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Posts posted by GavinTheViking

  1. ((Just wanted to say that this man is Kane not my character Kaneous. I have had a guard come up to me before ask my name and want to arrest me because he thought my character's name was Kane when it is Kaneous. Just clearing things up.))

  2. As I run down the path, passing burning buildings and crying people, I stop to catch my breath. My name is Kaneous, I was headed to Al'kazar to defend against Undead and Undead minion forces. I was told by my good Orc friend Argor that Al'kazar was under heavy fire by Undead. 

           "Thay be killin' ev'ry sold'er with thoose dreaded firebals" said Argor as he explains the current siege to me.

           "They must trying to weaken our defenses so we won't attack ye keep in the North" I retorted.

           We both sprint into the blood stained walls of Al'kazar to find FoA fighting with Undead minions. We and 3 other soldiers come into the mix. I drag out an injured FoA member and treat him quickly. Wrapping some cloth from my pre-torn robe, I banage his shin and tell medic to get him to safety. As the battle rages on, our little group of 5 soldiers stay together, watching eachothers backs. We manage to slay dozens of zombies. As they've killed soldiers, they took their armor as loot. We are supplied with extra armor, helping us survive the terror of fireballs and hordes of pigmen. As the Undead's forces shrink, we are bombarded with their might. We are thrown into a house by the explosions of fireballs. There, we find a flint and steel. We light some of our arrows, making their tips deadly flames. We launch them in the Undead's direction. Myself hit one of the lead ones in the thigh. He falls off from a large housing building a lands on the hard stone road. Undead minions surround his withered body within seconds. As we make our way over to him, the other Undead start up a lightning storm. The bolts hit men 4 feet away from me. I reach for another arrow. In the process, a lightning bolt hits my left arm. I collapse onto the ground. Argor and another soldier, Sorensic, carry me to a tent just outside of Kramore. There, all my men from the battle wait for my to gain my back my health. 

           After a long 4 days, I start to walk again. I then speak to my men.

           "Would ye all want to be in a force capable of defeating the Undead might?" I said with little strength.

           They nodded. I proceeded.

           "Well, with the work we pulled in Al'kazar, we could certainly be that force." 

           They all smiled and thanked me for the compliment. As I grew stronger, I planned out the fighting force I mentioned. We first decided on the name. Since most of our members are native to Western cities and we all fight for the justice and good of Ageis, we called ourselves the Western Warriors of Justice. We then gathered some armor and stored in my house in Kramore. When the Undead built the keep near Kramore, we immediately respond. Going head first into the flames, we charged the keep. After the battle, we all sat down a took an honor to do Ageis justice and rid her of the darkness and despair brought upon her by the taint of Iblees.

    Even though we are from the West, our home cities are Celistine and Galahar. I am planning to build a guild house in Celistine, housing and storage will be included.

    What are the Western Warriors of Justice?:

    The Western Warriors of Justice are a fighting force against evil. They will try to peacefully apprehend subjects but usually have to end up having a fierce sword fight. Our numbers are low, and we need more troops to help restore order in Ageis. I will call upon you if a battle is under way.

    Why does this group exist?:

    We are present because if Undead or thieves are attacking a major city like Al'kazar, we want as much soldiers as possible to fight on our side. We are kind of like an elite reserve.

    The Perks:

    You will normally not get pay, it is a fighting force not a group of guards who take fees to fight. You will get money rewards for valiant acts in war times. Such acts include, rescuing injured soldiers under heavy fire, defeating high rank enemies (dead or alive you will be honored), sacrificing your life for the well being of others, etc. If a battle emerges, you might be granted leather or chainmail armor (most of the time leather because its cheap and mobs drop it often), iron will be given out if supplies are plentiful. Housing is not currently arranged but I will look into it.

    ((If a battle is occurring, I will PM you via LOTC Minecraft to report to the battlefield))


    DO NOT consult with Undead, Undead Minions, thieves, evil guilds, or any sort of wrong-doers.

    DO NOT steal from the guild, its members, or anyone of good nature.

    DO NOT kill innocent civilians, guild members, or any person that persues to obey Aeriel.

    Punishments(may be higher in punishment if crime is evil enough):

    1) A Warning and force larbor such as swimming across a lake 8 times with full iron armor on or constructing houses for free.

    2) A jailing in the local prison. Also a fine on some extent.

    3) A demotion. Also a whipping or beating from the victims or victims friends and/or family.

    4) Banned from the guild and our land. We will notify our allies to not hire you and to keep a close eye on you. Possibly execution by the local Guard. All your belongings in you own within the guildhouse(s) may be taken by guild members.

    Ranks(from highest to lowest):

    War General:

    The Lead of everyone. He decides when wars start and we treaties are signed. You do not question his command because it is final. He mostly likely won't fight with the Warriors unless it is a large battle.

    Marshal of Battle:

    He is almost always in battle, commanding the Captains and Officers. He is the quick decision maker and acts in a time when the War General in not present. He may fight with the Warriors.

    Squad Captain:

    He commands a squad of soldiers and 1 or 2 officers. He takes orders from the Marshal or War General. He then passes the orders onto the Officer or to the Warriors. He almost always fights with the Warriors. 

    Squad Officer:

    He is 2nd in command of his squad. He is given orders from the Captain and gives them to the Warriors. He also fights with the Warriors.

    High Warrior: 

    He is one of the top Warriors. He's either the best swordsman or archer. He does not have any special commanding powers only more reliability. ((You can not apply for High Warrior, you are granted it.))


    He is your front line fighter. He is the infantry. He will fight and die to save Ageis. He is loyal and determined. He is commanded by the Officers, Captains, Marshal, and War General.


    Some young fighters in training, wanting to become Warriors. They can participate in battles to boost their chances in being Warriored. They can also give gifts to the Officers and other commanding personal to boost chances too.

    There are also squads that are groups of certain Warriors, Officers, and a Captain working together. They consist of 1 Captain, 1 or 2 Officers, and between 2-10 Warriors. ((Numbers may vary if lots of members are present in battle))

    The Warrior App:

    MC Name:

    IC Name:

    TimeZone (mine is CMT Central Standard Time):


    Age (In-game):

    Why should you be in WWJ?:

    How often a day can you be on, from when to when?:

    Why do you want to be in WWJ?:

    What previous battles have you participated in?:

    Are you capable of providing armor for yourself in every battle? If so, what kind, be truthful I will check your money (Leather, Chainmail, Iron, Gold, Diamond):

    Please list what you would do in these scenarios:

    1. You just put your armor away in a chest, in your basement, and you walk outside your house. You then hear a loud boom. You see soldiers in full iron battling zombies. One is injured, they call for you. Their limp, battered body is in the middle of the zombie pack. He keeps calling for you, you can't get your armor he would die by the time you get back:

    2. You are patrolling the streets of Al'kazar when you see a hooded-man walking past you, slowly. You then see 4 Oren guards come up behind the man and start beating him down. You see he is just an old, weary farmer. They then rob the man and continue beating him. You check your belongings. You have a bow, 1 arrow, and an iron sword.

    3. You are battling Undead at thier new fortress, a fireball blasts open a section of the wall to your right. When the smoke and debris clear, packs and packs of spiders start pouring out of the hole. They start overwhelming the soldiers. You hide in a burrow until you hear complete silence. You then take a look and see Undead themselves slowly walking out of the hole toward the mob of spiders in the far distance. You have enough arrows to take the down. Others are near you and suggest to kill them. Some soldiers start movig toward the Undead, staying close to the wall. Then in an instant, Undead minions pour out of the opening and move toward the spiders. They run past the Undead, swords drawn. Some spot the soldiers and kill the soldiers with ease. Only 2 other soldiers and yourself remain. 5 Undead minions stay with the 3 Undead present. They continue walking and you and the other soldiers go unnoticed.

    You can only apply for Officer in the commanding ranks. We will promote your rank if you show impressive skill. 

    If you would like to become a Officer, then apply to the application below. You may be promoted later if skills are impressive.

    The Officer App:

    MC Name:

    IC Name:

    TimeZone (mine is CMT Central Standard Time):


    Age (In-game):

    Why should you be in WWJ?:

    What rank would you like to apply for?((Officer is the only applyable rank)):

    Why do you deserve the rank over others?:

    Do you have experience in said rank?:

    What will you do to help others and the guild if you are the said rank?:

    How often a day can you be on, from when to when?:

    Why do you want to be in WWJ?:

    What previous battles have you participated in?:

    Are you capable of providing armor for yourself in every battle? If so, what kind, be truthful I will check your money (Leather, Chainmail, Iron, Gold, Diamond):

    Please list what you would do in these scenarios:

    1. You just put your armor away in a chest, in your basement, and you walk outside your house. You then hear a loud boom. You see soldiers in full iron battling zombies. One is injured, they call for you. Their limp, battered body is in the middle of the zombie pack. He keeps calling for you, you can't get your armor he would die by the time you get back:

    2. You are patrolling the streets of Al'kazar when you see a hooded-man walking past you, slowly. You then see 4 Oren guards come up behind the man and start beating him down. You see he is just an old, weary farmer. They then rob the man and continue beating him. You check your belongings. You have a bow, 1 arrow, and an iron sword.

    3. You are battling Undead at thier new fortress, a fireball blasts open a section of the wall to your right. When the smoke and debris clear, packs and packs of spiders start pouring out of the hole. They start overwhelming the soldiers. You hide in a burrow until you hear complete silence. You then take a look and see Undead themselves slowly walking out of the hole toward the mob of spiders in the far distance. You have enough arrows to take the down. Others are near you and suggest to kill them. Some soldiers start movig toward the Undead, staying close to the wall. Then in an instant, Undead minions pour out of the opening and move toward the spiders. They run past the Undead, swords drawn. Some spot the soldiers and kill the soldiers with ease. Only 2 other soldiers and yourself remain. 5 Undead minions stay with the 3 Undead present. They continue walking and you and the other soldiers go unnoticed.

    4. You are in command of a small squad of 9 men, excluding yourself. There are 3 archers, 4 swordsman, 1 medic, and 1 tactics adviser (helps you decide tactics of battle). You are being pinned in a tower with little to no way of getting out. Fireballs and lightning pound the wall nearest to Undead forces. Your swordsmen suggest breaking down the crumbling wall and fighting off the Undead, their minions, and their hordes of pigmen. Your archers suggest moving up to the roof of the tower, with no cover, and attempting to rain on the Undead with fire arrows. The medic and the tactics adviser suggest they break the floor, fall 15 feet to ground level, fight of the present spiders and pigmen there, go the away from the Undead, and get Orc reinforcements. Which group do you side with?

    Thank you for applying, I will try to get back to you soon.

  3. Brief Character History:

    Kaneous is a strong fighter. Getting his village attacked by Rogue Elves has made him determined to keep good first in power. He has recently been in the seige of the Undead keep by Kramore. He is a fairly wealthy ((14K)) shopkeeper and loves to eat Melon while watching the Sunset. He is a believer in Aeriel and would rather hive all his life earnings to a petty thief than bow down to Iblees.

    Character Name (I.C.):


    Character name (O.C.):


    How much time do you spend on the server?:

    About 1-3 hours on weekdays, and 2-10 hours on weekends.



    IC Age:


    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):

    A soldier, a loyal one.

    Goals in the FOA?:

    To try and become a good, high rank. To help bring down an Undead keep. Hopefully, help lead the siege into the forbidden Nether.

    Good deeds you have done?:

    I have protected civilians from thieves, monsters, and Undead. I give out free melon often to passing travelers. I also give out armor in a battle from time to time.

    Have you done any bad deeds?:

    Not in my existence.

    How did you hear of us?:

    I was talking to some of my friends. They were talking about armies attacking the Undead keep in the North. They brought up the FoA and I asked them about it. I learned a little bit of history and ranking officials from my discussion. I have cleared the fog by reading this message.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:

    Yes, because of their objective. To take over everyone. I made a commitment when one of friends died in the Snowy Fields battle. I swore to kill any Undead on sight.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.):

    I am quick with a sword and accurate with a bow. I prefer either one. ((I took a break from LOTC before stats then came back after stats were broken))

    Are you a capable builder?:

    I can build very quick but I am no artist.

    Can you wield any other weapons?:

    I have used water once to drown a zombie who was attacking an elderly man.

    Any special skills?:

    I am an excellent farmer and can cook too. I spend my free tine traveling and exploring Ageis, so I can be a useful guide.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:

    Yes because she is the source of all good. She protects Ageis from Iblees and his army of vain and evil. We are her children, she is our guardian angel.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:

    I will stand beside the strong willed fighters of Aeriel and die 3 times over for all of Ageis. I am determined to drive the Undead into the Nether, then into the ground.

  4. How long have you been on the server?:

    About 2-3 months


    IC: 30 IRL: 14

    Time Zone?:

    Central Standard Time

    How long can you be on the server each week?:

    About an average of 20-30 hours a week.


    IC: Kaneous ((MC NAME: GavinTheViking))




    I am currently a guard at Celistine and an Oren Guard recruit.

    Aims as a Marshal?:

    To prevent another Snowy Fields destruction from happening.

    Why do you wish to join?:

    To protect the people of Ageis from the dark ways of Iblees.

    What are your strengths and weaknesses?:

    I am a strong swordsman and archer. I can be a useful politician. I fall flat when it comes to multiple eniemes attacking me at once. I trouble controlling my anger toward murders and people who corrupt whole cities or nations.

    What would you do if you saw somebody being robbed on the king's road?:

    I would stand between the robber and the victim, draw my sword, and tell the thief to leave or he will be restrained or executed.

    There are a group of men causing trouble in the town you are guarding , you are the only one there , what do you do?:

    I ask a local to run to the nearest town with guards and bring some backup. I would also rally some nearby willing townsfolk to apprehend the hooligans.

  5. Brief Character History:

    Kaneous is a strong fighter. Getting his village attacked by Rogue Elves has made him determined to keep good first in power. He has recently been in the seige of the Undead keep by Kramore. He is a fairly wealthy ((14K)) shopkeeper and loves to eat Melon while watching the Sunset. He is a believer in Aeriel and would rather hive all his life earnings to a petty thief than bow down to Iblees.

    Character Name (I.C.):


    Character name (O.C.):


    How much time do you spend on the server?:

    About 1-3 hours on weekdays, and 2-10 hours on weekends.



    IC Age:


    Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):

    A soldier, a loyal one.

    Goals in the FOA?:

    To try and become a good, high rank. To help bring down an Undead keep. Hopefully, help lead the siege into the forbidden Nether.

    Good deeds you have done?:

    I have protected civilians from thieves, monsters, and Undead. I give out free melon often to passing travelers. I also give out armor in a battle from time to time.

    Have you done any bad deeds?:

    Not in my existence.

    How did you hear of us?:

    I was talking to some of my friends. They were talking about armies attacking the Undead keep in the North. They brought up the FoA and I asked them about it. I learned a little bit of history and ranking officials from my discussion. I have cleared the fog by reading this message.

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:

    Yes, because of their objective. To take over everyone. I made a commitment when one of friends died in the Snowy Fields battle. I swore to kill any Undead on sight.

    What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.):

    I am quick with a sword and accurate with a bow. I prefer either one. ((I took a break from LOTC before stats then came back after stats were broken))

    Are you a capable builder?:

    I can build very quick but I am no artist.

    Can you wield any other weapons?:

    I have used water once to drown a zombie who was attacking an elderly man.

    Any special skills?:

    I am an excellent farmer and can cook too. I spend my free tine traveling and exploring Ageis, so I can be a useful guide.

    Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:

    Yes because she is the source of all good. She protects Ageis from Iblees and his army of vain and evil. We are her children, she is our guardian angel.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:

    I will stand beside the strong willed fighters of Aeriel and die 3 times over for all of Ageis. I am determined to drive the Undead into the Nether, the into the ground.

  6. There is currently no guild house. I will work on getting one in Celistine. I am working there and know the Mayor, Nico, very well. When the time comes, I'll ask all members to donate to me toward the guild house.


    I would like for all my Knights to be Celistine guards, just talk to the Mayor when the town is done with renovations.

  7. MC Name: 1997man

    IC Name: Sir_Maxwell

    TimeZone (mine is CMT Central Standard Time): CST

    Race: Human

    Age (In-game): 28

    Why should you be in KotW?: I'm a good leader and a good fighter and strategic.

    What rank would you like to apply for (the higher, the harder and more people this will be judged by)?: Sergeant

    Why do you deserve the rank over others?: Because I am a good leader and fighter.

    Do you have experience in said rank?:Yes I used to have my own army but resigned.

    What will you do to help others and the guild if you are the said rank?:Help them fight and gather supplies and help train them too.

    How often a day can you be on, from when to when?: Well not much for a while because I will be ounished in a bit but every once in a while but when I am not punished anymore and I get a computer at my new house probobly once a day.

    Why do you want to be in KotW?: To serve others and my my fellow soldiers.

    What previous battles have you participated in?: Many others but I don't know them by name.

    Are you capable of providing armor for yourself in every battle? If so, what kind, be truthful I will check your money (Leather, Chainmail, Iron, Gold, Diamond): Chainmail or Iron depending on if I go on a shopping spree in the past couple days.

    Please list what you would do in these scenarios:

    1. You just put your armor away in a chest, in your basement, and you walk outside your house. You then hear a loud boom. You see soldiers in full iron battling zombies. One is injured, they call for you. Their limp, battered body is in the middle of the zombie pack. He keeps calling for you, you can't get your armor he would die by the time you get back: I charge in pushing the zombies away from him then once he is freed tell him to get to safty as I attempt to fight them back.

    2. You are patrolling the streets of Al'kazar when you see a hooded-man walking past you, slowly. You then see 4 Oren guards come up behind the man and start beating him down. You see he is just an old, weary farmer. They then rob the man and continue beating him. You check your belongings. You have a bow, 1 arrow, and an iron sword. I stop them and immeaditly ask them if he has done anything if not I fire the arrow at the most powerful one's unguarded neck while attacking the others up close with the iron sword.

    3. You are battling Undead at thier new fortress, a fireball blasts open a section of the wall to your right. When the smoke and debris clear, packs and packs of spiders start pouring out of the hole. They start overwhelming the soldiers. You hide in a burrow until you hear complete silence. You then take a look and see Undead themselves slowly walking out of the hole toward the mob of spiders in the far distance. You have enough arrows to take the down. Others are near you and suggest to kill them. Some soldiers start movig toward the Undead, staying close to the wall. Then in an instant, Undead minions pour out of the opening and move toward the spiders. They run past the Undead, swords drawn. Some spot the soldiers and kill the soldiers with ease. Only 2 other soldiers and yourself remain. 5 Undead minions stay with the 3 Undead present. They continue walking and you and the other soldiers go unnoticed. I try to get the other soldiers to stand up and fight as I would and if not I would fight them by myself till my death.

    4. You are in command of a small squad of 9 men, excluding yourself. There are 3 archers, 4 swordsman, 1 medic, and 1 tactics adviser (helps you decide tactics of battle). You are being pinned in a tower with little to no way of getting out. Fireballs and lightning pound the wall nearest to Undead forces. Your swordsmen suggest breaking down the crumbling wall and fighting off the Undead, their minions, and their hordes of pigmen. Your archers suggest moving up to the roof of the tower, with no cover, and attempting to rain on the Undead with fire arrows. The medic and the tactics adviser suggest they break the floor, fall 15 feet to ground level, fight of the present spiders and pigmen there, go the away from the Undead, and get Orc reinforcements. Which group do you side with? If I had my own choice I would send the tactical advisor to get reinforcements while me and the others stayed and fought but if I do have to choose from the selection I would choose what the medic and the tactical advisors idea because I would risk my own life but not the life of others.


    I have seen you battle and I am impressed. Welcome to the Knights of the West, Sergeant Maxwell ((name change to KotW_Sergeant_Maxwell ))

  8. MC Name:


    RP Name:




    Do you have a villain application? If not are you going to make one?:

    Yes I am working on improving my denied one.

    Why do you want to join?:

    I feel that this group will stand out in Ageis. They look powerful and can do big things.

    Time zone?:

    Central Standard Time

    How good are you at Roleplay?1-10:

    About an 8.

  9. MC Name:erik0821

    IC Name:Erik

    TimeZone (mine is CMT Central Standard Time):


    Age (In-game):36

    Why should you be in KotW?:Well i saw that this is an interesting Guild so i thought i will join you.

    What rank would you like to apply for (the higher, the harder and more people this will be judged by)?:Major

    Why do you deserve the rank over others?:Well i have been in that rank before

    Do you have experience in said rank?:When i was in FOA

    What will you do to help others and the guild if you are the said rank?:Mi,Answer their questions.

    How often a day can you be on, from when to when?:4:pm to 10 pm

    Why do you want to be in KotW?:Well like i said i am interested

    What previous battles have you participated in?:Undead attacks and atttacks from the undead

    Are you capable of providing armor for yourself in every battle? If so, what kind, be truthful I will check your money (Leather, Chainmail, Iron, Gold, Diamond):Iron,chainmail


    I have thought about it and we need more Knights. You will be a wonderful addition to the KotW. I was angry that day and Denied you out of pure stupidness.

  10. Hello, I am General Kaneous of the Knights of the West group. We dedicate ourselves to protect Ageis's people. I have decided to start helping towns protecting them with strong KotW Knights. With only a little charge, your city or shop will be safe from dark, evil beings. The pricing system is below:

    Prices (per Knight):

    Shop- 50 Minas

    Road- (Depends on Size) 50, 100, 150 Minas

    City- (Depends on Size) 100, 200, 300 Minas

    Particular Person- 100 Minas

    For more than 1 Knight to guard your location of choice, pay double of what the normal price is.


    Knight 1 Guards a Medium Size City, the owner pays 200 Minas. Knight 2 & 3 Guard a different Medium Size City, the owner pays 400 Minas

    ((The Guards will guard for 1 IRL Hour, pay double for 2 hours, triple for 3, ect. The 2 Guard prices apply too))


    Guard 1 & 2 guard a shop for 2 IRL hours, making 200 Minas.

    If you would like to apply, check out our post in the Guilds section. Thank you and have a nice day.

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