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Everything posted by sconn

  1. OOC: MC Name: sconn Age: 16 Country: Slovenia Time-Zone: GMT Berlin, London... How much time can you be online per day?: 2-4 hours daily. How long have you been playing on the server?: Since Jul. 2011, but I was gone for almost the entirety of Asulon. What past guilds have you been apart of?: Black hand, Oren guard, I used to be a squire to a knight but I can't remember the name of the guild. Have you ever held a leadership role before?: No. How would you describe yourself?: A perfectionist, a little obssessive, sometimes compulsive. Do you have a Skype? If so what is your name?: N/A Do you have a VA?: N/A IC: Name: Sconn Mormont Race: Human Age: 52 Past Experience: I used to be an Oren guard in Al'khazar and a squire for an Oren knight, never moved past those ranks. What are your skills?: I have some skills with swordsmanship and basic archery training. My brother did teach me about building techniques and lumberjacking. What weapon do you prefer?: Any kind of sword. Why do you wish to join the Order?: I believe in your cause, and I know I can not achieve it alone. What branch of the Order would you like to join?: I am capable of performing on many branches of your order, however I think I could be the most use as a soldier. What is your personality like?: Obedient and loyal any order you give I shall execute. What are some strengths of yours?: I can find solutions which others often overlook. What makes you different from others?: Other than experience nothing drastical separates me from the general public. Why should we accept you into the Order?: I believe I could be of great assistance to the guild. What position do you wish to achieve in the Order?: I wish to achieve the rank of Sudian, after my training of course. Tell us more about yourself (Biography): I was born separated from my family, living in the slums of Al'khazar. When I discovered my brother he gave me a room in his mansion. Only then did I discover the wealth of my family and soon I was training to be a knight. But all of that has been taken away from me when we were forced to flee Aegis. I, Sconn Mormont, hereby pledge my skills and my life to the advancement and support of the Nieric Order. I swear my loyalty to the Order and swear on the blood of my brothers and sisters, to serve faithfully and never leave the Order until the day I take my last breath. I shall abide by all the laws of the Order. If I violate these terms, so help me God.
  2. That would be way to adorable. Other than that might i suggest a beachside city rather that an underwater city. Making it under watre would prove to be a challenge. But you can still achieve the sea fell to it if its on land. A good example is that small village near Al'khazar. I dont know the name but it looks amazing and could fit you nicely.
  3. If that would happen i would join the guild instantly. But i doubt that it is a easy job supersizing a squid and possibly changing its skin. But it could be done. The GMs wont agree on making a giant squid. Then people will want giant wolves and ghasts.
  4. I wish to leave the guild now. Good luck on your sacrifices and dont worry I wont tell anyone where the bases are.
  5. Sorry i said i wanna join. But i just got a nice legal job.
  6. This sounds like an amazing idea. I fully support you in making this guild. I am also intrested in joining when it becomes oficial.
  7. ooc:(Actualy i was gonna infiltrate your guild and it seemes it didnt work out:P.)
  8. Brief Character History:Whe sconn first came into this world he was a devoted worshipper of Iblees. Altho he did not do much things of great evil he taught others of the power of Iblees.He also has a hatred for dwarfes for imprisoning him in the time of the war of humans and dwarfes. But he has forgotten his hatred and moved on from Iblees. He is now devoted to Aeriel. He teaches others of the way of the light. He studies the power of Aeriel and the joy she brought us. Character Name (I.C.):sconn Character name (O.C.)sconn Race:human, northerner IC Age:16 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):I will be a preacher for i have studied the aenguls and the ascended for years now and i believe i should teach my knowledge to others. Goals in the FOA?:Teaxh others of our saviours the ascended an the great aengul. Good deeds you have done?:i have helped many in their time of need. Have you done any bad deeds?:Yes, A long time ago i was a devoted worshipper of Iblees. But those times are behind me. I am still wandering what madness possesed me to be such an evil person. How did you hear of us?:The guild is becoming more and more popular and word is spread all around Aegis. I heard of what great things you have doen and how many people you have saved. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:The undead are simple people being coruppted by Iblees. There souls torn to pieces in time. They are a curse and have done horrible things. They killed my friends and possibly family. I must avenge them and rid Aegis of Iblees and it seemes that joining this guild is the best way to do it. Can you wield a blade?:Indeed, not as good as an warior but my skills are growing. Are you a capable builder?:Yes i am a great builder. Are you an archer?:No, i am afraid that the art of archmanship is beyond me. Any special skills?:I am good at dircting people to the right side. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:Of course i have faith. Aeriel is our saviour. She granted us gifts of great power.I fell like its my duty to Aegis to convert people from evil things to The paith of light. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:I will teach others of the light that Aeriel provides and the power that the ascended have. And when the need arises i will grab my sword and charge into battle for Aeriel.
  9. -In-Game Name:sconn -RolePlaying Name:sconn -Sword and/or Bow Skill: [Not Needed for Now] -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now] --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now] -Villain Application Link:http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=12168 -Race and Subrace:Human Northerner -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined:Oren guard --Are you still a member of this organization:no --If yes, are you trusted:N/A -Reason for Joining:I worshipped Iblees since i started playing. I sacrificed and murdeder in his name. I gain more and more friends that wish to join me every day. But i realised that i cannot destroy Aegis alone. I wish to join so we can destroy this pityful world and kill all that oppose us. I wish to join because together we can do more for Iblees than apart. -Evils you have committed:Sacrifice, theft, banditism, murder. -References for Evils Done: (Optional) -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP:I understand all of the rules and i am a great roleplayer. -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom:I have some friends in Oren that wish to work for the undead. All of them can be trusted i checked except Djinnbeta he cant be trusted. -Time Zone and playing Times:Central european time. I ussualy start playing at 10 in the morning and 3 o'clock -Do you wish to have your name posted in the Guild list:yes -What rank are you applying for in the Guild:Roaming soul.
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