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Status Updates posted by Baelavel

  1. haven't been able to play for a good couple of days, just built myself a new computer and got all sorts of things running on it. Have a feeling I forgot something, also need to downgrade minecraft to 1.0 unless i missed the server update to 1.1 announcement which i don't think i did. I apologize for the lack of proper grammar and punctuation and such, i've been away from school for another week, a snow week, and have gotten out of touch, also this is probably a long wall of irra...

    1. Baelavel


      irrational ramblings, got cut off :(

    2. ReconPvP


      im pretty sure server is 1.1 so no big deal there. and welcome back if so.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      "Built myself a new computer"


  2. Finally finds high elf area and is about to get to work. Kicked for reserved user. ARGH!

  3. Also, I find it funny how empty the forums have gotten since 2.0 was released. No one replies to my posts :(

  4. Had an encounter with some Mori earlier at the elf settlemet. They don't seem too bad, though one of them was eyeing the pigs we were breeding like a vulture...

  5. I don't think I can refresh faster than I am right now waiting for the server to exit maintenance mode...

  6. ARGH! Thought I could make the whole event tomorrow because I have no school. Turns out I won't even be near a computer for the last half the event or so... :(

    1. Baelavel


      Err...I mean today, since it's midnight on the west coast.

  7. Anyone know what a "high elf blacksmith" would look like? I need ideas for my new 2.0 skin. Thanks!

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      blone hair, tall, brown shoes, green with a leather apron =D

  8. Writing a backsstory and stuff that I'll probably post in the roleplay forum for my new 2.0 character. Having a heck of a time balancing it, homework/school, and other LotC stuff.

  9. Trying to figure out the skin for my new 2.0 cahracter. If anyone could fix up a high elf blacksmith with golden hair and blue eyes I'd appreciate it XP Otherwise I'm rather stuck trying to mix high elf clothes with armor (as he will also be a fighter). His torso looks nice, his legs and arms don't quite fit the style though.

    1. Baelavel


      And I spelled character wrong. Basically looking for a high elf battle blacksmith look. Preferably lighter style armor, but not like cloth, more leather or light metal stuff.

    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Maybe Post on a skin shop or Post a topic

    3. Volutional


      Get Recklez to do it!

  10. Retuned again after a good month or two period of "away time." READY TO RP AGAIN! Or at least try to because I'm really shy and avoid conversations...

    1. Glasiconas


      I know the feeling, bro.

    2. Florishier


      and now you have to wait for the server to reboot

    3. Florishier


      and now you have to wait for the server to reboot

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