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Status Updates posted by Baelavel

  1. Retuned again after a good month or two period of "away time." READY TO RP AGAIN! Or at least try to because I'm really shy and avoid conversations...

    1. Glasiconas


      I know the feeling, bro.

    2. Florishier


      and now you have to wait for the server to reboot

    3. Florishier


      and now you have to wait for the server to reboot

  2. Trying to figure out the skin for my new 2.0 cahracter. If anyone could fix up a high elf blacksmith with golden hair and blue eyes I'd appreciate it XP Otherwise I'm rather stuck trying to mix high elf clothes with armor (as he will also be a fighter). His torso looks nice, his legs and arms don't quite fit the style though.

    1. Baelavel


      And I spelled character wrong. Basically looking for a high elf battle blacksmith look. Preferably lighter style armor, but not like cloth, more leather or light metal stuff.

    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Maybe Post on a skin shop or Post a topic

    3. Volutional


      Get Recklez to do it!

  3. haven't been able to play for a good couple of days, just built myself a new computer and got all sorts of things running on it. Have a feeling I forgot something, also need to downgrade minecraft to 1.0 unless i missed the server update to 1.1 announcement which i don't think i did. I apologize for the lack of proper grammar and punctuation and such, i've been away from school for another week, a snow week, and have gotten out of touch, also this is probably a long wall of irra...

    1. Baelavel


      irrational ramblings, got cut off :(

    2. ReconPvP


      im pretty sure server is 1.1 so no big deal there. and welcome back if so.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      "Built myself a new computer"


  4. Anyone know what a "high elf blacksmith" would look like? I need ideas for my new 2.0 skin. Thanks!

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      blone hair, tall, brown shoes, green with a leather apron =D

  5. ARGH! Thought I could make the whole event tomorrow because I have no school. Turns out I won't even be near a computer for the last half the event or so... :(

    1. Baelavel


      Err...I mean today, since it's midnight on the west coast.

  6. Writing a backsstory and stuff that I'll probably post in the roleplay forum for my new 2.0 character. Having a heck of a time balancing it, homework/school, and other LotC stuff.

  7. I don't think I can refresh faster than I am right now waiting for the server to exit maintenance mode...

  8. Had an encounter with some Mori earlier at the elf settlemet. They don't seem too bad, though one of them was eyeing the pigs we were breeding like a vulture...

  9. Also, I find it funny how empty the forums have gotten since 2.0 was released. No one replies to my posts :(

  10. Finally finds high elf area and is about to get to work. Kicked for reserved user. ARGH!

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