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  1. i am a battle hardened warrior who know how to fight and come up with a plan. also i will not stop at a task until it is complete
  2. Roleplaying Name: Eari Lightsteel Minecraft Name: Minor_Mischeif Your fighting experience: oblivion wow minecraft How long you have played Minecraft: 3 months How long you have played on Lord of the Craft: 1 week Why you think you deserve to join The Lost ones: i wish to serve and be a honorable follower What position you want to be in:follower until promoted Other Information:
  3. Out-Of-Character: no -Minecraft Account Name Minor_Mischeif How old are you?: 16 Time-Zone/Country of Residence: usa eastern standard time Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: personally i tend to slack off, I love to play a forms of video games. I tend to be overconfident alot of the time. I tend to get angry quickly and do not like criticism, or being mocked. How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 20 hrs How long have you played minecraft?: 3 months What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: role playing is where you act in character at all times do your best to make it fun for everyone. i have been playing rp's for about 5 years from everything to wow on the computer to oblivion on the xbox. i love mmorpg the best but i frequently play solo rpg on my xbox. What do you expect this server will be like?: fantastic saw the depth in the rules and a fully functioning economy. strict rules against non rpg actions was helpful on me deciding for this server. also i absolutely love the multiple races on this sever. What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: yogiverse/ blacksand there had no real Morales to them and where not interesting. many commands were not fully understood and laws not enforced. many of the players were not helpful and were more concentrated on killing you than anything else. Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read the rules and respect them, but I have read the lore perhaps I should to more align my self with this sever. Name the 4 races on this server. orc drawfs elves humans How did you hear about us?: looked on the servers and thought i whould be amazing also from other players on youtube and the fourms. this is supposed to be the best sever and i want to see it. Did you vote?: yes 3 times already today What was your favourite Law?: no griefing What was your least favourite Law?: all of them are good What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Minor_Mischeif In-Character: Minor_Mischeif -Character Name: Eari Lightsteel What is your Race?:orc or drawf -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Minor_Mischeif Biography: Conceived in the the national park in Kal'Urguan. yet born near the outer walls. eari's family was poor but he was the apple or coal of his parents eye's. he exceeded at mining at an early age, but that was not to last. his father, mother, and he all had to work in the mines and go out on frequent hunt to make ends meat. alas his father was convicted as a thief at the age of 5. forced to leave there home the struggled to find a suitable life out in the wilds. constant raid from thieves and the undead made nearly impossible to survive in. at the age of 10 there was a light at the end of the tunnel a nearby village scout took them in to stay although, this was at a price. his father was overworked from farming to mining, even guard duty. Eari rarely saw his father, but he was sure proud of him. Meanwhile Eari to a job as a farmhand to help ease the stress and work time of his father. but this was of no help his father died at the early age of 42 from work exhaustion and sleep deprivation. he was only 15 when this travesty had happened soon after taking the role of his father for his mother she soon died later at 44. this occurred happened at 17. now all alone in this cruel world he returned to Kal'Urguan working as a humble miner he passed by. now at the young age of 20 he sets out to make a name for him and his family. Character Age: 20 Character Appearance: 5'2 black hair long beard large muscles black leather armor blue eyes Character Personality: hardened from his experience in the wild and the raid on his family. Courage flows through his blood like lava in the earth. he hates and fells sorry for the thieves, bandits and undead in the world because he is going to kill them all. past experiences have made him anger and short tempered, as long as your on his good side your safe for now. Your ambitions: to kill all undead and thieves to make a life for he and his deceased family Can your character read or write?: yes Can your character mine?: yes Are you a capable builder? yes Can you wield a sword?: yes Enjoy Farming?: sort of -Does your character have any special skills?: tree feller A screenshot of your skin:http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dwarf-miner-71434/ Other Information:
  4. Roleplaying Name: eari lightsteel Minecraft Name: MInor_Mischeif Your fighting experience: oblivion and minecraft blops How long you have played Minecraft: 3 months How long you have played on Lord of the Craft: 1 week Why you think you deserve to join The Lost ones: yes What position you want to be in: follower until a deserved promotion Other Information: i love to be good and destroy evil
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