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Everything posted by pepethepig

  1. (A lord who was a Bandit, He wasn't that pleasant of a Person last time I spoke with him. My Orc Associates tell me They kept Beating him In /roll But he said "My town I can do whatever I want" Anyway, Lets not turn this post int a FlameWar.)
  2. (Yes, but what your asking REQUIRES a Villain App. It stink's how you need one to be able to have more fun. Then again, It keeps people like noble and Juvens out, So Meeehhh.)
  3. Well, A interesting idea, but maybe try other things before becoming A villains guild
  4. (Errr- So I guess I'm kicked out of my own Idea?)
  5. Never thought Fawkes was a one of those Teacher-Types.
  6. (Nevermind if you saw what this said, Didn't know what i was talking about. So, Have a SwordsMaster show them how to Pvp better, Or something. Just mumbling on..)
  7. Well better job then anything I would of been sble To setup. Great job, Let's make sure this doesn't fall through the cracks. Also, In accordance with MINE, I don't think these are two seperate academies, At least I hope not. Hahah.
  8. Freya, It's not like I planned on this, Also, I Doubt A nation would Sponsor us.
  9. Good point but sting, They have SAID they are going to run us out of buisness if we don't work for them,and I doubt they are bluffing. Also, I tried to contact you, I even waited. (Sad thing is they Can and WILL crush us. Also, Accept my Skype friend request, Need A way to talk that doesn't take 3 hours.)
  10. Also, You haven't contacted me past that one occasion, I'd even tried to wait till you were around to Make deals and eveything, But your never online. (Or you may be in A different TimeZone.)
  11. Sting, I negotiated a deal, The only thing we're waiting on is them to build it. You Had SAID you were making A first post, We've discussed this before! I'm not good at orginization/FineTuning, That's why your also in charge of this project!
  12. Yaay, People like my idea. Hahah Awsum, We need A C.A Teacher right now. Just please tell me your stats for swoords and such. Also, WE NEED A SCRIBE. I'm lazy and bad at keeping track of things.
  13. Hah, We're trying, And Vilku, //tell me soon. I'd like to have you around, Also, We have a offer By Tac64, If The land we get is big enough, We're starting there. ByeBye ^^
  14. well, No new news as of yet, We still have that Promising offer in Alras, And that tempting area in Ravenhold.
  15. That'd be great Jon, Meeet me around Laurelin Sometime.
  16. Alright guys, We have more news. Tac & Co will be Getting involved with the Academy, And We're geting a free (I think) area in Alras!
  17. Yeah guys, We can make this work. We Now have a AMAZING investor whose offered To back us up ALL the way. Kramoroe's Lords are being a little aggravating on a few points though. Anyway, We'll be ready UBER SOON.
  18. Sure, However it won't let me Log on yet.
  19. Sting, Thats really nice. However, I am not a 200 donator So we have to work Within our Boundaries. QQ. And Deck! Lets meet in KraMoroe some time, Send me a Tell please.
  20. Exciting news! Our Friends At KraMoroe are letting us Build there! Sting, I would be glad to have yu as My Co-Headmater, Please meet me IG and we can work Everything out!Vonebs, I'd be glad to have you in the schol, Also just a General message, We have more Classes than are probably going to be used so we may be cutting down on one or two!
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