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Posts posted by KarmaDelta

  1. I had to actually take a moment to walk outside and collect my thoughts before saying something on this application because there is no way I could possibly sum it up in one post. So, here it is....

    You should be a GM +1

    *wipes off the sweat on his forehead*

    .......... Your reason was better than mine........

  2. I have seen to many of this honestly..... why not just RP it. With apps its for guilds and stuff. Relationships in game need time and stuff. Children, to me, are the only ones who you need to ask people. Why not try and find a lucky lady in game and ask people to be your kids when it comes ;)

    ~Glad to help

  3. ( When I was Deltaro you forgot me >:o I arrived with Native as well and you forgot the awesome Deltaro ;_;. )

    *3 notes are placed in front of Deltaro's Tree*

    Hello there young elves. I am Raemulus Black, the father of Deltaro. I have found out whom my son is since I dug up his grave and found his necklace. I have taken his remains and are bringing it to Laurelin and I, and the bones, shall be living there for now. When it is safer I will make sure to go back and slavage his tree and build a proper home. My plan is also to find out a way to bring Deltaro back. He seems to have been part of a good life, and I want him to live from it even more. My elven bones should gladly give it to him. So I shall be seeking out someone to do the job. Im sure he will go back to the colony bvery soon.

    I also think that my son is a horrible tree builder and I should restart it for him when it comes the time. So farewell for now elves who I have not met yet.

    ~Raemulus Dark

  4. I'll have you know that I've taken a plethora of Mary Sue tests and I scored less than 5 on all of them.


    Because Urara is a vain, nasty, ill tempered, hyper, ugly, boastful orc. And I wouldn't have her any other way. <3

    I thought so. Orcs are pretty much easy not to be a MAry Sue or a Garry Stu. They are all the same really with being blood savages that look ugly and smell :)

    The other races.... not so much. Am I right?

  5. Real Name: Nic <censored>

    Ingame Name: KarmaDelta

    RP Name: Deltaro_Black

    Time Zone: EST United States

    How Long will you be online per week.

    I can be on for as long as I want really..... as long as it is not on weekdays. On weekdays I can survive a total of 6-8 hours both in-game and in the forums. On weekends.... I play all day without any nap, and hardly eat. Thats what LoTC does to me, makes me anorexic since I cant stop playing, both forums and off.


    I have been on some forums. I have modded on only 1 and I say I did a damn good job :D. I usually kept it rated PG on some of the forums since, well, they had children on there and I didnt want to look bad :I I was one out of say 20 people on some minecraft servers that had children on them. So I did my best and watched out for them. I hepled on some other forums as well. I gave info and helped those who didnt know what to do. Being a mod on a server is one thing but being an FM is another. I have seen many forum mods on many forums that acted out of line and wished i can go through my laptop screen and stra- I mean tell them to stop politely.

    I also was on the Application team before they had the apps. Might want to throw that in there :)

    Previous Forums:

    http://zangria.freeforums.org/ - Zangria was a little minecraft server I played on befre getting hooked onto LoTC. I was a mod there and on the forums I was as well.The OP loved me :3

    http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,165.0.html - This is for Mount and Blade Warband mod creations. I made an account for these forums since I love Mount and Blade and I love thanking the people who make the mods that I use. Like the Diplomacy mod for example!

    http://www.bungie.net/Forums/topics.aspx?forumID=10 - This is the Flood Forum section of the Bungie community. Its a fun place to share and laugh. But mostly laugh since most of them are about comparing games. I even once saw one about a poll about if your wife was pregnant on the day of Skyrims release and had to choose either or...... I didnt share my opinion since I couldnt type over the laughter and movement I was making.

    http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/ - Lord of The Craft is a very fun place to hang out. The server is fantastic and the forums are the same as the server. All can be said about them is "AMAZINGLY FANTASTICAL SUPER OMEGA FUNTIME!" *brushes self off* Thank you.

    Why I should be a FM:

    I would love to be an FM since I love forums. Before I got into gaming the Forums were my one stop shop to info and laughter. With LoTC I like to keep things fun and going. Being a mod on a server is one thing. But being a mod on this server is sort of ruining the fun. They say its hard to RP while being a GM and I somewhat agree with that. Being an FM doesnt take away from Role-Playing time and can benefit the community since all them talk here. Well a great majority. I would like to help take up the cause of looking over the forums. As you can see by my post count I like to go crazy.... but crazy in a good way. I know how to control myself on the forums and to be helpful as well.

    I would leave it at that and bid you a good day sir and madames of Aegis.


    Other Info: I love you all..... *hugs*

    Also I was banned once before, but I have grown from that. I know to tell someone if things go out of hand. I would like to also take the FM job as a chance to show that I have changed as well. If thats ok.

  6. I think dark elven houses should be sunken in the ground, between roots or so.

    Your idea intrigues me.

    Why not make a model of it?

    OOC: Also everyone, I will be posting which versions of your screenies that would be fantastic for the job.

    Also I will allow Prince Toren to help, even without making an app since he has a pretty good idea. So about 1 more week is when we will be construction soon friends!

    ~With love, Your mo-, Deltaro

  7. *You see a paper notice attached to the first note.*

    Dear friends,

    Though it is quite late, I have an opinion. I believe we should not put our efforts into creating this magnificent new gate. As you may know, a wizard, opened up a portal. This portal, may in fact, lead to a new world. I have settled there with a few Wardens, and know I would like to believe, that the "Verge" might be a chain, to another magnificent whole continent! I also believe, that the gates are just as beautiful as any others, and are great and magnificent as is. I believe we might be wasting precious materials at the time, just on looks for a new gate, when, if you think about it, we simply do not need one. Well, that was my opinion basically. Thankyou for reading it.


    LaTerre_Amant, of Sister city.

    Your opinion is noted elven brother. Its just that Laurelin is beautiful, but doing this will make it more beautiful. Im also sure that we, all together can put in resources to benefit Laurelins grand entrance. When you think about it, you can see how little populated Laurelin is, well it isnt low populated but it hardly has its residence walking around. If we show off our gate it can lead to a whole new entrance of possibilities for new elves to come and stay.

    I have also settled in the verge on the Malinor settlement. It is a great place but I can handle both jobs. I was thinking of this when i first moved there but I got over it and aimed for my goal for Laurelin.

    Again your opinion is noted, like everyone elses.

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