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Everything posted by knight4239

  1. The Guild of Fancy Men Redid version Who we are: We are a summoned group of "brothers" who will stand and defend each other to the death. We are are a very exclusive guild only open to whom we trust and know to be very worthy warriors and men. If you see one of us do not expect to harm us without payback or some type of retaliation. For we as brothers stand united, stand bravely, stand fancy. Roster: Vympel - The Mercenary Killzar - The Dwarf Fenris - The Dancer Dr'zar - The Shamen Who Doesn't Know Magic Where we are: We are currently finding a place where we could reside, hopefully some place fancy. Where we could hold sword duels, and grand balls. Our Goal: To have a the fanciest Village in all of Aegis, where the rich have vacation homes, and where the merchants prosper.
  2. Free Runners Of Aegis What we do: We go from city to city preforming stunts and tricks using agility strength and balance. (ooc: Hard to do in minecraft, since all you can do is jump and spin) If you see someone on a rooftop it's probably one of us, and if your a guard and want to arrest us. Don't expect to catch one of us, unless you really agile. But we are not criminals, just people who wish to have fun and enjoy life. Where we are located: As I said before we go from city to city doing stuff, but we are not generally located in one specific place. But since it is the most expansive city, and best place to free run on the roofs(even though it's not allowed there :D) Al'Khazar would probably be where most of us are doing stuff at. How to join us: Just start jumping doing spins and tricks and your in, anyone is welcome. And if you wish put Free_Runner in your name. *example Free_Runner_Mike -I wish to thank you all for listening, and have fun out there.
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