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  1. robinjk9


    Brought up by a divorced merchant and swordsman, Rohn has inherited not just a love of gold and riches, but also his skills with a sword. His sword contains his soul, and remains sheathed until the night terrors appear. He now sets out to run a business of his own to increase income. Both with a love of farming and mining he is skilled at both. However, he also has a drive to explore urban and wild areas. A profound writer, he seeks to write about his journeys and share them. When he grows tired of exploring, he heads back to his home and farm to relax and collect more goodies and income. As a child, he was kidnapped by a blood mage and forced to be a component of their ritual. Luckly, using his skills for a sword that he stole, he managed to escape the ritual. A hideous scar lies on his covered back now. He has no clue who the mage was, and will probably never find them, but he harbors a deep hatred for blood magic.
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