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  1. Karatha proposes, thatta de Outsiderss buildda anoder base, closer to za mainlands, hmmm?
  2. Karatha becamma lust from da island. ((i forgot to say setsoul after i left. Im not going to come back tho, it takes waaay to llong, tell me if you have another base closer to the mainland))
  3. Youa willa notta reach soon. It took Karatha manny weeks, to getta dere. ((hour irl, plus u cant use boats till ur like 7/8 of the way there))
  4. Karatha issa verry tired. Outsiders headquarters issa verry farr. And assa for youurra talk of Karatha being treacherouss, Karatha assures yeu, Karatha doessa not love otherra racess, but Karatha doessa not kill for, fun, hmm. Doa notta speak of Karatha illy, or Karatha will havva, howwa do yew say,"Bone toa, pick with yeu."
  5. ((Minecraft account name: )) mariozxy Name: So'Karatha Race: Kharajya Age: 23 Do any kingdoms dislike you? If so which ones and why?: None What are your survival skills like?: One mightta saayy, Karatha issa like ze cheetah. Sneasksy but fast Karatha iss. Karatha survivessa however possible. Are you good at remaining concealed?: Karatha canna notta be seen, when Karatha doesntta wanna be seen. Karatha learnssa at ze young age, that iffa Karatha notta sneaksy, then Karatha will not catch egg layeerss.((chicken)) Are you good at navigation?: Karatha survivssa in the wild. Yess Karatha is goood at, naaviigaaation. Are you a good hunter?: Karatha hassa hunted his whole life. Karatha knows how pink snout thinkssa. Karatha knowssa how to a hide in long-bark ((tree)). Karatha issa the best. Do you have any particular talents?: Karatha issa good at bow and arrow. Karatha knows howwa to use javelin alsoo.
  6. UMMmmm i have a few questions...where is teh guild house? Do i have to do something in game to get in the guild or is it just im in? Thank you and btw im in Ravenhold...So if you could give me directions that would be great
  7. Gatherer Rank Application: Roleplaying Name: Elogand Minecraft Name: Mariozxy What kind of gatherer do you want to be? (Miner, Lumberjack, etc.):Farmer or Lumberjack Mining Skill?:I am not handy with mining Woodcutting Skill?:I cut fast, cut efficent and ik how to make a succesful tree farm. Any other Skills Related to Gathering?:I can make a farming system that can harvest all of the crops with the push of a button. I can also make a sugarcan farm that harvests all of the crops without the use of redstone. How long you have played Minecraft: Since beta 1.1 How long you have played on Lord of the Craft: A few weeks now. Why you think you deserve to join the Trisians: I am an excellent farmer and i am very active coming on atleast 2 hours a day. I would prove worthy and loyal. Other Information:I have never been in another guild so this would be the first guild im in.
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