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Ibn Khaldun

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Posts posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. MCName: gaiusmarius8

    RP Name: Hochmeister_Gaius_Marius

    Brief Description: The story, albeit still in the works, will most probably be related to an espionage mission gone awry.

    Hey, this Saturday, I may not be able to make it, I do ask that you can reschedule it possibly. This is a link to a past work of Lore I am writing, you'll be in for a possible treat if you allow me this reschedule ;) (http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/9874-the-rise-of-true-rectitude/)

  2. 2011-09-01_000717.png

    Upon arriving back to the town of Nuremberg, Gaius notices his OrdenMarschall standing upon a looming tower standing within the valley bowing close to the bosom of the Earth. Upon climbing the stairs within the spire, Gaius stands upon a stone ledge overlooking the town, along with his companion Glylith and gaze upon the magnificent progress they made. The clouds adorn their town in both a cloak of secrecy and a cloak of beauty, the true face of determination and courage veiled with the most beautiful cloth of pure calm. The many stoic buildings, the men, women, and children traversing the stone paths, the humility of being able to provide the safe haven for the races of Aegis, yet.. Gaius realizes that this can not come to last forever, that he must mobilize his forces and pursue military campaigns. After the skirmish North of AlKhazar alongside the House of conDoin, Gaius knows the attitudes of the Undead at the moment, and he knows he has the capability, manpower, and tactical knowledge capable of ensuring success in the North.

  3. Bitterly biting his tongue to subdue his body's reaction to the windy snows falling around him, Gaius glances for another cobble ledge to grab for as he scales the Black Hand's tower. Thankful for the blinding snow enveloping him from any men on the ground from sighting him, he pushes himself feet upon feet closer for the parapet of the tower. Upon clumsily hoisting himself up and over the parapet edges, he straightens up and enters the tower. Upon entering the interior, he looks in horror at what seems to be mottled flesh and charred bones adorning the obsidian walls of the tower. Upon his first few steps, he slips and stumbles down a few steps, gashing his hand used to balance himself as he reinforced his weight against the walls. Stepping more carefully, Gaius spots the draping robes behind a pillar and swiftly takes cover behind a worn door as he overhears talks of Scions being sent to AlKhazar...

  4. After parrying another follower, Gaius kicks in the knee of an attacker from behind and maneuvers over the fallen attacker. His eyes moving about in calculating glances, he takes in the number of Black Hand and feels relief as he notices the numbers quickly dwindling. After swinging his sword into the shoulderblade of another follower, he notices his original targets escaping and fleeing back to the tower, striated of granite and obsidian; he then howls at Cataris of his intent and gives chase. Trailing behind the scrawny necromancers, flowing black robes nearly camouflaging them within the shadows casted by the imposing structure they entered, Gaius almost loses track of them before one curses and swings his hand in his direction. A burst of electricity surges from the mottled fingertips and travels in an arc towards Gaius. Narrowly escaping the bolt thrown, Gaius throws himself against the walls, knowing that stone would not conduct the electricity cast...

  5. The rustling of forest decay cloak the conversations amongst the group of men traversing the Tundras of the North. Hochmeister Gaius and his Teutons, making up the left column of the army peer silently across the landscape, now billowy white in soft snow in search of any lingering spies. Accompanied by the House of conDoin, Cataris and his nobles make up the right column and then citizens of Kramaroe filled in between. It was only hours before when Kramaroe was razed by what was perhaps an attack by the Black Hand, Gaius and Cataris answered the pleas of the residents misplaced by the disaster and mustered their men to the ready and marched forth from AlKhazar. Weary of any stragglers, Gaius and Cataris move through the woodlands to spot any possible heathens wishing to take count of the impending force moving through. Gaius, with information gathered from his tavernkeeper, speaks of a tower made of stone and obsidian, but then stares in stark surprise as the tower seemingly appears from within the fog as they move steadily forward. Ordering his men to spread looser and to find hiding places, he moves forward with Cataris and hear a faint whimper.

    Upon closer examination, a woman lies upon a dirt mound near a destroyed home, with a creature of sorts crouched across her. Gaius and Cataris unsheathe their swords as quietly as possible, but the creature peers at the two approaching men and sneers, flesh dribbling from its mouth and flashes its blood caked teeth at them. Drawn back, the two stare in horror as the woman chuckles and sighs hysterically and beckons them with greetings, the creature lifts itself up and presents itself in a more humanlike form, a necromancer it calls itself. Gaius and Cataris glance at each other then call their men forward, the necromancer skips backwards from the mutilated woman and shrieks threats of death and dispair. Upon hearing a rush of yells and crunched leaves, Gaius turns about and attempts to yank a man by his linen shirt, but misses as the men of Kramaroe rush forward and scream curses and wishes to relinquish their revenge upon this necromancer. Cataris and Gaius both curse the ill disciplined and order their own Men to stand in rows behind them as they look around and notice new faces shifting about the grounds. The Sariants and men of conDoin assemble and brace themselves as Cataris and Gaius call out to the strangers newly arrived...

  6. Looking for an association which would ensure you have the fullest and most promising Roleplay experience? /tell gaiusmarius8 Today or contact me through this very forum post, many can promise, but I have delivered, I have the full respect of the Wandering Wizard himself of the town we are growing and the Order we are organizing!

  7. As both men's breathe began to synchronize with each movement closer, Gaius tilts with his last step and leaps at the man he was trailing within the forests of Oren. Gaius's dagger thrusts into the figure, quick and serene is the process, but even quicker is the process to gather the limp body and orchestrate its defiling within a nearby cesspool. The lagoon blossoms and blooms with velvety red as the body begins to float ever so slightly along the surface of the water, Gaius sifts through the man's pockets for any parchment or maps, then looks around and starts to dart amongst the oak...

  8. {I allow people to post their application on this forum thread as well, the required information I seek from possible Knights are the following:

    1. Minecraft Name & Roleplay Title at the moment

    2. What do you seek from this Order? What jobs does your character perform well?

    3. I do ask, if I am not able to contact you within an hour or two upon applying to this Order, please post your Application Submission to join LotC so I can see your roleplaying ability as best as possible.

    Not to dismay people, but when I contact you, I will explain our ranks, our organizational stances, everything you need to know along with an explanation why Im not putting everything up (primarily I want to avoid meta-gamers - _-}

  9. Sliding his hands against the grime riddled walls of the dimly lit sewers, Gaius steps ever so carefully through the briny liquids of waste and decay as he navigates the sewers. Upon reaching his destination, he wipes his hands upon the mail skirt to rid them of any residue and commences grappling onto a ladder and pushing himself up step by step. With the lift of the trapdoor, he peers around the edge of the opening and hoists himself up and out from the hole and crouches to belittle his figure in the city. Skipping along the paths intertwining within the city, Gaius climbs and moves amongst rooftops and picks a spot that gives him clarified view of a hooded man sitting in a shop, his hand gestures tell that he is awaiting a guest. Gaius whispers, 'Black Hand' and furrows his eyes to notice any other details in the shop that he is missing...

  10. This Order, numbered greatly, beg all of a brave breed to pay heed to this announcement! One shall contact the Hochmeister (gaiusmarius8 or Hochmeister_Gaius_Marius) for more details, for this Order needs secrecy to succeed, we do not reveal more than what we feel is required to pique interest in this Order!

  11. Gaius enters a rustic tavern, noticing the cabaret entertaining the folks sitting upon wooden stools and along tables filled with food and drink. Scanning the faces are merriment and intrigue, Gaius finally finds who he is looking for and approaches in a nonchalant fashion. Reaching the tavernkeeper, Gaius and the tavernkeeper sit amongst the more populated side of the room, entranced by the musicians seducing their drunken minds with instrumental jubilee. Leaning into their own conversation, Gaius and the tavernkeeper trade many a word before heading their separate ways. Gaius shifts a parchment scroll from his left to right hand and back again, eyeing the contents contained little by little. Gaius walks carefully throughout the crowds gathered in the main square of AlKhazar and walks out the main gate to meet a few of his Sariants gathered on the King's Road.

  12. The grunts and shouts are Sariants ring along the cold stone walls of the Duel Arena in Nuremburg, accompanied by the stretching sounds of arrows being nocked in place and the whirl of missiles plastering across various bullseye targets. The Brethren have made great strides to train for military campaigns, hopefully the training will finally pay off...

  13. To the Elves of Laurelin and within its forests,

    To the Orcs and across the sea of sands,

    To the Dwarves and inside their massive quarries,

    To Mankind of Oren and to their men coming of age,

    So arrogantly have men, suckled to the tune of hierarchical overtures speaking to them, informing them they will have a vast power upon coming to age. These men have caused rifts dividing all races between each other and themselves, such a unneeded aspect to the lives on Aegis when the times of plague, sinister acts, and massacres have been issued by the Undead. This Order, the very core of this Order is to unite the many races and ethnic lines to enjoin Good and forbid Evil to be spread across Aegis, to shun the arrogance that cleaves the communities in twain as men believe they are powerful enough separated to do what only men united can truly do.

    This Order knows what is necessary and what must be done to ensure a prosperous Aegis can be evolved from the current feuds and issues that plague the world. This Order, not revealing their name to the common people recognize secrecy as the cloak that can protect their beginning marks made within Aegis's history. One can perhaps acquire about the Order from any soldier with the black cross upon his chest.

    Ranks of the Teutonic Order

    Hochmeister: -Gaius Marius-

    (Is the Leader of the Teutonic Order, functions above all other ranks, no matter the distance between their jurisdictions)

    OrdenMarschall of Infantry: -Glylith-

    (The Militias of the Teutonic Order are split under the jurisdiction of two Generals or OrdenMarschalls, one for the infantry and one for missile troops.)

    OrdenMarschall of Archery: -Alizyn Galiel-

    (See Above)

    GrossTrappier(Arms Warden): -Rak'Tahl Bloodsmith-

    (Responsible for forging and dispatching arms and armours to the Knights when military campaigns are active)

    GrossKanzler(Registrar): -None at the Moment-

    (Responsible for keeping records of the members of the Teutonic Order, who exactly make up our Sariants and our Monks.)

    GrossTrebler(Treasurer): -None at the Moment-

    (Responsible for keeping records of Minas in the treasury (Kept with either himself or Hochmeister) and responsible for the finances of the Order)

    GrossSpitler(Harvest Overseer): -None at the Moment-

    (Responsible for the harvests of the town of Nuremberg and other harvests outside the vicinity, keep stock of food storages for future military campaigns)

    [From Lowest Rank to Highest Rank]


    (In essence, a new recruit to the Order)

    Sariant Monks/Sariant Knights

    (They have served well, usually performing volunteer work to assist the Hochmeister, Landmeister of his town, or other Knights in General)

    Halbrudders(HalfBrother)/Sariant Priest

    (Either reached by a show of combat in the form of an amount of won duels in the Duel Arena in Nuremburg or by slaying a low ranking brigand or Undead, for Sariant Priest, your internal volunteerism must be noted)

    Brudders(Brethren Knights of the Order)/Sariant Vicar

    (Most remain a hailed Champion and voted into the Brudder Rank by the citizenry of Nuremburg or attained a remarkable record for your battle efforts, for Vicar, you must have build atleast three well-respected public buildings in Nuremburg with true purpose and must be used)

    (The Knightly Ranks is for the men within the Teutonic's Military, the Monk Ranks are for the Teutonic Order members who wish to sustain the towns under the rule of the Teutonic Order)

  14. Gaius stammers in utter amazement as a man appears before his eyes, greeting this mysterious man, he is responded with the gift of calling this man The Wandering Wizard. Gaius gives this Wandering Wizard a tour of the town of Nuremburg, at the end, the Wandering Wizard exclaims extraordinary wishs of great success for the town, somehow brightening the day of Gaius's, weathered down by the past hours of hard labour and sweat inducing activities.

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