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  1. Send me a pm when you're active, I'm going to get a job at a bank that interests me in its potential for now, but might get bored of that and want to further opportunities elsewhere.
  2. ---Economic membership--- Minecraft name: dyldo What is your (IG) name: Darnius Olophin Race: Human (Southeron) Age (optional): 22 Gender (optional): Male Short bio (2 sentences min): I am a hardworking person who seeks knowledge in all things, hence why thus far has been roaming the cities of Aegis as a Wandering Scholar, aka a homeless academic who squats in people's houses when it gets too dangerous outside. Although no great shakes in combat, I am a good resource gatherer and am content to farm or mine my days for a long time. Also, I am sick of living in a city miles away from the main cities because of the high rents to stay there for long. I really need a job. Rank the following skills (none, poor, mediocre, good or expert.) ((I know mcmmo is down so this is not actual stats, more like your personal skills as a player)) Mining: Good. (I tend to ignore ores when making initial shafts. Mine the route you want to take underground, then later on mine the ores in the walls, celing and floor. I tend to keep things very compact to maximise the amount of material mined, although this does mean I go through picks quickly.) Wood-cutting: Good. (I always plant a tree where I cut it down, and always destroy leaves first to check if any apples are available to sell.) Farming: Good (ish... I haven't really tried farming beyond sugar cane. Always willing to give it a go though.) Trade: None (Beyond selling a couple of feathers to Fortress Krug, I haven't really ever traded much.) Any other skills you’re good at not listed above: I'm good at keeping things compact and unnoticeable when building things, preferring to waste as little space as possible. I'm also ((IRL)) studying business studies, and have come up with a lot of good ideas for this server that I'm not sure if I actually WANT to implement... (For example... a good banking system. The problem is... I can't see how to do it without tempting myself into scamming loads of people ultimately.) Which of these do you enjoy the most? To be honest, pretty much everything. I might not be so good at trading with other people. Would you say you’re loyal? Yes, although I won't walk to my death without voicing my doubts about the situation first. Do you think you’re a good leader? Not really. I'm too chaotic in mindset sometimes. My plans are usually very complex when I think of them and thus tend to fail when they get big. Do you have a family history of insanity or other mental instabilities? Nope. Well... A rational fear of zombies. Any injuries in the past five years? Lightning bolt burnt right arm slightly when running away from an undead mage. Has healed since then though.
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