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Posts posted by Yamnothere

  1. I would like to know for what reasons you are rebelling. As for all the good "things" you want to add or change, we have been trying to do so over the past few days. We have made farms, given jobs, and we are doing the upmost best to feed our people. We have no minas to give, as many of us have made trips to the Temple many times and have had to pay the monks for their good services. WE are attempting to rebuild so that we can give houses to everyone, yet you rebel due to what?

    You also asked our King for permissions to attack, well he is not the only person to ask, your proving right now that you do not understand our government. You must ask the council not the King as the King when the council does not agree with him can be overruled, you need to ask me and everard as we also control the plot, and do not see any reason why you are rebelling.

    Please respond,


    The rules only state I have to ask the leader of each, Given that The king ( Eze'kiel ) is the figure head for the entire nation, i'd only have to ask him. What you NEED to do, for the one hundreth time, is inbox me, Im answering questions within inbox, So please, Again, in Inbox, instead of trying to make me look'a'fool, By posting to where Your adviced not to post, by myself, around about , 6 times.

  2. ((makes sence to me. I bet some kids are going to start to complain about not being able to get online to defend.))

    Sort of why its at a later time, due to the continus yelling ''AERGH MY KNEE, IT HAS AN ARROW IN IT!'' Or the continued buff speaches, from LotR's ''WE MUST MUSTER OUR FORCES AND DESTROY THE ENEMY'' About ten times over.

  3. First off, for all of you whom know; Ser Markus is now rebelling against Renatus. He's good cause too, And if he wins, there will be cirtain changes, to help the people of Renatus;

    For example;

    - Houses will be given to people, for small yearly fee's ( 4.5 days IRL ) depending on the house, you would be paying about; 500, to 1,000 minas a year, If you cannot afford this, Then we'll simple roll onto the next year, to allow faunds to be gathered.

    - Jobs will be given to those, in need of minas, such as building, or resorce gathering, to help the current economic Situation. Including farm's to be built,

    - Food shall be distributed to those that need it, from the local food house, This will be free, unless you wish additional food, after your full. These shall be kept in shape by farm hands, and the manager.

    - A new council shall be put in place, similure to the old dwarven one.

    - Loans up to five thousand minas shall be given, with a payback of only 7,500. These will add to jobs, No; We will not come break your legs if you dont pay, instead, we'll simple Take from you, what is ours, in goods, and so forth.

    - Guards given training, to aid, Both RP, and situation handling. meaning no more You'punch'an'you'die Guards.

    - And plenny' more.

    Do not expect this to be instant, rather, it'll build up, Whilst things such as the housing, will become instant.

    The siege will be On Friday, at 10 PM GMT, [ Considering this your Three day warning, a day in advance. ] whilst if there is any problems with this, please leave a comment below,

    And would the following people please Inbox me, so we can discuss OOC things;




    -Anyone Whom has heard about the Rebellion, ICly, and wishes to partake. ( this will be Roleplayed, to make sure there Isn't meta'. )

    -And i'l contact the other few

    [ Please note, these names are not to be taken into IC as this thread is infact ooc. ]

    And can people please ask them, to do so, as I fear the majority of names will not bother looking.

    This Is an entirely OOC, thread, within the roleplaying section, to tell you what to expect of me, if this battle is won. I will continue to talk to people both, IC, and ooc about the rebellion, and if you wish to know what its about, i'l be happy to say [ Inbox me ]

    Sorry to be nun' on this thread, but Im just keeping infomation to a zilch, due to The amount of infomation that has been meta'd due to OOC infomation getting out.

    GM approval was given on, I cant remember when, i'l confirm it one of these days.

    IlumTarus's approval given on the 12th,

  4. A group of hooded and masked men walk in;

    They Yell: ''People of Renatus, your king has betrayed us, He has issued a warrent out on innicent men, killing several others, this group, in which was the one whom defended your city, whilst evacuating it!''

    An unnamed guard attempts to silence the group, to which another guard Swiftly holds him back,

    ''Ser Markus has defended galahar for many, many years, to which has himself been betrayed by your king, The rebellion, otherwise known as the Loyalist's are planning to overthrow this... ''king'', And we will Succeed, we have men in your army, we have infact several forces pledging there blades to us as we speak, Join our honourable cause to end the reign of Eze'Kiel.. He is no king of ours!''

    The yelling caused an uproar with several guards, to which attempted to stop the yelling, Several citizens, and infact guards join in, fighting the troublesum guards, to which said guards, where ''convinced'' otherwise.

  5. The local Crier reads; ''After Volenteering, Ser Markus Powell, evacuated many people, There where several attacks from the undead since then, No one is sure how many, at this present time, But the order of the cresent lost Five men, to which, left Two more, and Markus himself, The two That where left, Where not in fit shape to battle, hense being ordered to leave by Markus himself, It has been said, Ser Markus Will stay unless intructed by the king, or Braxis's.

  6. ''Of course yer' will have my blade defending this mighty city, I shall rally as much forces as possible, with the defence of the city, I'l personally lead Patrols, of me' own men around and about''

    (( And as for this meta' situation, it is widely known within IC, that the undead are attempting to symutaniously take over the great cities, ))

  7. I would gladly get reported for posting the truth,maybe i shouldn't have bumped this but i got so disgusted when i read this thread.

    /lesighs, No offence to anyone but this guy sounds like a Nine eleven conspiracy theorist,

    Sereiusly, Nato came in to help the rebels, as it was themselfs who previusly sold gadaffi I think nuclear weapons or just normal missiles or something,

    Not... about.. the... Oil.

    Also, it was to pretect there flights, and so on.. I win ^.^ stop necroing dead threads to aim attacks towards several others.

    But im not sure, I dun' read news paper ^.^

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