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Status Replies posted by Akorta

  1. Can anyone suggest a site that's good for making a computer? I'm in need of a new one.

  2. Missing the times of Whispering Isles.

  3. I was approached by some double doors at work today... Had to slam them both open and walk through the middle ^_^

  4. I was approached by some double doors at work today... Had to slam them both open and walk through the middle ^_^

  5. Got to work this morning, instantly ripped my pants... Duct tape to the rescue!

  6. One hours sleep last night... Sick at work today... Drive home with beer and metal turned up all the way... The good outweighs the bad :D

  7. One hours sleep last night... Sick at work today... Drive home with beer and metal turned up all the way... The good outweighs the bad :D

  8. Who would like to win a wooden creeper figuare?

  9. Due to last nights roleplay, I think I'm going to hang around the Mori for a while, see what happens ^_^

  10. I have a feeling I'm going to die a slow painful death ._.

  11. I have a feeling I'm going to die a slow painful death ._.

  12. Sunday already... WHY!?

  13. Going camping over the weekend~ DRUID IRL & IC. /Boy Scouts

  14. Going camping over the weekend~ DRUID IRL & IC. /Boy Scouts

  15. Guys I want to join this awsome server so please invite me my user is: wasabi_17 , I will tell my friends about this server

  16. Guys I want to join this awsome server so please invite me my user is: wasabi_17 , I will tell my friends about this server

  17. I'll make Susitsu accept my love... One way or another >:)

  18. I'll make Susitsu accept my love... One way or another >:)

  19. Roze is mega mean.

  20. Roze is mega mean.

  21. Shadowninji is hotter then Susitsu.

  22. Shadowninji is hotter then Susitsu.

  23. Shadowninji is hotter then Susitsu.

  24. Shadowninji is hotter then Susitsu.

  25. I just want to rub my face all over a cactus... Why don't you love me Susitsu!?

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