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  1. ::OOC:: MC Name: Killzar Did you ever have a character with magic?: No, but my character was a bard before there was magic for it. Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yes Skype: (You can PM this to us if you wish) therkelley ::IC:: Name: Killzar the Bard Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Human What would you like to learn?: Bardmancy Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: I will be enrolling in the 'Mage' classes so I my learn more about Bardmancy.
  2. What is your name? Killzar the Bard What race are you? Human How old are you? 27 What is your gender? Male Do you bear allegiance to any nation or organisation? If so, which?: None Why do you wish to join the Vigil? What is it you wish to achieve here? Knowledge of the world and to record this knowledge in artistic ways such as poem or song (since I will be barding). Do you know magic? If yes, state which kind of magic and how long you have been learning / practicing (in elven days/weeks/months/) None If you answered no to the previous question, do you wish to learn magic as an apprentice of theVigil? Possibly, yes. What role do you wish to fulfill in the guild? A mage, a mage shield, a mageshadow or other, specialty role that you think you could fufill: I would mostly be seen as a mage shield, but I will put down 'other' for the sake of being a comical bard What skills do you possess that make you think you could adequately fulfill this role? I am quite good with a sword and am skilled with a lute. I can also write and am quite good with quill and ink. What value or moral do you hold closest to your heart? I strongly value courage, knowledge, and friendship How far would you go in the pursuit of knowledge? To as far as my mind can withstand and my legs can carry The Vigil is a family of adventurers and scholars. Are you prepared to be a part of that family? Yes I am. OOC SECTION Mc name: Skype name (can be pmd if you prefer): therkelley How long have you been on the server? years, cant remember how many exactly, I use to be apart of the Arcane Delvers too. If you are a mage, did you genuinely train and acquire your magical knowledge in game, or gain magic through your backstory?
  3. Hail! We are The Guild of Fancy Men. You may have heard about or have seen us on the road. We are open to all races and anyone who is a warrior. Our fort is still in progress and we will update about the name. We all have a common trait, we are warriors. This is a warriors guild and we will do what we must for our kingdom. However, even though we are a multiracial group, we may not accept undead. The undead person must be trustworthy. Currently we have 6 men and need more. We recruit select members depending on their trust and skill. We are currently in constructionn, but our fort will be up soon. The goal of our guild is to unite and create a massive city for the privaleged people. Thanks for reading my guild post, updates will be posted soon. If you would like to join, message me, reply on the website or in game. Good tidings, Killzar
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