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Everything posted by ghasek

  1. I found Aeriel. Quick question, what am I to do now? I was given a place to live in the barracks by the Lord of Aeriel (Duke? Baron?). Sorry that my question is here if it should be placed elsewhere.
  2. Now that I am accepted, what am I to do?
  3. MC Name: ghasek RP name: Sparhawk/Sparhawke Age: 16 irl, 30 in RP Race: Dark Elf Gender: Male Time Zone: Central Brief Description of your characters personality: Vengeful, hasty, Spawrhawk does not forgive, does not forget. He will take the first moment to put a sword through his enemies. Biography: Sparhawk grew up in the slums. From his first day on his own, he had no ability fend off those who wished to do him harm. This all changed when he recovered a sword from a guardsman's corpse. After receiving lessons from one of the disabled veterans Sparhawke discovered that he had an adequate ability with the sword. After several more years fending off the depraved scum of the city that ability was good enough to be noted by a mercenary captain. This led to Sparhawk's mercenary life. After several years, when the contract ran out,he left to make a living by the sword. Why do you wish to join?: I am a relatively new member and I believe that this guild would be an excellent community to join. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): Good enough to get me into several roleplay clans on WC3. What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): Sword and shield (sadly shields aren't in game.). Has moderate experience with bows. Can your character build?: Can build fortifications. Any other special skills?: He is very agile from his childhood in the slums. Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Of course. Skin: Uploaded with ImageShack.us LotC app link: Clickity Click
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