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Posts posted by ErikAzog

  1. Chief Orc Army by wang2dog


    The Azogs walk across the sand dunes of the Iron Uzg. As Urik and his brothers marched, he gazed upon a mountain with scaffolding around all sides, the sun beating down on his back, he grinned realizing it’s potential. Pondering to himself “Peepz lyke a hozh plaze fur a klan blarg.” Raising his arm, Urik signaled for his brother to remain near the mountain, while he trampled forward on his journey alone towards the palace of the Rex. As he entered the city he looked upon where the decedent palace stood and scowled “Byg palayce fur litteh uruk.” He continued his stride up the steps and peered at the Rex and uttered with his deep echoing voice like thunder in the Palace, “Da Azogz ar bak agh latz wull gif uz land.”  With the Rex in agreement, Urik marched off to claim his new hold in the name of Azog, in the name of the black skin.

  2. For Orcs, def not Azogs. They are more like the 'oh look all these people forgot how bored they got with this type of rp/lotc so they come back and **** up the politics for a few weeks, pvp a bunch, and then leave.'

    It seems someone didn't get over their lost basement....

  3. Application


    Name: Varodius V.

    Age: 44

    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith? Si

    Previous Theological experiences: Nada

    Previous Militaristic experiences: Mounted combat and and scouting durring the Chivay Dynasty.

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: SaintPaint (formerly Anderssn)

    Skype (Can PM):  You've got it.



  4. Name: Rose Lander

    Age: 80

    Gender: Female

    Are you of the Faith? No, but I am quite interested in learning more of it and possibly adopting it.

    Previous Theological experiences: None.

    Previous Militaristic experiences: I have been a professional soldier for most of my life. I have held notable positions in both military and private functions during my line of work.

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: oblivionsbane

    Skype (Can PM): If I get accepted I'll pm you it.

    Accepted, I would have that you speak to Padre Rafeal on information of the Canonist Church and our faith.

  5. Application


    Name: Bernhard von Craw

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith? Indeed.

    Previous Theological experiences: Member of the Black Sepulcher.

    Previous Militaristic experiences: Champion of the Faith at the tourney held in Port Vydrik

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: WolfThePict

    Skype (Can PM):  You have it



  6. Application


    Name: Svadus Ulerar


    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith?: Yes

    Previous Theological experiences: Member of the Black Sepulcher, have been studying for priesthood for a few years.

    Previous Militaristic experiences:

    Participated in the Crusade against Tarchars with the Black Sepulcher as a sworn-brother.

    Fought during the Adrian civil war.


    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: Shalashask

    Skype (Can PM): Shalashask (Should be the one from Bristol, United Kingdom.)



  7. Application


    Name: Segmund Raichs

    Age: 33

    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith? Yes

    Previous Theological experiences: Member to the order of the Black Sepulcher, average theological experience.

    Previous Militaristic experiences: Was enlisted as guard to Brelus of Adria when it existed. Served with the guard until its destruction with the fall of Adria before turning to the light of the creator. Joined the tacharland crusade and fought in the creators name. Currently enlisted in the order of the Black Sepulcher

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: LoLzboi

    Skype (Can PM):  pm'd


    Name: Hawke

    Age: 53

    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith? No, but I am willing to become of the faith.

    Previous Theological experiences: None, only of the smith and his anvil if you count that.

    Previous Militaristic experiences: I have worked with many empires as they rose and fell. I was a guard for many years, then I became a soldier. From there I went from town to town and each time they fell. Yet I survived. I have much experience under my belt.

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: Genarall1

    Skype (Can PM):  You have it already erik.



  8. Application


    Name: Padre Rafael de Córdoba

    Age: 49

    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith? Sí, I am an ordained Father.

    Previous Theological experiences: Priesthood

    Previous Militaristic experiences: Soldier for a shipping company and warrior during the attempted Canonist revolt against the idolists of Córdoba.

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: ryanheff74/ThirdCrusader

    Skype (Can PM): You got it


    Name: Gerhard von Lothringen

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Are you of the Faith? Yes.

    Previous Theological experiences: None.

    Previous Militaristic experiences: None.

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name: reldoorahC

    Skype (Can PM): charoodler






    La Inquisición






    The cross of the Inquisition, the light of God, and the blood of the martyrs.



    Around the time High Pontiff Everard II was crowned, a ship had landed on the peninsula of The Outremer. The people on the boats, Córdobenses, hailed from a trading port known as Cordoba, on an island near the coast of Vailor. Led by the exile Miguel Cortes, these men came with two things. Building supplies and faith in GOD. A missionary had come to them with news of the Creator. Miguel had been exiled for accepting this new faith and leaving the port’s idolistic faith, bringing with him a ship of new converts. They decided to erect their home, Castello de La Cruz, on their landing site. With the blessing of his Holiness and a Golden Bull to legitimize the cause, the Córdobenses set to work. They would enforce the ideals of the Pontificate and spread the word of GOD





    The Vicar of the Faith, the High Pontiff

    He who has been crowned the voice of GOD on earth. The order is sworn directly to him and carries out his will. Their actions are those of his extended hand.



    The Inquisidor-General is the Highest Authority within the Inquisición and answers only to the High Pontiff.  The Inquisidor-General is the one who assigns the Inquisitors their tasks and makes sure that the Terico Captain is keep the Tericos faithful to the cause.  Should the Inquisidor-General pass away, the highest ranking members would converge and elect a new Inquisidor-General.



    They are the main force of the Inquisición . The Inquisidor are tasked with the investigation, and purge of heathens, heretics, and monsters.  They will take charge of the Inquisición should the Inquisidor-General fall ill or go missing. Upon the Inquisidor-General’s death, the Inquisidors will convene to decide on his successor. There may only be a maximum of six Inquisidors, each is in charge of training and commanding the Inquisición .


    Terico Captain

    The Captain of the Tericos will assign Tericos to Inquisidors that are in need of aid, distribute their equipment, and manage their housing. The Captain is chosen from the Tericos who have proven themselves, shown that they will lay down their life for the Inquisición .  Should an Inquisidor be needed the captain will be elevated. There may only be two captains at a time.



    Terico are new members of the Inquisición and have yet to prove themselves. Tericos are the enforcers for the Inquisición they protect the Inquisidors when they are on assignment  and will often act as guard to members of the church.






    Interrogators, theirs is the task of questions. They will take suspected heretics, infidels, sodomites, and any other enemies of GOD into interrogation. Using any means necessary, before GOD, they will find the truth.


    Guardián de los Registros

    The Keeper of Records, he who ensures that all actions of the Inquisición are recorded. All prisoners, trials, and ventures are recorded in his library by hand. He also is charged with pursuing the scholarly and theological studies, as well as studying any holy texts he can find.


    Dador de la Muerte

    The Giver of Death, the executioner. Following a trial, if execution is decided, the Inquisidor-General will have the Inquisición’s priest give last rites, before the Giver of Death executes the guilty heathen.


    Los Padres

    Simply, the Fathers. These are the ordained members of the Clergy who also serve among the Inquisición . They advise the Inquisición on theologian matters as well as affairs of moral questioning.


    Cazador de brujas

    -Hunter of Witches, he hunts down witches and will either execute, or capture them.  The Cazador will record and inform the Inquisidor-General of his findings. But ultimately it is up to the Cazador on how to deal with them.



    Inquisición Code of Conduct


    - No Inquisidor will perform in any investigation not handed to them by the Inquisidor-General.


    - Members in the Inquisicion must obey the commands of the Inquisidor-General, his Inquisidor and the Vicar of GOD.


    - All members must remain pious and adhere to the laws of the church. Failure to do so will result in brutal punishment.


    - Revealing any Secrets pertaining to the Inquisición’s activities will result in death.


    - You will not fall to the temptations of sin; be it carnal desire out of wedlock or wroth, any of the sins will result in immediate punishment.


    - You will not disrespect the clergy or any men of the Faith.


    - Treat all with equal compassion and care; even the gentiles (non-human races) follow the will of GOD.







    Are you of the Faith?

    Previous Theological experiences:

    Previous Militaristic experiences:

    ((OOC Information))


    Mc Name:

    Skype (Can PM):  





    A Translated letter is sent to The Rex


    Dear Phaedrus'Yar




    My name is Kertug of clan Gorkil and I wish to tell you that doing this would not be smart. You are already frowned upon as a Rex because what you are. You are not a bruddah, you are not a orc, you are nothing but a elf that wishes to be a savage and take things for their own. You are dishonorable in my eyes. Forget the past, Vrograk let me in back into the Uzg when I returned. I killed orcs of the battlefield with humans in the Fringe. I was forgiven, because to Orcs, the past is nothing, but it seems to elves their whole life matters. Before the Uzg in your life I bet you were nothing but a weak, afraid elf that couldn't protect himself. You were probably looked at as a disgusting elf. Do I care about your past, no! Should you care about my past, no! Should you care about humanities past, NO! I haven't been seen around probably since Vrograks death because I cannot tolerate being lead by a woodland man that things he's tough **** because he's a leader of honorable and brute Uruks, my brothers.





    Kertug'Gorkil ov clan Gorkeel.

    Urik'Azog snorts and laughs 
    "Kertug wuz auwayz ah littue Biztch."
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