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Status Replies posted by Akorta

  1. I just want to rub my face all over a cactus... Why don't you love me Susitsu!?

  2. http://www.damnlol.com/abandoned-mill-built-in-1866-sorrento-italy-8438.html

  3. http://www.damnlol.com/abandoned-mill-built-in-1866-sorrento-italy-8438.html

  4. http://www.damnlol.com/abandoned-mill-built-in-1866-sorrento-italy-8438.html

  5. http://www.damnlol.com/abandoned-mill-built-in-1866-sorrento-italy-8438.html

  6. Let's hope that those in out little TS session now know why I am the God of Voices.

  7. Watch Jurassic Park, or play Fallout... The options!@

  8. Watch Jurassic Park, or play Fallout... The options!@

  9. Watch Jurassic Park, or play Fallout... The options!@

  10. Watch Jurassic Park, or play Fallout... The options!@

  11. Watch Jurassic Park, or play Fallout... The options!@

  12. Anyone up for a game of Russian Roulette with a twist? Twist being Akorta's rules and I go last :)

  13. Anyone up for a game of Russian Roulette with a twist? Twist being Akorta's rules and I go last :)

  14. What words can you find in the Word; obfuscation.

  15. What words can you find in the Word; obfuscation.

  16. Fact - Glass taste like blood.

  17. Fact - Glass taste like blood.

  18. Fact - Glass taste like blood.

  19. Fact - Glass taste like blood.

  20. Just saw quite possibly the most disturbing thread, glad it was removed as quickly as it was.

  21. Just saw quite possibly the most disturbing thread, glad it was removed as quickly as it was.

  22. Australian puybs really need to check ID.

  23. Epic RP fights EVERYWHERE!

  24. Epic RP fights EVERYWHERE!

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