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Posts posted by Jarkarll

  1. The Incognito People was capitalized for a reason. Imagine they were like their like the infamous KK*.Which in by they were incredilby racist and the Icongito people killed the human because it housed an Orc, and attempted to kill Jarkarll. I said he was stabbed because my skin has a scar across his calves, one across his forehead and one near his abdomen, all in the story. I said Oren guard because they are incredibly racist and the human was buried.

  2. Jarkarll was brother and son to a wealthy orc family. He was raised to fight, to be a warrior. He trained relentlessly to surpass his older brother, who was the favorite child. One day Jarkarll’s father decided to pit Jarkarll and his brother Moksha against each other. Jarkarll was elated to finally have the opportunity to show his father that he could surpass Moksha. Jarkarll fought his brother with wooden swords as it was just a sparring match. Jarkarll parried and riposted most of Moksha’s swings.

    During the battle Moksha felt that his brother was beating him and surely that would embarrass him in front of his father. Moksha took a stance to parry Jarkarll’s next blow, Moksha took his sword and off balanced Jarkarll, Jarkarll staggered and Moksha grazed the area near Jarkarll’s eye.

    His eye was not injured but a gash was left across Jarkarll’s forehead. Blood began to pour out, through the blood Jarkarll saw Moksha’s grin. Jarkarll was fueled by rage and immediately struck Moksha in the temple. He fell to ground and was unconscious, Jarkarll also passed out due to loss of blood. Jarkarll could not remember anything all went black.

    He awoke suddenly with a lash to the calves, an Orc spilled acid all over the scar. The acid would prevent the wound to ever heal, so the wounds from the lashes would always be bright red. Jarkarlls father yelled at him that for humiliating Moksha he would be banished from his house and would be disowned. Horrified by what his father said Jarkarll dragged himself to his room and collected his items, and left.

    Jarkarll from there on went across the land of aegis learning of all the possible knowledge.

    Until one day a humble human came across him and offered shelter. Jarkarll was only 12 when he was taken in by the human. The human taught him how to spell and read and how to add and subtract. The human taught him how the world work and how to heal wounds. One day a couple of Incognito people barged in stabbed Jarkarll a bit near the abdomen and killed the human that taught and nurtured him. However the men were humans from Oren, Jarkarll hated humans other than the human who saved him. Jarkarll struck them down and burned them. He later mended his wound it was not that deep but it had to be disinfected. Jarkarll took leaves and crushed them down and then added some dandelion extract. He poured the nectar into the wound, and gave a proper burial to the Human.

    Jarkarll thought it was high time to return to Sanjezal. Jarkarll saw Sanjezal in ruins… his family dead and all the buildings leveled. Jarkarll joined the Orc army and began his career as an Orc Warrior. In Sanjezal however, he noticed that people called him a goblin yet he looked like all the other Orcs in the army. People said it had to do with his intelligence, Jarkarll was perplexed but he referred to himself as a goblin due to his Father banishing him so his name as an Orc would be a crime.

  3. You can get a free houses on the government in the sulms like every

    other orc. but giving you minas is not going to happen..

    you have been gone for 1 mouth.

    without notice lol... ya read the forums...


    first i don't want a free house i want my house back, second i did read the forums about 2 months ago before i bought my house, nothing was mentioned about if your absent for a while your stuff will just be taken and sold or given away or something, i want my stuff back, i don't want minas, i want my house and my items that is all, money such i do not care about, i can make money, i am not asking for people to just give it to me, and craotor yes that was me glad to see you remember me seeing as i gave you 2 sets of iron armor and a free diamond axe, and gave no recognition whatsoever

  4. I bought it off of Tirok, it was the second to last house on the right side just before the Gate to upper sanhar. It was 1500 Minas and i had 6 funrnaces, 4 large chests, a brick floor, a bed, and a crafting bench, i also had a store in lower sanhar, which was where tohse photos of the sandstone came from, it was only 500 but i dont care about the store i care about how i made my living which was by selling sandstone now i dont have any..

  5. In August i left the country for family reasons for a month, i could not go on because of this. When i return i find that all my things were gone. My house my items and my precious sandstone.

    Don't beleive me? well heres proof, i used up about one of those iron armor sets, and also before i left for a month i had left most of those items at my chests at home and i had left some items to smelt however i do not have pics of that.

    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/199/20110723002029.png/ this should take you to my image shack and from there you can scroll through my pics. Ignore the ones with the skins.

  6. I sell sandstone atm i am running low on sandstone but more will be mined out and be placed in stock. I have a large stock of smoothstone aswell. I also will soon have large stacks of paintings, leaves, and wool. I will sell wood on request and if you would like bricks you can talk to my neighbor yahg. My shop is located in Sanhar in lower sanhar. It's one of the big shops next to the fountain and its in front of the meeting hall.

  7. IGN Name: Denboy444

    RPName: Jarkarl

    Why you want to be a Guard: To keep my home town and fellow orcs safe at all times.

    Previous Experience?: I am part of the Ferox Legio.

    Do you swear to always Safeguard the citizens of Sanhar and serve the Rex, Dominus and Consuls (To a lesser extent)? Yes, I hereby swear to uphold all laws and to do at least 5 total hour shifts a week.

    Rank you are going for: Veteran or Captain

  8. Simply spied infiltrating other factions or groups during a war allowing for better chances of winning. I will not go into context because my enemy may read this and i do not wish them to use my brilliant plan.


    Jarkal the Orc

  9. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: Denboy444

    How old are you?: 17

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: United States of America, EST [Eastern standard Time]

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes, I have a good grip on the English language and have good grammar.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I’m a kind person who like RPing and hates griefing. I like tuna, chicken, shrimp, and beef. Also I am an athlete, and I am Colombian.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Every day for roughly 5 hours.

    How long have you played minecraft?: Since October of 2010

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Roleplaying is where you adorn the life of another character or person and play through his/her life as you see fit and make decisions for him/her. Since WoW came out I have be RPing. Action Rping, Strategy, and Fantasy Rping

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Petridagamingnerd’s Raidsmp server.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes, I have read agreed and understood the rules. I have also studied all the lore that has to do with the 4 races.

    Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Elves

    How did you hear about us?: Petridagamingnerd reffered me here via a Youtube video.

    Did you vote?: Yes, Every day since July 10, 2011

    What was your favourite Law?: Your are not allowed to destroy land.

    What was your least favourite Law?: All laws seem to be notably well made and fair.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Pachatoman987


    Character Name: Jarkal the Hellbent

    What is your Race?:Orc

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Pachatoman987

    Biography: Jarkal the Hellbent was born in a clan of fine warriors however at the age of 9 his father disowned. No one knew why he was disowned but all avoided Jarkal and shunned him from all training and combat practices. At the age of 16 Jarkal decided to leave the family who had disowned him and make a name for himself. Jarkal left for the Wilds and was not seen another 14 years. Jarkal was sighted on the day he turned 30, all believed him to be dead but were shocked to see him well and lively. Jarkal was now a master swordman, and survivalist, as he had practiced by fending off packs of lions with only a rusty claymore. Now Jarkal had returned, hellbent on making a name for himself.

    Character Age: 30

    Character Appearance: Bloodlusty eyes full of hate,green, no shirt just a sheath across chest, and torn pants, with skull belt buckle, no shoes either.

    Character Personality: War savvy, but reckless, and at times has reckless abandon.

    Your ambitions: Become the champion of the Orc kingdom. Lead the Army if possible, Own a town aswell.

    Can your character read or write?: Yes, he can read and write.

    Can your character mine?: Yes, he can.

    Are you a capable builder? Yes, I am.

    Can you wield a sword?:Yes, I can wield a sword.

    Enjoy Farming?:No not Really.

    Does your character have any special skills?: Can raise morale of friends and troops easily and effectively.

    A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/836/imgorc.png/

    Other Information: I will be donating but at the moment I do not have a credit card to be able to pay for the bedrock VIP Membership.

  10. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Denboy444

    -How old are you?: 17

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: United States of America, EST [Eastern standard Time]

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes, I have a good grip on the English language and have good grammar.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I’m a kind person who like RPing and hates griefing. I like tuna, chicken, shrimp, and beef. Also I am an athlete, and I am Colombian.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Every day for roughly 5 hours.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since October of 2010

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Roleplaying is where you adorn the life of another character or person and play through his/her life as you see fit and make decisions for him/her. Since WoW came out I have be RPing. Action Rping, Strategy, and Fantasy Rping

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Petridagamingnerd’s Raidsmp server.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes, I have read agreed and understood the rules. I have also studied all the lore that has to do with the 4 races.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Elves

    -How did you hear about us?: Petridagamingnerd reffered me here via a Youtube video.

    -Did you vote?: Yes, Every day since July 10, 2011

    -What was your favourite Law?: Your are not allowed to destroy land.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: All laws seem to be notably well made and fair.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Pachatoman987


    -Character Name: Jarkal the Hellbent

    -What is your Race?:Orc

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Pachatoman987

    -Biography: Jarkal the Hellbent was born in a clan of fine warriors however at the age of 9 his father disowned. No one knew why he was disowned but all avoided Jarkal and shunned him from all training and combat practices. At the age of 16 Jarkal decided to leave the family who had disowned him and make a name for himself. Jarkal left for the Wilds and was not seen another 14 years. Jarkal was sighted on the day he turned 30, all believed him to be dead but were shocked to see him well and lively. Jarkal was now a master swordman, and survivalist, as he had practiced by fending off packs of lions with only a rusty claymore. Now Jarkal had returned, hellbent on making a name for himself.

    -Character Age: 30

    -Character Appearance: Bloodlusty eyes full of hate,green, no shirt just a sheath across chest, and torn pants, with skull belt buckle, no shoes either.

    -Character Personality: War savvy, but reckless, and at times has reckless abandon.

    -Your ambitions: Become the champion of the Orc kingdom. Lead the Army if possible, Own a town aswell.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes, he can read and write.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, he can.

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes, I am.

    -Can you wield a sword?:Yes, I can wield a sword.

    -Enjoy Farming?:No not Really.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Can raise morale of friends and troops easily and effectively.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/836/imgorc.png/

    -Other Information: I will be donating but at the moment I do not have a credit card to be able to pay for the bedrock VIP Membership.

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