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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. assassin_s_creed__scandinavian_guild_fla


    Skandinaviskt Riket

    Tens of thousands filled the flourishing capital of Stockholm. For most of his life King Oscar Gustaf Adolf V had never received his rightful crown. The Republic had decried any true coronation ceremony. They had used him as a ceremonial figurehead. Whilst a staunch monarchist and conservative, Gustaf was never one for icy formality. He was a man of the Nordic Master Race, be they peasant or Lord. Yet he to had felt hurt in his denial of obtaining a crowd. But now the Republic was dust, and the monarchist ruled. Gustaf V will never be coronated as a King. He will be crowned as an Emperor 


    This crowning was following alongside a quick moving Swedish government. Their propaganda, training, and industrial growth as always will continue. But this summer much more important things were in the making. Though the world would never be told of course. The Swedish market is controlled by the Central government like any true fascist. They begin strict rations, in order to start stockpiling valuable material. The home guard and reserves are also slowly being activated in small groups, and sent to armories. The main army already on stand by is ordered to do training exercises. All kept quiet, in the heart of a Swedish winter. The Nation is effectively sealed off to the outer world, information being closely guarded. Rumors have it a Imperial agency is ensuring this stays true with S.S trained brigades. 




    And then as summer dawns, Sweden’s military struck. Seeking to ‘enlighten’ the restricted monarchies of Denmark and Norway, Sweden came to their rescue. After a brief and... unfortunate war,  Emperor Gustaf called The monarchs to peace discussions. And what had culminated had been highly oped for, but not anticipated. The Monarchs all knew the decayed status of their army and economy. To ever keep up with modern powers and stay relevant, unity was needed. Perhaps the mad edge to Sweden’s sword helped sway things. But the concessions were not harsh, nor unfair. 


    And thus the Scandinavian Empire is formed between Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Gustaf is crowned Emperor Gustaf Adolf I, first of his name, Emperor of the Nordic Race, Chancellor of Sweden, commander of the military. The Kings of Denmark and Norway retain their royal status, and in fact gain more power. Under stern Nordic Agent watch, Fascist governments are elected to server under the two Monarchs. They also elect representatives to a higher up Imperial Parliament. There all three nations send representatives, for higher up matters of state across all the borders.





    *In other news the Swedish campaigning of the radio continues. However for more short term practical means propaganda is kept to leaflets in the traditional standard. Posters, loud speakers, news papers, every way possible, the media of the Nordic state begins to seep into it’s people’s ethos. In schools and history books favorable outcomes are factored. Across the domestic state the Emperor and his party are taking control and skewing public view towards their ideals.


    **In industrial news the combined power of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway is utilized. As promised the first Imperial funded project is in Norway. The Imperial cabinet helps fund projects to improve roads, agriculture, and industry. In more local matters Sweden herself focuses on a growing arms and armor industry. While for now German imported small arms was enough, Sweden needed vehicles. And so using her money from the newly won war, and Iron trade, Sweden sets to convert a military factory into being able to produce light tanks of German design. German engineers assist in the process.


    ***The army reserves are sent back home to work in the factories and farms, and help with this surge of Imperial planning. Meanwhile the main army remains active, and under German armament and training. In naval plans the three heavy cruisers continue under German blueprints, to make modern vessels. The damaged navy is assed for it’s worth, to see if it’s worth saving, or scrapping.




    *Swedish propaganda drive continues. 


    **Norwegian Imperial Plan/Swedish Home Plan


    ***Army reserves sent home to work/Army Training


    -German/Swedish RnDLooking into researching and producing a cheap but effective home radio. 




  2. latest?cb=20140925053520

    Galaharian League


    Across the League wheels turn and gold changes hands. All in all, quite a normal year on the surface. But there were murky ripples in the water. The men of the league play games of war and economics in blissful ignorance. The women however live in fear, fear of a certain pair of white eyes. But the ripples are hardly detected, and life goes on.


    Duke Giovinco Barbaro strides down the spacious halls of his Storm Keep with his three Passan commanders. In the past year or so after building, he had been busy renovating. Now shrines to the deep one mark every corner. Tapestries, silks, and oil lamps suffuse every hall way. Fresh sea food pours in, as well as supplies. Giovinco had done about all he could with the Storm Keep in the past few years. Now it was time to hand the keys to someone else. His loyal Passan Commanders would cater to the defense, supported by a council of Leagues-men officers and merchants. Giovinco will remain in the Storm Keep, but his priority has shifted....


    *The Passans people have slowly been shown the true wonders of a mercantile world. They had even expanded their borders, and their towns. A growing luxury and service economy was booming. Citizens wanted more goods, and clothes. However this entire boom was engineered by Galaharian merchants. They had not given loans to Passan merchants, but gifts. However this was leading to the Passans becoming increasingly reliant on Galaharian imports and finance to keep their growing domestic economy growing and booming. The Ivory bank and Duke Barbaro officially take over the operation. They will not upset the status quo what so ever. Galaharian merchants continue to integrate into the Passan economy. But the influence of their economic power is now focused under one branch, the Ivory Bank. They will begin to use this new found power to slowly and subtly expand their influence even more in the economy of Passans.




    In more martial matters the army of Galahar begins to mobilize and rally at Throatavilla. Quite an unprecedented event, many Leagues-men grew weary of this new move. However Governor Salvanzo of Throatavilla clears the air. Every an ally of the Guilds and Ivory Bank, he screens the army and commanders in a proper vetting process. His clerks compile a three thousand page report, and distribute it. The army was indeed being legally paid and ordered to assist Bordeleuax in their final assault on the Carrowlands. Elsewhere brave new regiments of troop are raised.


    **Galahar also begins into a very new, and very odd line of research. For two years or so now a most peculiar Uhlan Wood has come in from Hilmedhi. This wood was wondrously light, and seemed to enhance speed. Always one to look to the stars, the League RnD team takes this new wood. They begin to fashion it into a long staff, with supporting frames. This staff and frame of Uhlan Wood will ideally hold a Bog Silk sheet over it. The ultimate goal to make a form of glider then can harness the gales of wind over ocean and land alike. Slaves are used to test the gliders of course.



    Population; 6,218,934 / Income; 107k


    Mod Actions


    *Continued Ivory Bank ventures in Passan. -9k [20k Total]


    **Research into a ‘Glider’ -10k


    [!] Shipping in a Librarian Adept to assist in the investigation of last years mystery


    Ivory Bank subsidiaries start construction in the capitals of; Passans, Bourdeleaux, Danwent, Hilmedhi, Fey (But in their port city of course).


    [Redacted] -10k


    Financial Actions


    Building City -15k

     Building Port/Merchants Guild in newest City -25k

    Recruiting 2 Units of Stormriders [T3] -12k

    Recruiting 2 Units of Leagues-men [T3] -13k

    Building 6 Ballistae -4.5k

    Paying loan to Fyr-Darrick -8.5







  3. Gothic-Glyph-13.svg


    Galaharian League


    Fashion and parties on the absolute rise! Batista’s Landing has steadily been growing into the “Capital of the World” Smack dab in the center, it commanded Revar’s Gulf, and several golden routes run right through it. The ports were teeming with life. So many different styles of sailors, ships, courtesans, and more! The city itself has grown outside it’s walls by far. Millions now called this place home, and the expansion of it’s defenses is scheduled. In other news this influence works both way. Many nations abroad are now hearing of the League and it’s famed wealth. League fashion was now traveling outward. Every week a new rich noble started a new trend, and it now ripples out to the world. Galaharian hats and side button coats are all the rage now.


    With this new found power in the Capital also comes perils. Whilst the Duke and Sforza were off playing games, they had left the women to rule. Ironically neither was Galaharian by birth. But they were trusted all the same, and were strong women. Princess Sophia of Bourdeleux, and the famed Princess of the Jungles. They knew security was lax, and thousands came in and out every day. It was a matter that needed to be rectified, along with growing crime in this city of millions.


    *And so they set to work. The Duke had left a strong and well armored garrison to hold the Citadel. These men will now also be put to work to police it. At the Docks the Guilds and Clerk associations are given full control. Now backed up by soilders, they patrol the wharves. Every ship that docks is searched before the crew can leave. Their entire inventory listed, and the names of the owners taken. This will prevent anyone from slipping in or out through the docks. Further in the city local district wardens and police assisted by Barbaro household troops will now roam the streets in force. Their main goal to look for escaped slaves, and criminals. In the city outskirts cavalry will now patrol, whilst ships patrol the coast looking for smugglers. This will all hopefully make most business and commerce in the City legal, and trackable, and above all else, taxable!




    In more martial matters the Duke and Admiral have taken matters into their own hands. Many of Sforza’s mercenary band has been called. Their use in the siege is minimal, and they could no longer hunt for slaves. They did however bring home several thousand Carrow peasants, adding variety to the League’s well groomed stock of slaves. The Duke remains at the Storm Keep with a large army, machinating in the locale.


    **The Duke had no desire to make the Passan Defenders feel as if their position had been usurped. Thought the Citadel was now the first line of defense, Giovinco did not see himself as the de facto commander now. The more Galaharian leaning Passans who supported the Duke all these years are invited to the Storm Keep. There they can lead Leagues-men as officers, and receive a lofty spike in pay and food. The Defenders banner shall be flown side by side with the League’s in the Storm Keep. The three most loyal and high ranking Defender Officers to the League are gifted elaborate armor seized in the Carrow Wars [T4].


    **In Passans proper, League influence also continues to spread. Merchants from several League cities have invested heavily by now. Mostly in the Passans city, to make it truly remarkable to these swamp people. But now knowing the political landscape, natives, and business, it was time to ramp up operations. Increased gold begins to stream into the city, and loyal Passans pockets. Galahar by now is slowly embedding itself into the Nation as a whole, and making themselves quite useful to the Passans.




    In other news the League begins to subdue the last of their core land left vacated through military force. A massive loan is also shipped to Bourdeleux. The gold will be sent by land and sea in different caravans, and be heavily guarded.


    Mod Actions


    Galahar Fashion Spreads to the World!


    *Tightening security in Capital, improving commerce operations -2k


    **Passan Machinations -5k, 3 suits of T4 armor [11k Invested in Passans so far]


    [Redacted] -2k


    Financial Actions


    84k Income


    Loan to Bourdeleaux -60k


    Building a City over old PoI city! -15k


    *Continued work on Improving Batista’s Landing -2k [10k total]
















    The Commonwealth


    Led by her most Britannic  Majesty Queen Victoria II, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Empress of India and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Kuiper Belt, Duchess of Neptune and Jupiter, Queen of Pluto


    *The end of this most auspicious year marks a number of celebrations for the Commonwealth. It is rumored Queen Victoria is pregnant, though no medical exam has been given yet. She has largergly been sticking to the holdings on Earth. There her and her husband do all sorts of royal activities, and tour the cities. Rumors have abounded Victorias has been gearing up to tour the colonies abroad. But this supposed pregnancy might but a slight halt to matters. As the Monarchs carouse, the domestic market booms. Thanks to the more liberal labor party, this domestic shift had transitioned smoothly. The Colonies while representing a massive pit of money, also were people. Service business, general commodities, and luxury good were the road to any true forward progress. The factories begin to churn out product, as local governments are granted subsidies to foster small business.


    **In more menial matters of state Parliament continues the consolidation policy. The trade routes are cleared of pirates, and now open again. As life returns to normal, the Commonwealth army and navy are now expected to ensure it stays that way. The newly recruited soilders will help a long way in this goal. The recently refortified Commonwealth will now receive reinforcements in critical areas to take stress off key points. Commonwealth naval detachments will also set up, to ensure a constant presence in more sensitive areas. On Mars itself the entrenchment process has only truly just begun. Funding for what was once a system wide policy, is now scaled back to two colonies.




    ***With shipyards kept ready, work begins on the new line of Commonwealth Cruisers. Work will first begin to ensure the Unicorn class has phased out the Commonwealth’s outdated inventory. Seventy Five of these ships are laid down, and the old ones will gradually be repurposed or sold off to pay for the new. As this enhanced Cruiser project begins, the Vicky Class continues work. A small bath will be produced with leftover space, to test in the field. Whilst further work will progress on the model as a whole. The other ships of the Commonwealth continue construction.


    ****A consolidation campaign begins on the Commonwealth’s fuel and colony investments. While the monopoly has been lost, the Territory and operations of the Commonwealth were still vast. Work begins to get the whole system up and running again. Commonwealth trade will open back up, and the large oil production rekindled. Eager to work with her new partners the Commonwealth broaches to France, and the United States a tri-nation trade lane to shuttle their fuel in large convoys. This would cut cost, and help the three dominate the trade.


    The Germans are offered condolences by Queen Victoria personally. The Communist uprising was a brutal threat to any proper Nation. Though it was regrettable her German cousin was working with the Soviets, it was ultimately forgivable. In an act of good will Commonwealth toothbrushes, blankets, and water bottles are sent to Neu Friedreichburg to alleviate the colonist ailment. Parliament also received troubling reports. It would seem local English agents had been subdued to the Communist cause. These men are branded traitors to the State, and formally exiled. The Commonwealth promises to formally investigate and crackdown on the Communist cells within their own ranks, which threatened both nations.





    *Rumored pregnancy, Domestic market agenda


    **Garrisoning crucial areas, continued entrenchment policy on Mars


    ***Continued Naval Plans


    ****Fuel plans [U.S, France]


    Military/Colony fleet sent to Valetudo to establish an outpost


    A Royal ‘Melee’ Academy is founded in London proper. Here the higher echelons of the Officer cadres sons and daughters can come to train for fencing, and more uncouth melee types. This shift is an indication of the Commonwealth’s growing policies in the field.







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    Meanwhile in the Westerlands, things are far more harmonious. Tyrion Lannister through wit and cunning has been keeping the homelands safe and prosperous. The standing army as always keeps training. They are now implementing Dragon Lances and Mortars at a point to phase out all melee weapon but the pike to deter Knights.


    ***The winter coming in truth has spurred Tyrion’s attention however. He rides across the West, with a large portion of the Lannister sell-swords, mounted outriders, horse, and officers Tyrion has to use with him. They will go wherever Lords had been hit the hardest by Tywin’s levies. This small and smart group of Westermen can hopefully travel their people’s lands and help secure whatever is left of the last autumn harvest. And now more then ever the Navy and Mountain Pass units are told to increase patrols.






    -In the Crownlands proper, Addam Marbrand is given command. Acting in place of the unappointed King’s Justice, he seeks to restore order to the realm. Instead of crushing and subduing, he listens and helps. He makes every small folk problem his own. His men help rebuild, and pay for what they take. The effort is to undermine the B.W.B efforts in the area with their own tactics. Vargo Hoat is put under Marbrand’s command, but kept on a VERY tight leash. 

    -Lord Tywin Lannister, and Master of Coin Damion Lannister will set up camp around King’s Landing. Ironically they reoccupy the Lannister war camps during the siege, but now flying the Baratheon banner. Other Lannister camps will spring up in the cities ashes, and near the Blackwater. The troops not busy patrolling will help in the reconstruction efforts. 



    Standing Army training continues as always. Some of the veterans are sent to Tywin. Fresh men are raised in their place to start training.


    ***Tyrion attempts to rescue last of harvest. Increased alertness of troops and ships guarding Westerlands border


    -Marbrand begins to restore ordder to King’s Landing


    -Tywin beings to rebuild King’s Landing






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    Svenska Riket


    A swirl of intrigue surrounds the now burgeoning Swedish capital of Stockholm. Ever since the glorious revolution of the Nordic master race. This super power Human ethnic class has since focused on the revered city of Stockholm. It is from hear the government rules, the navy bases, and the army trains. It is also here where power resides. When orders come, it is issued with the insignia of the City stamp. Every month tourist come, or people come to live and work. And at the head of it all is King Oscar Gustaf Adolf V. The nationalist party had chosen to rally behind their monarch as a strong head of state. Ever an enemy of the liberals, the King was only too happy to oblige. By now he was in total power, after several consolidations and purges. Even now his underlings further the Empire’s power....


    *Prime Minister Knut Hjalmar Leonard Hammarskjöld and Sweden’s top General, Karlsson Fauchex walk side by side down a dimly lit corridor. Underneath the palace, they were in one of the Empire’s most secure locations. They were going to check up on the Empire’s newest secret weapon. This particular weapon had a truly devious and deadly potential. The pass by rooms of people being interviewed, and casted. Everywhere cameras are recording small bits and pieces of propaganda. And then they reach the control room. It is here that the Swedish Empire broadcast it’s fiery rhetoric. Using their new radio network, the Nordic Master race and Swedish Empire is praised to the heavens. By now censorship and state press dominated. Swedish radio is now prepared to be broadcasted to her neighbors as well. By way of radio and TV, this odious rhetoric is seeping to many homes.


    *Sweden’s primary target will be the faded glory of the Danish state. They too had been humiliated in the Great War. However unlike Sweden, they had stagnated. The army, navy, and air force was outdated. Their limited and democratic monarchy was also outdated. All in all, the state was in a sorry spot. Capitalizing on this, pro Swedish Radio, and Propaganda, pour into Denmark. The government also starts to privately help fund/arm Fascist groups in Denmark




    **But Kings and Radio is not the only thing that is burgeoning in the Empire. The status of the armed forces was a point of pride for the dominate Nationalist party. The army was large, and the navy larger. However with all this force came some serious concerns. Sweden’s industrial complex was by no means up to par. To alleviate this, the Nords establish a solid trade deal with the Germans. Extremely valuable Swedish Iron will be harvested and shipped south to the growing German war machine. In return manufactured goods will come back up. For now Sweden will focus on acquiring regular German infantry equipment and small arms. She will also begin to start developing her home industry up to a German standard, with their help.


    ***Paired with this is the growing need for a stronger Officer Corp. The royal Cabinet will personally take to recruiting and forming a new NCO caste. Picking generally younger students, they seek pure Nords/Scandanavians above all else. This ethnically dominant, young, and zealous, officer corp will form the beginning of the backbone for Swedish armed forces. Paired with this the top 40k Swedish soilders will be formed into the ‘Regular’ Corps. These men will receive German training and armament first, and be the armed force that is ready to deploy. The rest of Sweden’s army will stick to more reservist attitudes. 


    ****In more naval terms, Sweden accepts training from German kriegsmarine. Sweden’s navy though strong, will now focus on having a full time naval force. Work goes into training a proper officer and sergeant caste for the navy. Their experience and training will trickle down to the regulars. Alongside this is Sweden’s new naval plan announcement. In an attempt to match herself to her neighbors, Sweden will build a new string of ships. Three Heavy Cruisers are laid down in the ship yards for construction. 




    *****Sweden also starts preliminary work into her fledgling air force. Her fighter and bomber squadrons while lack lustre were for now effective. However a new concept of war is being fully embraced. The paratrooper. If at all possible Sweden will acquire transport planes to form a dedicated paratrooper corp. And realizing her lack of planes, she will also resort to gliders.


    Extra; The King also endorses a new ‘Nordic Youth’ program. Schools across Sweden are heavily restricted in certain areas. A pro Sweden and Nord rhetoric will be taught in schools. They will learn of the true glory of Sweden, and to serve the government above all else. Nordic youths aged 16-18 will also join the more militaristic youth programs. For a month in the summer, and two in the winter, they will train with Reserve units. They will learn to use rifles, and survive in Nordic climates. This will ensure the next generation will have a firm grasp on military tactics. 


    Sweden also begins looking into tapping into half of it's power; women. Manpower was a seriously critical concern amongst the Empire. With the youth gearing towards recruitment now, they also needed to work on the women citizenry. The government will pass laws giving women more working rights in the factories. This will help the women work, and help take up jobs to free men for recruitment. Women will also now be allowed to try and apply for the army.




    *Propaganda takes to the Radio and TV! Swedish rhetoric begins to spread to her neighbors via radio broadcast.


    **Arming Swedish Regulars via Iron Deal/Growing Home Industry.


    ***Forming Nordic Officer Corp, Reforming Army.


    ****German training of Naval Officers/Laying 3 Heavy Cruisers for building. 


    *****Research into Gliders/Paratroopers.


    Extras; Nordic Youth, Nordic Women.










  7. 5OU4bma.jpg?1?fb

    The Commonwealth


    Led by her most Britannic  Majesty Queen Victoria II, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Empress of India and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Kuiper Belt, Duchess of Neptune and Jupiter, Queen of Pluto


    The Britannic Empire remerges on the system wide scene! For too long the terrors of the fuel explosion had hampered Commonwealth influence. But now they had regained what was lost, and taken measures to ensure it never happened again. As the Outer Rim Trade Company continues their.... policies, the Inner Rim command ramps up their projects. Queen Victoria and her new Bonaparte husband tour Earth. Everywhere patriotic propaganda is released, volunteers recruited, and patriotism celebrated. A call to restore order and the system routes is mandated.


    *This will start with the reactivation of the massive Commonwealth fleets. This Audacieux and other brigands like it had run amok. As Guardian of the Kuiper Belt, Queen Victoria took this position very seriously. In the belt itself the many Commonwealth bases and fleets will be dispatched to open the Commonwealth trade lanes again. They will also send heavier battle groups, with flotillas of patrol vessels to flush out pirate nest. On the trade routes abroad, the Commonwealth battle groups and patrol flotillas also set out to yet again open trade.




    **To match this re-kindled spirit to keep the Empire stable, a proposal is drafted to Parliament. The PM Ravi and his party sought to reinstate the 2:1 standard across the system. If this passes the Commonwealth will massively expand it’s navy to rival the growing naval threats. Plans to lay down eight new dreadnoughts are the start of this burgeoning policy. The recruitment drive continues for three more months. However in the later three it ends, as training and arming these new men begins.


    ***A British Expeditionary Army and Fleet accompany a Commonwealth settlement flotilla. The Commonwealth officially renounces her claims to Jupiter and Neptune as a whole. This was aimed to alleviate the Ellar council, declaiming the move. However the Commonwealth would make it clear they still meant to operate at full capacity there. Using their seven present colonies, and extra fleets, rudimentary military bases and colonist outpost are to be built on; Adrastea, Themisto, Leda, and Dia. 




    ****With the massive fuel reserves and trade of the Commonwealth restored, they renter the trade. With the fleets activated, the routes are hopefully soon to be stable. In an effort to compete with the other growing fuel powers, the Commonwealth uses her large reserves and production to lower prices to offer incentive to buy Commonwealth products. Paired with this is Victoria’s newest plan. Using Earth’s refined factories, the Commonwealth will begin to mass produce and sell cheap luxury domestic goods. Tooth brushes, soap, plastic bags, lighters, iron bars, lumber, and sort of low tier good that was hard to come by in the colonies. This new domestic industry was catered to growing small business, and increasing luxury in the colonies.


    *****Work goes into forming a draft campaign. For football players. Recruiters and scouts go across the massive Commonwealth, looking for up to par recruits.


    2:1 Plan in full;






    *Hunt for the Audacieux and regular pirates begins/opening trade routes.


    ** 2:1 Proposal to Parliament, laying down eight dreadnoughts.


    ***Renouncing claims to Jupiter/Neptune. Colonist Actions


    ****Re-Entering Fuel Trade, Increasing Domestic Market


    *****Football Actions


    ******Work also begins on a new breed of Cruisers! The Commonwealth will seek to emulate their German and French friends design, but do it better of course.

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    Lord Tywin Lannister silently contemplated matters as he stares at King’s Landing. Even now his Vanguard was setting up temporary camps, and resting. After a very easy march, the Lannister host was still intact and healthy. The unfortunate news of Marbrand’s defeat at Tumbleton was perturbing. But Tywin had never expected such a small detachment to defeat an entire Realm. They had served their purpose, and now it was Tywin Lannister’s time. King’s Landing would burn.....


    At home far more domestic matters take place. The survivors of Tumbleton rejoin the Westerlands. They help man the already well fortified mountain passes. It is from here Lannister regulars ensure a strong first line of defense. Tyrion and Damion Lannister continue to rule from the Rock. With the capital well secured, Tyrion begins to use the men not rallied by Tywin to try for another seasons harvest. While the navy and mountain passes patrol, the interior farms.


    Perhaps one interesting notion of Tyrion’s is also implemented. Three thousand Lannisters of the ‘Standing Army’ have been raining for quite some time now. With such a tight and rigid discipline, Tyrion buys and introduced some of the new ‘Crossbows’ that emitted smoke and sparks like a Dragon. These ranks of men would work on marching in compact formations, and firing and reloading these recently dubbed ‘Dragon Lances’




    Continued fortification/patrol


    Preparing for winter, trying to farm another harvest


    Continued training of Lannister standing army, implementing new ‘crossbows’



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    Rumors abound of the Balkan Pact (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia) mobilizing. It seems with the world in literal chaos, the Fascist Kings were ready to play the part of Crow.


    The growing ideological and religious differences have cracked the seams of society. With nations and alliances all started and varied, many did not know their true ally anymore. As the Plague runs rife, killing tens of millions, sectarian violence increases.


    Finland continues her monarchical meddling, now supported by the PM. They propose to draft a bill giving the Tsar more power next year. However the Nationalist party reigns supreme. In a masterful elections, they win supremacy.


    Norway officially enters civil war. With Great Britain in flames, all support had dried up. The Socialist were now openly purging the army and government.

    The World Market and Trade was also seeing a shift. While Europe was in shambles, other nations had seized the opportunity. Japan was the world’s rising power. Her market was self contained, and sufficient. Merged with several other Asian states, and backed by rich investors, Japanese stock and oil shares was steadily increasing, while nations like Great Britain and France fall behind. 




    At a convention in Mecca, the Islamic Caliphate is established. A Pan-Islam cult, it was a truly powerful Empire. Spanning from Istanbul, to Cairo, to the Saudis, to the Syrians, Persians, Turks, and many minorities. Controlling most of the world’s current oil, they have in one stroke become one of the richest nations on Terra.


    The Mexicans continue to seize U.S land. Several break away states are now riddled with violence and anarchy. The Government is held up only by Roosevelt and the Bull Moose. Across American colonies and plantations revolts begin. The ABC navy and army is mobilized, and official war in the Americas begins.




    Ethiopia continues to beat the Italians in multiple victories. The rest of Africa is in open rebellion to the various western powers.


    In France martial law is declared, and the army moves to secure the nation and her borders.


    120 Million people are confirmed dead of the Dutch Flu, a further 50 million estimated dead or dying. The world by now has felt this across the board. Nations are suffering from a collapsing world economy, and exhausted and sick workforces.


    The Greater German Reich after consolidating her Austrian gains is now in full splendor. Though Japan had struck where it hurt, the German Reich still wrapped up the Austrian war. Now her armies were ready to deploy, and are able to defend borders. The German navy not hit by Japan begins to refuel form the Ottomans.


    A new German Zeppelin Carrier debuts. With the U.S shattered, Germany was able to source helium. With this grand chemical, a truly powerful German Zeppelin emerges. One that is rumored to deploy ten planes at a time


    German Mk III tanks also debut, the rival of any French or British heavy model.


    The War in India rages! Japanese mobilized divisions and millions of Chinese troops with German equipment are pouring through the mountain passes. The Indian regulars and British garrisons are flocking to meet them. As the war erupts in India proper, it becomes far bloodier. Desperate Brits and Indians dig trenches, while Japanese motor divisions and cavalry simply encircle them, and leave them for the infantry to mop up. At sea the British cling to their zone, and do not make any outward moves. 




    The Coronation takes place without a hitch! However one invited member makes no appearance. It would seem Hungary had no desire to come. In fact, they were quite at odds with poland. This new Polish state had swept into Galicia, and parts of Austria. The Hungarians saw this as rightfully theirs. Tensions brew, and rumors of secret mobilization abound. The Polish offer of friendship is ignored.


    Some renowned officials, scientist, etc do indeed travel to Poland. However Poland herself was not exactly the safest choice. Though it was safe, and growing, she was in the middle of a very, very, tense region.


    Lithuanian/Polish reforms go as planned.


    In such harrowing times this rhetoric and tactic actually works. A more stable Polish government is reformed under Pilsudki. However the alienated radicals on both sides leave politics all together, and seemingly disappear from the radar….


    4 Year plan continues, and the Polish Rothschilds help encourage more Austrians to come over.


    Poland begins small arms and car exports, helping boost the trade.


    The Dutch Dlu runs rampant, killing millions world wide.


    Polish Security tightens, however they are quite untrained and lack experience. They’d have no idea if the Japanese bogey man was in their land.


    With this lack of force on the border, raids and border skirmishes ensue. It seems the Hungarian’s truly are mobilizing.


    Flocks of Poles from Galicia join the army! At least two hundred and fifty thousand from the entire Kingdom add to the ranks. However they are raw recruits, and mostly lack any form of discipline or equipment.


    Poland first armored car is officially ready for use. Her first mobile regiment is formed, and work into FAR more devious mechanization begins…..





    The Irish agriculture market was now so potent she was exporting food the the starving Great Powers. Her farmers with subsidies were buying better equipment, and cultivating more land. This ‘golden’ era of Irish agriculture truly begins.


    Industry by now is dubbed ‘Tiny Britain’ Irish markets now produce large amounts of domestic and military goods. Her army is better equipped than most any other nation on the world. (If one does not count scale)


    Gaelic reform continues as planned!


    Irish propaganda begins to stir a growing Irish Nationalist movement, regardless of religion.






    The Papacy


    This theory of Distributism is widely embraced. As Italy burns into fascism and totalitarian rule, Rome is filled with literary masters, influential priest, and so many more. Work begins to draft a thesis on which to base their reforms. School reforms go as planned. However outside of Rome the world is far more perilous. Catholic schools abroad are a very mixed bag.


    The Orthodox and Catholic churches abroad are slow to respond. With so many world events, it is hard to keep focus. However the seeds are laid, and communications made. Work continues.






    The emergency vote swings in total favor of the Nationalist Front plans! At least in formal government now the Broad party retains rule. The Monarchist Viktor Chernov wins the seat of PM. As in Poland, the fascist movement goes underground. 


    Though unable for now to detect any saboteurs (perhaps none are there?), the FSB continues their expanded training policy.


    For now this expanded RnD team reach for lofty heights all focus on Zeppelins. Alongside armored trains, Russia's roster of exotic vehicles is growing fast.


    Work continues. For now Russian biplane fighters are almost Germany’s equal, and deadly. The Russian pilot class is a different story. Many veterans had gone home. Russian flight schools were growing but not well managed. Regardless Russia’s air wing is a true air power.


    Alongside Poland Russia shifts and debuts their first armored car. Work begins into more trucks and tracks as well.


    Russia begins to amass many fleeing Americans. As a result her research productivity is spiking.




    The Caliphate


    This shift from west to east suits the Ottomans very well. Alongside events that transpired at mecca, the Caliphate was expanding literally daily.

    Tripoli, now a tax haven, and rai-way hub, will begin to grow very rapidly in influence. Other areas also growing in prominence and power; Cairo, Alexandria, Saudi Arabia, Istanbul. Investors and merchants flood in. With secure oil supplies, arguably the last in the world, the Caliphate is on path to be very rich, and VERY powerful.


    The war continues against a faltering Perisa. This army group of Ottoman veterans begin to make quick work of the Persian regulars. It is only through British aid and even volunteers as well that she remains intact.


    Propaganda begins to take seed, but no progress for now in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


    And so the Catholic Convention is chosen as the time for the C.P.U, Young Turks, and Islamic extremist to make their presence known. The last straw, they strike. For ten years now the Sultan and his loyalist have been hunting and fighting the CPU coalition. They had gone underground, and embedded deep. Now activated, across the Empire, cells conduct terrorist strikes. Even the Sultan is targeted in an assassination. A bomb going off under his car turns his legs into shredded meat. But he is rushed to the hospital, and planned to survive. A practical civil war has just begun.


    These Turkish crack downs come just in time. Averting total civil war, these Sultan loyalist, police, and army regulars begin to fight the Turks, and islamic radicals. An unexpected ally comes in the form of the Arabs. They join this war to defend the newly established Caliphate.


    Imperial Railroad continues slightly slower than planned!


    Baku continues.






    Though the Papacy and orthodoxy were drawing closer, things were still tense. The world itself was shattering, and religion seemed more and more important. In the Islamic Caliphate catholics are being beheaded or protected depending on where they live.


    Empire of the Rising Sun


    Naval plans continue as planned.


    Japan’s long prepare economy begins a truly terrifying shift to total military war.


    Research and Entrenchment continue as planned.






    War Industry Board formation begins to help France prepare for perhaps another war. This tattered Empire still had some fang it would seem. Albeit cracked and askew.


    The absolutely veteran P.L.A and Grand Armee enact a quick and efficient martial law. This elite army begins to hold France, as the chaos of Armageddon rips the world apart. However France had been in serious trouble and death for years and years now. Though elite, her army was almost the last of Fighting France. So many millions have died in war, or of disease.


    Continued production lines of new French vehicles roll out.



  10. The Commonwealth


    Led by her most Britannic  Majesty Queen Victoria II, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Empress of India and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Kuiper Belt, Duchess of Neptune and Jupiter, Queen of Pluto


    Across the Empire billions of denizens toiled, lounged, or fought. What had once been an idealist world of black and white has turned to grey. Across the Sol System the elite of Great Britain made massive profits. The Outer Rim Trading Company alone was as rich and militarized as a minor power. Further in direct control from Parliament and Queen ensured at least some regulation. Who knew what those Outer Rim folk were doing.


    Prime Minister Jawahar Kavi and his conservative party ruled from the hallowed grounds of Parliament on earth. Alongside them were various other parties, Outer Rim representatives, House of Lords, and far far more. Queen Victoria having reached her seventeenth year is now also coming into power in her own right. She is the gorgeous darling of the press, and a daughter in spirit to many. With her mother dead over five years ago, she had become the icon of a truly massive Empire.




    This second Victorian age starts soon for the Commonwealth. On earth itself these incredibly powerful officials all meet and politic. And not just with each other, as it will soon be apparent. However for now more domestic policy begins to roll out of Earth, and into the Commonwealth system. Her main priorities were territorial matters, and the military. 


    *The Commonwealth navy was truly the jewel of the entire Sol System. She had no equal, no true rival. Her armies though small were also a true Imperial force. However they were stretched thin, across an entire solar system. A renewed effort will begin to organize the Military wing. This will free up more Imperial Ground Forces to be able to deploy anywhere. For the navy a campaign continues to produce more patrol class vessels.


    As for matters of territory, the Commonwealth and Outer Rim Trading Company have come to a unanimous conclusion. Not a single other nation had a grip, or even presence, on Neptune and Jupiter. With no colonial presence, and no System wide law in place to prevent it, the two planets and their moons, and nearby space, are proclaimed as sovereign Commonwealth territory. Permission must now be asked to settle or enter these planet’s space. The French Empire supports the claim, and is given settlement rights to the two planets moons as Queen Victoria's dowry




    **In other matters the Commonwealth begins to take a mercantile and defensive posture. On mars for instance her Cities begin a renewed defense program. The citizens will be trained to act as reservist, and the armories increased. More kilometers of trench and barbed wire will be erected. Across the Empire the colonies and moons begin entrenching.


    As well as that, a marriage is consummated this year. Queen Victoria seals the Anglo-French alliance by marrying a Bonaparte!




    *Efforts to organize Army/Navy


    *Continues efforts into more Patrol vessels


    **Continued Defense Doctrine


    Continued repair of Fuel supply


    Beginning mass recruitment drive to bolster fledgling army numbers



  11. Tobias2.thumb.png.94d3e6cc6d58ec4675b8e9

    Galaharian League


    *While the core provinces and people of the League lived in rich splendor, things elsewhere are changing. The entirety of the Greenthroat Pact is now wrapped up in two costly wars. While not directly in either, the League is still very much involved. Even now slaves from the Carrowlands are pouring back in. Tantamount to the good work the League’s mercenary band under Sforza is doing in the war. And the League is about to enter a whole new level of involvement in the Forest War. Even now hundreds of brave Stormriders are readying themselves. Just ahead looms the Greenthroat, and their fate.


    Elsewhere just as frothy expeditions are taking place. This perhaps is a truly massive undertaking however. A battle, to the other two skirmishes. The Passanaese had proven to be worth of Galaharian patronage. Whether they wanted it or not. Though gold was not exactly buying loyalty, that was not the Duke’s plan. He is simply giving gold to the Passan City and “Defenders” order. Eventually their wealth would be known to all the other scattered Passans people..... 




    **However the Duke did wish to prove to them he was worthy of their support, and knowledge. After seeing the marvels of this “Ocean Road” Giovinco Barbaro’s mind was quite made up. The dark forest of the south was a brooding, ominous threat. Clearly the Passans despised it. And so in an effort to help protect them, and win their loyalty, the League will assume the mantle of the first line of defense. Right in the middle of the Ocean Road, a grand League Citadel is to be built. Called the “Storm Keep” it will dominate the flat and hard land for kilometers around. Thousands of slaves will be used in it’s building.


    ***A mission is also sent to the far off Kingdom of Karel. Using Hakkan guides, they travel by land to this strange land. Though the two nations seemed at odds, it was assume both would be just as happy for Galaharian trade and supply. In other areas the League’s expeditions to Hilmedhi and Bulgar were already paying off. Rare wood begins to flow in, and is stockpiled. Elsewhere the new city of “Aulemi” is finally renovated. A port and Merchants quarters is established. And yet another League guild rises into prominence. 




    ****Batista’s Landing continues it’s plans. The Senate and Guilds have passed some moderate reforms. Though slavery is still a rampant and state sanctioned trade, regular citizens are gaining increasing rights. The League’s ten or so trade partners citizens and merchants are also encouraged to migrate to the League’s Capital or set up offices. The increasingly rich and influential city is being cultivated into the “Gates of the World” a sprawling metropolis to connect West and East.


    ****A note on religious tolerance; Only in the metropolitan city of Batista’s Landing is it openly tolerated. Everywhere else in the League is still strictly allowed to only worship the Deep One. Almost ¾ of the League’s slaves are their own citizenry who stayed away from the Deep One. Yearly they are sacrificed in the harbor, and yearly the League expand’s the Deep One’s influence. They hope, and even pray, that this one Cities reforms will not anger their god enough to smite his “favorite” child.


    Mod Actions


    *Sending 1k Stormriders to enslave and plunder the Darkyrian citizens still left alive.


    **Building the “Storm Keep” to win more Passan support.


    ***Using Hakkan contacts to try and establish trade with Karel. Also using Danwent embassy to contact and trade with the League’s Eadni brethren.


    ****Continued work into reforming Batista’s Landing into a true jewel. -3k


    Financial Actions


    Building a Citadel -40k [Entire available fleet and Adventurer Company used to protect it’s work, 10k slaves]


    Building a port/merchants guild in new city -25k


    Building a new settlement to connect Ocean Road/Storm keep to the League’s trade routes -5k


    Using a loan from the Fey to build a Trading Company -7.5k













    Nation of Choice (and why?); The Commonwealth. Because she is the rightful ruler of the Sol System.


    Head of State: Queen Victoria II, 17 years of age


    Head of Government: Prime Minister Jawahar Kavi


    Ideology: Constitutional Monarchy 


    Military statistics: Listed Above


    Did you read all the information?; Yes!



  13. latest?cb=20140505193226

    Galaharian League


    Arrayed along the docks of Batista’s Landing was a mighty fleet indeed. Scores of cogs, Galleys, merchant vessels, and other crafts docked side by side. Towering above them all was the Duke’s Nuncio. Orderlies and Clerks thronged the area, signing papers, checking list, and waving various signals with flags. Soldiers were everywhere, loading up, or helping. Many citizens and merchants were also boarding. It would seem the Duke and Senate had ambitious plans. Never one for war, the League was content to remain at peace. And a total consolidation of the Realm is taking place.


    *Learning valuable information of the Gulf’s west bank, the Passanese had made themselves a target for the League. A target of friendship, and patronage. Reports of the forest were troubling, considering the League had a large city so near. Not one for threats resting on a border, the Duke resolves to take further measures. He and a personal vanguard of troops and ships will come back to the same Passanese city. They will bring gold, and promises of more. However the League is clearly only supporting the city and “The Defenders”. As they grew richer then their swamp faring brethren, it was clear where the influence and power was now tilting to the city. The League’s Van heads south to scout.





    Closer to the City so near this mysterious forest, a proper garrison and fort will soon be raised. It becomes a regular route for the League’s fleets and ocean born armies to visit. In a further act the League also begins to consolidate her immediate locale. No long would the scattered sects of Humagi on the more remote Galaharian isles be allowed to live free of the League. Several settlement expeditions are sent forth. More interestingly, the League goes to properly scout the Wet Throat, and establish an outpost.


    **In Batista’s Landing itself, the Senate and Guilds have passed some moderate reforms. Though slavery is still a rampant and state sanctioned trade, regular citizens are gaining increasing rights. The League’s nine or so trade partners citizens and merchants are also encouraged to migrate to the League’s Capital or set up offices. The increasingly rich and influential city is being cultivated into the “Gates of the World” a sprawling metropolis to connect West and East.




    The Bank of Galahar is also expanding it’s financial dealings and reputation. The ongoing loan from the Bourdeleux continues. Galaharian masons and merchants also depart to Hilmedhi. There they will build a Lumber Mill for their ally. They also retain rights to it’s production for five years however. A mission is also sent to the far off Kingdom of Bulgar. Using Fey guides, they travel up the League owned Barrier River to Bulgar. There they build a Trading Company for them, and establish trade.


    On a more military front, the League takes no official action. However Ormanno Sforza raises a small band of mercenaries with his own finances. This non state sanctioned band will soon be put to use. Leaving his pregnant wife, the army travels to the Bourdlaic frontier. There they will join a growing battle. Hearing of it’s already dangerous reputation, Sforza will personally command his contingent.


    Financial Actions

    Income; 72.5k


    Building city in PoC colony -15k

    Building Trading Company/one for Bulgar -14k

    Building 3 Units of Storm Riders -18k [T3]

    Building 3 Settlements -15k

    Building Lumber Mill on Hilmedhi’s Resource, and obtaining rights to it’s production for 5 years -7.5k


    Mod Actions


    *Renewed Mission to Passanese/Scouting South of their City -3k


    3 Settlements Expansion.


    Red Line is the Scouting Force. [The Duke (T4 Armor), 1 Unit of Veteran Bourdlaic Knights (T4), 2 Units of Medium Inf (T3), 3 Units of Light Inf (T3), 2 Units of Leagues-Men (T3), 1 Unit of Medium Archers (T3), 1 Unit of Medium Horse (T3). -3k Gold for expedition.




    **Beginning to sculpt the League’s Capital. [Religious toleration, open immigration, etc.]


    A small private mercenary band and Ormanno Sforza depart to the Carrow War.





  14. ((Posting for Hilmedhi due to internet complications))


    Kingdom of Hilmedhi


    Life goes on as normal in the peninsula. The dense jungle and river network dominate the landscape. But the crafty people of Hilmedhi dominate the ground below. Even now their mines and tunnels worm deeper into the heart of the planet. Even now their expansive projects continue, and great monuments are erected. Brave Hilmedhi soilders patrol the land, ensuring peace. Great caravans set off for multiple points. The common citizen continue to live their normal lives. The intrigue of the queen is still up in the air. Galaharian ships and merchants are seen more often, with chest of gold and building supplies.


    Population: 2,835,000 

    Treasury: 30,000

    Upkeep: 1,000




    Upgrading Town to a City -12k


    Another expedition along the western desert -4k


    Building 2 Manufactories -12k


    Dedicating the construction of the tunnel to Moradin (The God of Creation)







  15. latest?cb=20130701223208

    Galaharian League


    The sails are first spotted by the Duchess, who had taken to waiting most days. Waiting for her husband to return. To see his son who has grown so much. The put a reign on the Revarii, and Guilds. She and Sforza had been fully capable. But with no Barbaro ruling in Batista’s Landing, the League was restless. This all changes in an instant. It would seem after his adventurous voyage in the East, Giovinco Babraro was back. Thousands of bells ring merry tunes, and people begin to cheer. Sforza as always throws an immediate party to celebrate. Batista’s Landing is in an uproar. Then the clouds swarm in, and a thunderous rain and lighting storm ensues. Right as the Duke steps foot on League land again.


    Scattering the mob, this storm is regardless seen as a good omen. Quickly the Duke let’s his ships be searched. For any contraband, invasive plants/animals, stow aways, or any other of a hundred things on a dock clerks checklist. Here Duke’s had no sway. Arguably no where did they. It was the pen pushers and copper counters who ruled. At long last the Duke and his retinue are allowed to leave the ships. The Bourdlaic Knights accompanying the Duke as his new honor guard are largely given gold and leave to party in the millions strong population in the capital of the League.




    The Duke and a small band race to the Palace. There a party, and the nobility, guildsmen, governors, and wives of those returning awaited. They all cheer, and a thousand pigeons are released into the rafters. The Duke with a face set in a smile make a courteous round. He embraces his wife, meets his three year old son, and others. As the party continues, he calls his small council and senators and guildsmen and capital clerks and admirals and generals for a private meeting. Practically three quarters of the room move into a more formal meeting hall.


    The Duke walks down the purple carpet, to his throne. Sighing, he sits down for the first time in years on his proper chair. Deadly silent, the council looks at him. He still looked as roguish and healthy as ever. But his eyes, they told another tale. As always, Sforza broke the silence. “Wh-what happened” he stammers, “What did you see?”. Usually a man of quick wit and word, even he was daunted. As usual the two locked eyes. The Duke’s were burning. He simply says one word.







    As Duke Barbaro returns, so does order to the League. He had left behind orders and vague ideas. Sforza had excelled, and gone beyond that. But it was no substitute for the true Ruler. And Barbaro had seen and heard things from the east he remains silent on. But it can be gleaned from rumors heard off merchants. War in the east, death everywhere. And greedy Emperors. Order is restored to the Realm, as new orders trickle out.


    *The first was The Duke yet again setting sail. This time for a much closer land. He travels to the Passanese city to the south. Curious as to why swamp people had produced such a renown unit and name. He also for more practical reasons sought out trade, and offers the Bank of Galahar’s services. The League’s military also begins a complete overhaul. Her cities and forts garrisons are growing into dedicated units, not loose mercenary bands.




    **Work also begins into expanding the creative armory of the League. Bows were not exactly preferred in naval warfare. Instead a dedicated unit will be formed, the “Leagues-Men”. They will operate new weapons soon to be produced, Crossbows. Alongside this the League recognizes it’s need for appropriate landing craft. They begin to look into small raft like ships. They must be able to be deployed from Cogs, or war ships. The ships will serve to get infantry from their ships onto a hostile coast or coastal city.


    It is announced Ormanno Sforza and his Bourdlaic wife have had twins this year. One male, the other female. They are named Ori, and Ora. Ora was found to have the qualities of any true Galahar humagi. But Ori from the start was pronounced of the Bourdlaic genealogy.


    Financial Actions

    Income; 76k


    Researching Crossbows -10k

    Research into better amphibious landing vessels -11k

    Recruiting 2 units of Leagues-Men -13k [T3]

    Recruiting 1 Medium Horse, 2 Light Horse. 3 Medium Infantry, 4 Light Infantry, 2 Medium Archers. -27k [T1]

    Constructing 2 galleys (5k), 6 Cogs, (9k) 


    Mod Actions


    Duke embarks to Passanese city for talks, and trade.* -1k


    **Research into better amphibious landing vessels -11k




  16. 27d1dc437d1a9dafed378fc3e121a1ae.jpg

    Galaharian League


    Population; 5,361,922


    Yet again the joyous bells of marriage chime throughout Batista’s Landing. A troop of Bourdelaic Knights escorted their Princess to the League’s Capital. The entire way there they had been celebrated. Starting in the Leagues eastern city of Throatavilla, where the three Green Throat nations all mingled. Then through the land passage. It was eery being so close to the Green Throat, a feral land. Several times wolves were found. One Knight straying too far found the remnants of a village, completely overgrown. The corpses however only seemed a few days old.


    The travels became far more luxurious as the party reached the heartlands. On the peninsula of Galahar, the Coast was a splendid affair. Villages littered the realm, and small roads and ferries were the lifeblood of it. The Knights and Princess saw many summer fairs, tourneys, and bustling marketplaces. Finally they reached Batista’s Landing, and House Barbaro’s personal estates. But Duke Barbaro was not ruling.


    Reaver Admiral Ormanno Sforza stood at the gates with an honor guard. Ruling in the Duke’s name, he and Giovinco’s wife had been busy building up the Realm. But today was a personal vacation for Sforza. The details were already ironed out, all that was left was to enjoy. As the Bordeleux retinue approached, the Princess’s beauty was apparent. Dismounting, the two embrace for the first time, and head into the city and the planned festival.




    Over eight different nations and their ships were at the ports of Batista’s Landing. A commoner celebration was taking place on the beaches and Docks. Meanwhile Sforza and his newly wed were celebrating with the Lords and Guildsmen in the inner city. Sforza was for once mostly sober, and keeping a tight reign on his men. This quaint wedding would not be ruined by the Pirate’s sons famed decadent and rogue behavior. And thus the Courtesan Duke and Reaver Admiral are tamed by fair maidens.


    As the celebrations die down after a month, business and distressed Guild petitions as always call the decadent court of Barbaro back. Duke Giovinco had left behind strict financial instructions, and left it solely in the hands of his Queen. Sforza would never steal. But he had a tendency to.... spend. Instead House Barbaro would keep a tight grip on the treasury. As a affirmation of the new marriage pact, the League grants the Empire twenty thousand coinage in a loan to assist their new endeavors. It is the first of what will one day be a global Barbaro Bank.


    Sforza for his part was impressed by the Bourdlaic Knights. Galaharian troops were typically mercenary bands decently armed and supplied. But with the Duke and his Adventurers gone, the responsibility was Sforza’s. and his Revari kin. They begin to form a new military band, for specifically defense of the realm. The League’s humagi had a [trait; Natural Affinity with home territory and creatures] love for their homes. They would defend it too the last. While the Duke and his band explore the world, Sforza and his own will hold the League’s many colonies and core lands.




    However as the new army builds, Sforza is busy with the old as well. He, a settlement fleet, military ships, cogs, and troops will work in tandem with the Hilmedhi. This year the League will colonize the tip of the Eastern pennisula. In tandem with the Hilmedhi, this ensures the two realms control of Revar’s Gulf.


    Financial Actions


    Income; 62k Gold


    Building Settlement on PoC -5k


    Recruiting 1 Unit of Medium Cav -6k


    Recruiting 1 Unit of Light Cav -3k


    Recruiting 3 Units of (T3) Medium Inf -12k


    Building 4 Caravels -16k


    Loan to Bourdeleux -20k


    Other Actions


    After a year of diplomatic meetings, and exchanging knowledge, the Duke sails for home. He leaves a small contingent in Danwent’s Capital to stock up and make ready for further voyage east.


    Sending Envoys to learn more of the Realm of Passans. 



    Sign Up Today!


    1912 over the course of ten years has drastically altered world history. Wheels spin within wheels, and the world is gearing towards war and sheer bedlam. In every nation patriotic souls are being swept into the gears of war. New age vehicles like the tank, fighter, and carriers are reaching every military. The question is will YOU join your nation’s struggle? Dire times calls for desperate heroes. The world is in need of a new set of powerful leaders. To bring the nations of tomorrow, into the anarchy of today. Chapter II; Armageddon has begun! The year is 1922. 


    Nations of Interest open to dashing young minds seeking to enlist;


    Several U.S Factions


    Great Britain






    Glorious Kingdom of Greater Serbia








    , and many many more!



  18. 553a21aa0011fce811c7a862f333cc90.jpg


    Peace with the Kingdom of the North and Rivers! After the grievous death of Cersei and Lancel, Tywin and Kevan had decided to head home. But they had not been idle, or in total greif. There was always a plan, wheels within wheels. Gregor Clegane, Amory Lorch, and Vargo Hoat freshly reunited were quite busy. In the Crownlands, near the Blackwater, they have pillaged and burned. The Gold Road was left open behind Tywin, for the Lannisters alone. The Lannister host is left massing at Deep Don. Swords from across the realm have been gathered. Damion Lannister and his host meet Tywin at the castle, adding their swords to his.


    *However Tywin had rushed back to Casterly Rock. There he and Kevan meet with emissaries from the Northern Kingdom. Coming to a mutual accord, the war is ended, and the matter of territory and hostage settled. Perhaps more shocking, Tywin honors his son. Tyrion Lannister is left in command of the West, and Casterly Rock. His had proved his cunning at the Blackwater. And now it seemed Tywin would honor him again to rule while he campaigns. Tywin, Kevan, and the other lords of the West race back to Deep Don as this month begins. It seemed Tywin had almost no plan of remaining idle. He would march...




    *Massed in the Fortress pass, the Lannister’s “Army of the Seven” was ready to march down the Gold Road. Several members of the High faith are present, blessing the Lannister host. Some bands of newly remade Septon’s Sons join the growing host, to purge this Fire god. Rumored to be up to five-and-fifty thousand swords, Tywin calls for the march. With Gregor/Hoat/Lorch ahead suppressing the Crown Lands, the way to King’s Landing was wide open.


    **Tyrion at home begins his own sort of adventure. Using his father’s bottomless treasury, he buys every available Mortar offered. For the past two [turns] the Lannisters had also been busy amassing master armorers and other skilled labor in Casterly Rock. While most of the Mortars are sent east, a few remain. Tyrion and his team of men begin to study them, and try to learn everything they can. He also continues to improve Lannisport/Casterly Rock.




    ***A portion of the swords left to defend the west continue this “Standing Army” training in the shadow of Casterly Rock. This elite corp of some three thousand swords will not only train, but be a veteran force helping augment near by garrisons. Elsewhere the mountain pass forts and standing guard are maintained. With troubling news from the Iron Islands, The Lannister navy is deployed to defend it’s coast. The Lannister navy would not be caught in port again by the reavers.






    *Tywin marches on King’s Landing. Bands of peasants and Septon’s Sons are encouraged to join the holy army to purge the false Fire God worshippers.


    **Tyrion begins work as Casterly Rock Regent. Studying new Mortars, Continuing Casterly Rock/Lannnisport Improvement


    ***Continued training of Standing army. Navy deployed to guard Lannister Coast.


    Ravens Fly


    Other Actions


    Offering the Iron Bank of Bravos full support. The Queen’s Regent Tywin Lannister will grant them partnership. He promises that once Queen Myrcella sits the Iron Throne, they will begin immediate payments on the Crown’s debt to the Bank.


    Continued hiring of sell-swords. Tyrion masses them near Lannisport, with any other city urchin he can find that won’t take away from the West [manpower pool]. Under the stern gaze of Lord Damion Lannister, the gathering sell-sword host will be kept on a tight leash. A detachment of the Lannister’s Standing Army also camps near them, as a precaution.
















    Sitting in his office Emperor Hirohito sighs. He has just finished signing the paperwork for some new legislation in order to deal with the enemies of the empire. Both Internal and External. An especially bothersome piece regarding resource allocation to the police.


    As Hirohito put his pen down a man came into his office. The man was in a standard suit and was carrying a brown folder. Hirohito looked up and saw that the folder was stamped with a big red classified, for the eyes of him and High Command only. Hirohito nods in acknowledgement as the man puts the folder on his desk and then proceeds to leave. 


    As he sees the title stamped on the cover Hirohito feels his heart lurch in fear and anticipation. He flips open the cover and began to read the coded message. He reads through the document with a rapid pace, his hands flipping past the pages. Making sure that everything was in order. That there was no single mistake. Then after reading the folder thoroughly Hirohito closed it with a dramatic slam.


    He put the folder away and sat still in his leather chair. Hands folded against each other, back leaning into the leather-backed chair. Sweat starting to gather on his brow. 


    It had taken a long time to prepare but now all of the pieces were in place for it to begin.


    The final piece of the puzzle had been handed to him. Now he had all the pieces necessary to put the puzzle together. 

    As he sat there Hirohito was in doubt. Right now he would decide history, the fall or rise of Asia, the future of the world. If he wanted he could still turn around now, tell the agents to stand down, the troops to move away. It was not too late yet, the other nations were not even noticing the preparation. He could still stop it.


    Yet Hirohito knew he could not, or rather should not. He had a duty to his nation and to his people. Thus, deciding the fate of the world, he walked towards a telephone in his room. Hidden under it were a number of addresses, those agents he needed to inform for the plan to succeed. 


    Thus Hirohito sat down on a chair and started submitting an address into the telephone, in order to initiate the first part of the plan. The plan which would shake the world. 


    As he was about to turn the last number Hirohito’s hand froze. This was it, if there was any moment where he  could step back from this it was now. The moment he finished calling this number, setting up a connection to an office who would send additional messages, fate was set in stone. At that point he would either be known as a hero, a monster or both. The savior of Asia or the most hated figure in history. 


    Hirohito closed his eyes and dialled the number.


    He heard a voice speak “This is Sayong Ramen place, what is your order ?” Then Hirohito spoke. 


    “I would like to order the Armageddon special.”


    The voice then went cold, like frost had suddenly crept into it. Figuratively chilling Hirohito’s bones.


    “ Alright, do you want fries with that ?”


    Then, as his lips grew dry Hirohito said. “Omega, Charlie, Delta, Alpha, Tango.”


    The line was then cut.


    Thus the first piece of the puzzle was set in place. 



    Detective Edward Sallow let a yawn escape from his mouth, he had been given the worst job that could be given to a detective. Screening. He had to check the personnel logs of the Clyde shipyards, in order to make sure that nothing happened to her majesty’s royal navy. He would normally not have been given such a duty but he had recently botched a case. Resulting in him being given the job usually reserved for new personnel.


    Edward turned a page, getting to page 45 of the personnel logs of the maintenance & supply crews. His eye swiveled to the name which stood on the top of the page. Hori Toyoaki, a Japanese immigrant. Or an immigrant from the ‘Empire of the rising sun’ if you wanted to be official.

    In any case, an Asian working in the Clyde shipyards. That was interesting


    Edward straightened his back. He searched through some more cabinets and came across Hori’s personnel file. It seemed the man had worked on the Japanese order. The one for a dreadnought, seemingly as a supervisor and inspector. After finishing his work Hori had requested a permanent visa in order to permanently work in the clyde shipyards. Where he now primarily worked for the cargo management.


    Out of curiosity Edward grabbed the cargo logs, curious on what the Japanese immigrant did. 


    Thus Edward grabbed the recent cargo logs, specifically those send from the head cargo manager, the superior of this Hori. As he read the cargo logs Edward frowned. The cargo which Hori worked on was highly …… curious. He had imported a lot of oil and ammunition. More than was strictly necessary, since right now the empire was in peacetime. Though the German threat loomed on the horizon.


    As he inspected the cargo logs even further it grew disturbing. The maximum amount of ammunition and fuel that was allowed on a battleship was being VASTLY exceeded. If an accident were to happen, it could hold grievous consequences. Large parts of the ship could explode, the ship could sink if left unattended and millions of pounds would be lost. 


    Or, the thought crossed Edwards mind, the ammunitions and fuel could be stored in such places that it would cause the ship to spontaneously explode. Before anyone could prevent the ship from sinking. 


    With a feeling of dread taking hold of him Edward grabbed his raincoat and rushed to the immigration office. He needed to know more of this Hori. 




    Meanwhilst in India


    Major-general Digby was enjoying his stay in the Indian manse. One previously built for one of the governor-generals of India. It really was a good place. The surroundings were good, the building was cool and the women were great. They were often at his manse, seen partying in various states of undress. He truly had some good boons. Meanwhilst all he had to do we make sure his regiment was in a good condition. This meant that he only had to occasionally speak with his officers. Having meeting with his officers, who actually kept his troops in tip-top shape . This combined with a good salary by the government  meant he was quite comfortable.


    Then, as he was lounging on a large velvet couch Digby’s Indian servant Calesh entered uninvited. His tanned skin standing out from the pink/red walls. 

    Digby frowned, surprised by his servant suddenly entering without permission, then he spoke with disapproval and outrage. “What is the meaning of this Calesh, I did not call for you. Get back to your quarters. It is late and there are some duties that you still have to attend to.” 


    Calesh then spoke, with a blank look on his face. One which made a cold shiver travel down Digby’s spine. “I am sorry sir, but there is an issue that needs to be addressed.”


    Digby responded with fake outrage, whilst internally he felt dread spread throughout his body. “Whatever issue do you speak off, there is none, begone !!!.” But Calesh continued speaking. As if he had not heard his ‘master’ speak at all.

    “There is much I can say, yet as you have often told me. Actions speak louder than words.”


    Then as Calesh spoke several women entered the room. To be specific those who Calesh had used as pleasure women, each with a knife in their hand. With the gleam of cold steel staring into Digby’s eyes. 


    Calesh spoke slowly with a small amount of, most likely fake, regret and sympathy.


    “You do not deserve to die in such a place sir. But the times are changing. And for the future to be forged, the past must be swept away.”

    Then the women rushed at Digby. Who tried to run, but was unable to do so before the women reached him. Cold knives cut through Digby’s clothing as if they were not there in the first place. Digging into his flesh, cutting and slashing away at the shell of the man. Then as Digby felt the life flow out of him, reaching towards the heavens he saw a cold smile of Calesh looking down on him. Hearing a few words as the life began to ebb out of him. “The times are changing, and this is only the beginning.”




    Back in Britain.


    Edward shouted in surprise and anguish as he read the immigration documents of Hori. The man’s former occupation had been as artillery officer in the Imperial Japanese army. An expert on explosives and how to use them. A person perfectly capable of planting explosive charges on a ship and igniting them.

    After reading this Edward rushed out of the Immigration office. Ignoring his jacket, as a frantic energy took a hold of him. He did not even feel the rain as he ran as fast as he could. Heading for the HMS Destiny. A dreadnought of the royal navy, the ship which Hori was assigned to. Where Hori was in charge of supplies. It was miles away yet Edward ran faster than he ever had. With the city fading away from his mind’s view as he ran as fast as a horse. Knowing that he needed to act now before everything was too late. 


    He ran as if the devil himself was chasing him, catching a large amount of intention from bystanders. Yet he ignored them all. Soon the HMS Destiny came into sight. He ran towards it, ignoring anything that stood before him. Dashing past cars and annoyed civilians. Yet soon he saw the HMS Destiny. Edward rushed on deck and flew towards the cargo room. Yet as he arrived at a crossroads a cloaked figure darted at him. With a knife burying itself inside Edward’s leg. The figure then rushed away, fleeing from the ship.




    As this happened Hirohito simply sat in his chair, waiting and watching as chaos spread around the world.




    Edward, unable to move his legs pulled himself forwards. A singular goal dominating his mind. To reach the cargo room before it was too late.


    As Edward pulled himself forward he arrived there, with him being granted the sight of a room filled with military grade explosives. All connected with wires originating from a fuse which was slowly being consumed by fire. With adrenaline coursing through his body Edward pulled himself forwards. Pulling forwards in order to prevent disaster, prevent catastrophe. He pulled himself  forwards, he was almost there. He could almost reach the fuse with his hand. Cut the fire and prevent everything from happening.


    He was almost there, he almost reached it, then he slipped. There were no more objects to pull himself forward with and the floor was wet, too wet to gain much pressure with. He was caught flat-footed and saw the fuse reach its end. Then the wires leading to the explosives caught fire. Then, as he saw the fire reach high grade military explosives. Edward’s life flashed before him before he was consumed by fire.



    Hirohito closed his eyes as the reports began reaching him. 


    He had done it, he had started the project that had taken a generation.


    Then he closed his eyes, mentally watching as the final pieces of the puzzle arranged themselves before him. It all painted a single picture.



    Tennōheika Banzai




    Long dormant Imperial sleepers are awakened. Quite like the Dutch Flu, they have spread throughout the veins of the world. Whilst European nations make war until the brink, Japan grows. And she had not been idle. In fact quite the opposite. The Empire of the Rising Sun is a prosperous, multi-ethnic, idealist state. Power had been given over the the common man, all in the name of the Emperor and Diet. Japan had picked the Chinese up, and supported them. She had liberated Indonesia, the Philippines, and Manchuria. She has spread Tanosim, until it has become a dominant Pan-Asian ideology. The West time has come.


    The world makes strange bedfellows. The Rising Sun’s increasingly liberal and multi-ethnic reforms had not gone unnoticed. Through her Chinese intermediaries, Japan has contacted a separate Global Net-Work. The 2nd Internationale, in all it’s glory, was still no true Global Power. Merely a collection of nations and the common man. However they, Like the Rising Sun, had woven themselves into the Global economy, politics, and resources. In a deal perhaps damning to Democracy [and the world], these two entities agree on many points.




    As brave Imperial spies like Hori Toyoaki bravely work under threat of death, the Sun begins to Rise. Agents are rather covert, and news could not spread quick. Infact, the first indication of something going wrong, was Stocks. And ironically the West praised the Rising Sun for her actions. Japanese ‘Economist’ had meticulously tracked and recorded several large London/Berlin Stock market investors for fraud and other crimes. As police arrest them, the Economist are praised. They had found a hole where legal money was pouring into the underworld. No one had thought to question how they had found this all out.




    In NYC, an already chaotic nation is utterly ravaged. Japanese economist, 2nd Internationales, and others all begin to pull out stocks. Without global support, or local, an already unsteady NYC stock market plummets. The same happens to Berlin, where increasingly more interwoven Japanese financial relations are severed. With all three being picked apart at the same time, Global Stocks begin to plummet. As panic ensues, the worse has yet to come.




    The true Armageddon is announced with an equally apt explosion. For years now Japan has built ships, and sent workers, to live side by side with Brits in their ports. They had carefully orchestrated a build up of munitions and oil. Alongside planting explosives, and sabotaging the outer hull in some case. Working in tandem with the Socialist, the strike is revealed.


    As the Stock Market is collapsing due to the most financial nations attacking [With the West in such a poor state], the Japanese treachery comes to light. The British RN while in homeports of Scappa Flow, and near London, begin to go up in flames. Years of hard work has led to the British Fleet being sunk in port. In all the chaos little know how many ships truly sink.




    And Britain was not alone in her agony. Mostly Socialist angered at years of German crackdowns have built up. And in a strike with the Rising Sun, they target the German fleet at home port. Yet again, explosions and oil fill the waters. Though only rumors, one may also hear of Russian factories being sabotaged or slowed down, drastically halting their new naval reforms.


    Mexico, Baku Socialist, U.S agents, and other Imperial ones also struck the Global oil supply. Either through terrorist strikes, or trade deals, Japan has bottlenecked Oil production. Only places like the Ottoman Empire and Russia have enough stability to ensure some oil. But many western nations now find themselves lacking oil, manpower, and money.




    Closer to home, Japanese intervention is far more blunt. Brazil, an ally for years, has dispatched her fleet to Japan. Together, they formed a naval fleet on par with any European one. British ships targeted by agents in the Indian Ocean are reeling from the blow, and lacking oil. With this pre arranged window, Indian, Singaporean, and Vietnamese cells in occupied land strike. The Chinese army after preparing for over a year begins her invasion with Japan of India and Asia as a whole. On the Russian border they opt to entrench, having not directly struck or declared war on the Union.


    In India particularly the plans had been meticulous. With more details to come later, the Officers had been targeted, the Fleet stalled, and active and passive agents fighting the british. Tanoist and Socialist freedom fighters begin to plague the roads and rail lines. A failed attempt to seize some of the RN ends in many Imperial Japanese agents being executed.




    In Africa tension already growing for years comes to a boiling point. Ironically in French colonies, the Africans saw the Socialist and Communist doctrine to rise up in revolt. Elsewhere like in the Ottoman Empire, British/German Colonies, and others, armed revolts funded by the Rising Sun and prepared for years begin to strike colony garrisons.




    And the countdown begins. 10! The residents of New York City scream. As the countdown continues, the last visage of absolute history as we know it also reaches it's end. 1! they scream and couples kiss and children scream. It is a new year, 1912! The past year had been difficult, and shown a lot of change. The Ottomans have lost their Libyan colony, and a lot of Balkan land. The German and English naval race continues. However it's becoming apparent an arms race on the continent is brewing. Russia and France in their alliance seek to out produce/compete German arms. The balkans are a powder keg, with a furious Bulgaria, and a emboldened Serbia. Russia has its own personal problems, but is a growing economy. Germany is terrified, by even 1920 Russian railroads could rival their own. The U.S is a fledgling state, dealing with what seems to be a massive problem. Every year more and more Mexican banditos raid U.S land in Texas. The army is left dumbfounded, unable to hunt them down. Japan sees a rising wave of imperialism, they were now a great power. Russia remembers with fear, as they watch China practically collapse.


    And the Countdown begins. 10! The residents of Ney York City scream. In fear of The plague ridden, warring, almost feral denziens of New York. In the Stock Market papers fill the floor, and shouting fills the air. Arms militias rove the streets, mobs lynch their favored target, and other crimes run rampant. It is a new year, 1922! Armageddon has come. The Japanese Emperor knew the ramifications that could be. After years of plague, constant global and regional war, distrust, rise of various ideologies, and so many more factors, the World is on the brink. What should of been globalization and the rise of Democracy is now a shattered ideal. The human population for the first time in a century is now declining, not booming. Autocrats, Factions, and others all have their own zones of control.




    Global trade, stock, and communication is breaking down. As Japan cripples the west, the colonies are blanketed in darkness. Globalization itself is coming apart at the seams. The world was supposed to grow smaller, but is increasingly seeming to be bigger and bigger.


    Europe, already on the brink, is kicked over. Nations like France, Italy, and Austria [the worse off] are thrown into complete anarchy. The very fabric of society is tearing apart, as debt runs rampant, banks run out of money, oil stops flowing, and trade is cut. 


    What was once a promise of Global trade and brotherhood is now fire and blood. It is now Armageddon. The Empire of the Rising Sun and 2nd Internationale had attacked a world on its knees, in the most vital areas. Woe to the west, Tennōheika Banzai!



  20. 553a21aa0011fce811c7a862f333cc90.jpg


    Tywin Lannister stormed into Casterly Rock’s hall. The look on his face silenced all. They had all gotten the raven. Dark wings, Dark words. Though Tywin’s host was still almost entirely coming home to their families, the Lannisters were not. His own sons missing, his daughter dead, her children missing or hostage. Tywin took it as best he could, often riding alone. War Councils were quiet affairs, he seldom spoke. It was clear after some ravens had flew, he was heading home. The Host left their camp near the river, taking the Gold Road. As they head home, Tywin leaves men behind to close the road to King’s Landing.


    As he came home though, there was still hope for the Lannister cause. Things had been learnt on the way, and ravens sent. Damion Lannister welcomed his lord back, having been quite busy. Under Lord Tywin’s orders the mountain passes and castles have received strong garrisons. Work continues to fortify them, and establish permanent garrisons of Lannister veterans who are paid. Elsewhere with the Starks gone, the Lords are not called to serve any further levies. However for or now Tywin will keep his men massed in the passes, and Casterly Rock, ready to march.


    **That isn’t to say the Lannister host is disbanded, quite the opposite. With some five-and-thirty thousand swords, the Lannisters are massed. While an unknown amount guard the passes into the West, others are sent to staff garrisons or help with the harvest, or hold the core lands. However Tywin and his veterans of the War of Five King’s remain encamped near Casterly Rock. These men will form the basis of Tywins personal army. They will be his own personal men, and will not be obligated to farm or serve a feudal lord. Instead they will be his permanent troops, ever vigilant. They will be paid in gold, and given land and knighthood after five-and-twenty years of service. They try to base the training as much as they can off the Unsullied model.


    *Two further ravens drastically changed the Lannister’s stance. First was from the High Septon. The Lannisters accept the mission for the West. Tywin was a staunch man of the Seven, and loathed this Fiery demon god. In full support of the High faith, and in retaliation to Stannis’s burning of the Sept in King’s Landing, House Lannister declares holy war on the heretic that falsely sits the Iron Throne. Tywin calls for the faith militant and  Lords of the West to rally for this holy war. Ravens fly to every Westerland Lord ordering them to rally every levy they can. Tywin’s current army is recalled to assemble to march.


    The second raven came from the North. With Ned Stark avenged, the viper court of King’s Landing all dead, Joffery missing and out of power, and the Lannisters no longer threatening the North, peace has been offered.  Tywin sends a Raven back, and perhaps Westeros becomes more peaceful. 


    ***The remains of Lorch’s, Hoats, and Clegane’s men had largely been left behind on the Gold Road. Now bolstered by the Lannister sell-sword host, they were a proper force to be reckoned with. They are led by a man as tall as a mountain, Gregor Clegane. Apparently not dead, it seemed the Lannisters also had invulnerable men like Dondarion. They begin to wreak havoc on trade heading to King’s Landing, and picking off isolated garrisons. They will avoid any pitched battle, having learnt well from the River Lands.




    *Mustering war-host in Westerlands, and ordering Lords to raise more swords.


    *Declaring a holy war to reclaim the Iron Throne form a heretic and demon worshipper.


    **Forming standing army under Tywin’s command.


    ***Unleashing Gregor Clegane and his mercenary/scum army on the Crown Lands/Shutting down Gold Road to King’s Landing.


    Work continues to fortify the passes, man the castles, and patrol the coast of the West. It is effectively sealed off.


    With both Joffery and Tommen Baratheon missing, Myrcella is by the laws of the old gods and new proclaimed the Queen of the Iron Throne.







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