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Posts posted by VonEbs

  1. ((Ships do not actually work... so just build them for show?

    also...Zing this is am awesome mod that should be implemented once it goes multiplayer!

    Sorry about not using quotes first post, doing this from my iphone))

    The elven navies will one day rule the seas!

  2. Name: Ebs

    MC Name: VonEbs

    Food Supplier

    Biography: I am a High Elf and native of Malinor. I own several farms outside of Ravenhold, and have a full time farmer in my employ.

    Previous Experience: Have worked in the fields all my life, and am willing to give you extrememly discounted prices for bread and other foods.

    Why you want to Support us: I fully believe in your family, and even though we have had our differences in the past, I look foward to working with you for the betterment of oren. I also would like to increase my wealth along the way.

    Name Four Family Members: Albrecht Therving, Throdo Therving, Tylos David Therving, and Rio Therving

    Who is the True King? ((High Prince Native ftw)) King Edmund

  3. Here ye are:

    "Although they are the longest lived, they are also the least prolific of the races, only reliably fertile for the first five centuries of their lives and with elfesses only capable of conceiving ten to fifteen years after their last birth. This makes pregnant elfesses a very rare sight. And it is very unusual for more than two children to be seen together in the Holy Princedom of Malinor, as elves mature just as quickly as the shorter lived races, reaching the fullness of puberty in about two decades....."

    Elves page of the Lord of the Craft Wiki.

    There we have it! 500 years of fertility gives you more than enough time to have children.

  4. The flaw with it lore wise is the rarity of elven kids. It would not make sense to have any family as large as the noble houses of other races unless you had a plausible lore explanation.

    The counter to this is the elves longevity. A elven mother could produce children for 200-300 years, allowing several children, while spaced out, that could sustain and grow the family.

  5. I was told to put this in human roleplay for some reason.

    "As the victorious armies of Aegis vanquish the last undead from the clutch, they give a mighty cheer. "Princess Indelwehn has been saved!" and "Victory!". They start to loot the place and set up defenses... or not. Wrath and the undead followers show up and tell them to leave because war is over and he wants his base back.

    ((We have taken your base twice, and you still get to keep it. Both legitimate wars, won by the people of Aegis, and still you keep your base in the middle of the anti undead world. It is not fair. It is outrageous that you show up and tell us to get out or we are banned. When you took snowy fields and Alstion, there was no second time, you took it over and set up your bases. It is bull that you keep your tiny little plot of land when dozens of people lost their homes to the undead invasions. This is so un rp and sickens me to think that you are considered honored members of the Lord of the Craft community. I think this needs to be discussed by the GM's because many of us are sick of attacking your base, and winning, and getting kicked out without a battle, over and over again.))"

  6. Karamoe has fallen. The sandstone crumbles beneath our feet as we fight against waves of zombies. Many fall in the doomed defense. Cassandra's Ghasts bombard the city, lighting fires in every home. The city is gone, and so is our hope. But, the fight must go on. We will fight them on the roads, we will fight them in the woods, we will fight them in the alleys, and we will fight them in out very homes. We cannot give up. Defeat will lead to our extermination. Our leaders need to take charge, or we will all perish. With the ascended scattered, the humans sent reeling, and refugees growing everyday, we fear the next target will be the Sister city. All the people of Aegis must band together, because no where is safe from the undead.

  7. Project Update

    • Library- needs books
    • Theater- Finished
    • Classrooms- 3-5 70% finished
    • Main Hall- Finished
    • Botany House- Not Started
    • Engineering Room- Not Started
    • Commons(Including Cafe, Bookstore, and grassy area)- 90% finished
    • Study Room- 50%
    • Maproom- Not started

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