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Status Updates posted by Tethras

  1. So I was working on shrinking down the druid logo and seeing how big it was in creative.... I think it's a little big.... http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=if7ink&s=6

  2. Edited my post on the Mages Guild Tower thread with my MC and IC name. I'll put it here though just in case. Mc Name: AfroDave IC Name: Dedicant_David

  3. Will reply to things tomorrow... For now sleep....

  4. So you have a question about Dwarves? From out accents to our stubby heights. Ask away in our Q&A~ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/89102-dwarven-qa/

  5. Stuck in a soulstone piller.... ;-;

  6. Fable soundtracks... Always gives me them feels.

  7. Note to all the people who took the Golem Test: Sorry for the delay! I shall reply to them all tomorrow.

  8. The Golems shall not be defeated in chess... Mwahahahaha

  9. Remember! GM Battle today 5pm EST/ 10pm GMT

  10. Battle 10pm GMT/BST or for those in EST 5pm

  11. Battle in one hour!

  12. Fun Battle! Even if I died early on in. Damn it Miloh!

  13. And so the GM village fell... But the gaze of the Dwarves turned towards the Cloud Temple...

  14. A dwarf stuck in a mine on his own... Pure bliss. Oh the ores~

  15. Can't currently get in game - But if you need me for anything shoot me a message in skype or over the forums.

  16. Kjellos guide you...

  17. Great, now I'm going to get a lot of hate. But meh, one must do what they feel is right.

  18. It's that time again.... I predict a rant thread....

  19. Need sleep... Need sleep.... Need sleep....

  20. And so ended the life of Gronkk Grandaxe I. Prophet and Holy Chicken...

  21. Project Holy Chicken.

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