkeeper with whatever he has to offer, nodding to the shopkeeper, being off to find his next adventure.

    [ This is an example of your charactors speech, try your best. maybe add an accent, as i have done so here. ]

  7. Keep in mind; this is just so we can keep tabs of our members, we wont give ranks, but if your wishing to join, simple click the link : http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/33938-the-order-of-the-cresent/

    ePilon1 - Epilon_Del_Sual

    Mr_Jack_Mehof - Corix

    Nandz64 - Malin_Arket

    Several others whom i really need to get them to /tell me.

    The storm army whom pledged their blades to Sir Markus

    Several adventuring guilds whom do not wish to be named, due to several alliances they keep.

    we're not a small guild, rather i know alot of people who have joined via /buddy

  8. ((I remember this. It was the first thing I was apart of when I joined this server. Vardak invited me to the rebellion and then turns around and recruits me as a double agent. Kinda saves my ass in a way. That is when I met Edward who was about to take the throne after the king before died. Good times.))

    Haha, t'is good times, although i do have to apologise as my RP at that time wasnt up to what it should of been, not to say i couldnt rp, I mean, i had alot going on at the time, i started the rebellion and boom, irl stuff prevented me from rping my fullest capacity. apologises :3 you'd be pleased to know my rp's finally better :)

    ((Powell, I have to thank you. That rebellion allowed me to up my Iron prices 10 Minas. :D))

    50% of all profit... :3

  9. My friend, its been active for longer, the idea' has been there, it was formed, and written up way before the fith, rather, your now trying to copyright ANY mercenary group idea's, as you see, my psot is at MOST twice as long as yours, i've been playing for so much longer than you, and ya'know wha'? dont get all touchy, as i already had the storm army pledged to me, and they can CONFIRM the idea was created, and put in motion WAY before the jornheim merc's. do not DARE try and say im plaguerising your idea' as there where MANY MANY before us, and ya'know what, your just simple plagurising there mercenary idea; such as the knights of the north ,or so on, i'l have to say, get the feck over it.

  10. As for the ranking; heh, i've never even read your post before now. ( plus i would love to save, this has been in a note pad file of mine, for much longer than i've came back, infact for other games, and furums, ( i just swap the aegis, ) So do not, dare, start with it.

  11. Arteh, this has been active, way before the 9th, infact since i've came back, we've had members, rather the fact is; its just became an official post, the thing is; you've stole my Idea rather, so please, dont come around in an IC thread, and so on :3 ny who the name will be changed for the sake of the whole oblivion thing,

  12. Yep, you caught me.

    No. Just no.

    Check out the Illuminus Obscura. THAT'S something.

    Anywho, I was and idiot back then. Look at me now, for taking Char615's advice and making the Black Hand the name.

    And, actually, it was before this Skyrim craze, so, meh.

    Oh, and James, I haven't seen anything from THAT game implemented into this world yet.

    So props to me

    Oh, and Catty is right, lore must be approved

    (( simon, as i've said further up, its an IC thread, your furum mod and all so :3 i dont want to intrude, but yes, as far as i was aware, it was fine, Up to the point where it doesnt have a name? I've gave minimul infomation on this ''country'' And please can you possible delete all posts that are below kendra as they've done exacly what i've asked them not to and commented on the Oblivion thing? >.> ))

  13. and i know i know, most of this is tighly based on TeS Fighters guild, so dont comment about that please? ))

    (( Not to be harsh or anything but c'mon guys why read something, that says dont do it and then do it anywa-... Oh just.. -... Dont do it -.-'' ))

  14. [[ Anything related to Skyrim, Oblivion, etc, I deem an unoriginal guild. Sorry bro. ]]

    [[ If you want to make contradictions about the BH, I took it from command and conquer. ]]

    (( i'd just love to say: 1: black hand is the name of the dark brotherhood in oblivion, and 2) the background to your avatar is the texture to the door of the cheydenhall sanctuary... /trollface )

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