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Everything posted by mrpanda942

  1. Me and my good freind Lewiy13 have found the town/city of areial but we do not know what to do now, where are the rangers?
  2. Heelo, as i am sure you could guess i am mrpanda942 who you have recently banned on false terms, if you would please look ay mt topic and post i would very much apperciate it. Thank you

  3. Why did you have to get us banned for when you struck first blood and idn't roleplay? I will give back what little I took from your corpse. Sorry, please appeal for an unban.

  4. MC Name: mrpanda942 RP name: Ishlanar Age: 110 Race: elf Gender: male Time Zone: GTM UK Brief Description of your characters personality: Ishlanar is a reclusive yet loyal character. He spends his time traveling in the forests, conversing with wildlife and hunting bandits. Biography: Ishlanar was an only child, and soon became an orphan too. His parents both died in one of his father’s magical experiment, setting there tree-home alight. Ever since he was old enough he began traveling from settlement, resting only for short periods. He has never felt at home among any race, beside maybe the wood elves. He occasionally takes the company of witty friends. He rarely sees eye to eye with front bearing warriors. He has a dislike for dwarfs and orcs and in his book human are okay. He loves being among his people. He prefers to stick to the wilderness, using his bow to hunt animals... or bandits. He often sleeps under a tree rather than an inn. He can be enjoyable company but many have seen the pain in his eyes from what he has seen. He has a like for fire and enjoys creating CONTROLLED fires rather than burning the forest down, since he loves the forest like a mother. He has a small amount of his father’s magical ability; just enough to perform minor healing spells at a great amount of energy. He was fighting a group of bandits with sword and bow when he succumbed to a mace whack in the back of the head, thankfully some of the monks of the cloud temple found him stripped of all valuables and brought him to the safety of the temple. When he was 15 he was violently beaten by his cruel uncle. This left him with a limp and some life experience he would rather forget. He has a hate for spiders after an incident with a Giant spider nest in the dark. He hates the creatures and attempts to purge them when ever they come. He was taught many ways of nature by the wandering druids. His minor magical ability comes from his father side, being a long line of talented but unknown mages. He chooses to follow his mother’s druiadlly side rather than his father’s magical one, though he rembers some minor healing spells. He has a certain pholphoscal side though he is not the most pious he is very in tune with the trees, birds and wildlife. (If this is still not enough, please contact.) Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join beacuse this guild fiits my characters descrpition and i beleive it would be enjoyable and a way to make my minas. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): Does this mean how often i roleplay, if so very often and have a club that consits of me and 16 other people. What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): I have only recently joined, i enjoy to fight with the bow. Can your character build?: He prefers not to but will build a tree house or campsite. Any other special skills?: Being a elf he can see, hear and react much quicker than a human. Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Happily so. Skin: LotC app link: http://www.lordofthe.../page__p__94682
  5. MC Name: mrpanda942 RP name: Ishlanar Age: 110 Race: elf Gender: male Time Zone: GTM UK Brief Description of your characters personality: Ishlanar is a reclusive yet loyal character. He spends his time traveling in the forests, conversing with wildlife and hunting bandits. Biography: Ishlanar was an only child, and soon became an orphan too. His parents both died in one of his father’s magical experiment, setting there tree-home alight. Ever since he was old enough he began traveling from settlement, resting only for short periods. He has never felt at home among any race, beside maybe the wood elves. He occasionally takes the company of witty friends. He rarely sees eye to eye with front bearing warriors. He has a dislike for dwarfs and orcs and in his book human are okay. He loves being among his people. He prefers to stick to the wilderness, using his bow to hunt animals... or bandits. He often sleeps under a tree rather than an inn. He can be enjoyable company but many have seen the pain in his eyes from what he has seen. He has a like for fire and enjoys creating CONTROLLED fires rather than burning the forest down, since he loves the forest like a mother. He has a small amount of his father’s magical ability; just enough to perform minor healing spells at a great amount of energy. He was fighting a group of bandits with sword and bow when he succumbed to a mace whack in the back of the head, thankfully some of the monks of the cloud temple found him stripped of all valuables and brought him to the safety of the temple. When he was 15 he was violently beaten by his cruel uncle. This left him with a limp and some life experience he would rather forget. He has a hate for spiders after an incident with a Giant spider nest in the dark. He hates the creatures and attempts to purge them when ever they come. He was taught many ways of nature by the wandering druids. His minor magical ability comes from his father side, being a long line of talented but unknown mages. He chooses to follow his mother’s druiadlly side rather than his father’s magical one, though he rembers some minor healing spells. He has a certain pholphoscal side though he is not the most pious he is very in tune with the trees, birds and wildlife. (If this is still not enough, please contact.) Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join beacuse this guild fiits my characters descrpition and i beleive it would be enjoyable and a way to make my minas. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): Does this mean how often i roleplay, if so very often and have a club that consits of me and 16 other people. What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): I have only recently joined, i enjoy to fight with the bow. Can your character build?: He prefers not to but will build a tree house or campsite. Any other special skills?: Being a elf he can see, hear and react much quicker than a human. Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Happily so. Skin: LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/21505-mrpandas-4th-re-application/page__p__94682
  6. MC Name: mrpanda942 RP name: Ishlanar Age: 110 Race: elf Gender: male Time Zone: GTM UK Brief Description of your characters personality: Ishlanar is a reclusive yet loyal character. He spends his time traveling in the forests, conversing with wildlife and hunting bandits. Biography: Ishlanar was an only child, and soon became an orphan too. His parents both died in one of his father’s magical experiment, setting there tree-home alight. Ever since he was old enough he began traveling from settlement, resting only for short periods. He has never felt at home among any race, beside maybe the wood elves. He occasionally takes the company of witty friends. He rarely sees eye to eye with front bearing warriors. He has a dislike for dwarfs and orcs and in his book human are okay. He loves being among his people. He prefers to stick to the wilderness, using his bow to hunt animals... or bandits. He often sleeps under a tree rather than an inn. He can be enjoyable company but many have seen the pain in his eyes from what he has seen. He has a like for fire and enjoys creating CONTROLLED fires rather than burning the forest down, since he loves the forest like a mother. He has a small amount of his father’s magical ability; just enough to perform minor healing spells at a great amount of energy. He was fighting a group of bandits with sword and bow when he succumbed to a mace whack in the back of the head, thankfully some of the monks of the cloud temple found him stripped of all valuables and brought him to the safety of the temple. When he was 15 he was violently beaten by his cruel uncle. This left him with a limp and some life experience he would rather forget. He has a hate for spiders after an incident with a Giant spider nest in the dark. He hates the creatures and attempts to purge them when ever they come. He was taught many ways of nature by the wandering druids. His minor magical ability comes from his father side, being a long line of talented but unknown mages. He chooses to follow his mother’s druiadlly side rather than his father’s magical one, though he rembers some minor healing spells. He has a certain pholphoscal side though he is not the most pious he is very in tune with the trees, birds and wildlife. (If this is still not enough, please contact.) Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join beacuse this guild fiits my characters descrpition and i beleive it would be enjoyable and a way to make my minas. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): Does this mean how often i roleplay, if so very often and have a club that consits of me and 16 other people. What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): I have only recently joined, i enjoy to fight with the bow. Can your character build?: He prefers not to but will build a tree house or campsite. Any other special skills?: Being a elf he can see, hear and react much quicker than a human. Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Happily so. Skin: LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/21505-mrpandas-4th-re-application/page__p__94682
  7. Minecraft Name: mrpanda942 RP Name: Ishlanar Your time Zone: GMT+7 Sword skill level: 0 (im new) Archery skill level: 0 Why do you want to join? I wish to defend my homeland and have been the victim of many orc attacks and seek revenge. Which Guard you will want to be in: Archery
  8. MC Name: mrpanda942 RP name: Ishlanar Age: 110 Race: elf Gender: male Time Zone: GTM UK Brief Description of your characters personality: Ishlanar is a reclusive yet loyal character. He spends his time traveling in the forests, conversing with wildlife and hunting bandits. Biography: Ishlanar was an only child, and soon became an orphan too. His parents both died in one of his father’s magical experiment, setting there tree-home alight. Ever since he was old enough he began traveling from settlement, resting only for short periods. He has never felt at home among any race, beside maybe the wood elves. He occasionally takes the company of witty friends. He rarely sees eye to eye with front bearing warriors. He has a dislike for dwarfs and orcs and in his book human are okay. He loves being among his people. He prefers to stick to the wilderness, using his bow to hunt animals... or bandits. He often sleeps under a tree rather than an inn. He can be enjoyable company but many have seen the pain in his eyes from what he has seen. He has a like for fire and enjoys creating CONTROLLED fires rather than burning the forest down, since he loves the forest like a mother. He has a small amount of his father’s magical ability; just enough to perform minor healing spells at a great amount of energy. He was fighting a group of bandits with sword and bow when he succumbed to a mace whack in the back of the head, thankfully some of the monks of the cloud temple found him stripped of all valuables and brought him to the safety of the temple. When he was 15 he was violently beaten by his cruel uncle. This left him with a limp and some life experience he would rather forget. He has a hate for spiders after an incident with a Giant spider nest in the dark. He hates the creatures and attempts to purge them when ever they come. He was taught many ways of nature by the wandering druids. His minor magical ability comes from his father side, being a long line of talented but unknown mages. He chooses to follow his mother’s druiadlly side rather than his father’s magical one, though he rembers some minor healing spells. He has a certain pholphoscal side though he is not the most pious he is very in tune with the trees, birds and wildlife. (If this is still not enough, please contact.) Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join beacuse this guild fiits my characters descrpition and i beleive it would be enjoyable and a way to make my minas. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): Does this mean how often i roleplay, if so very often and have a club that consits of me and 16 other people. What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): I have only recently joined, i enjoy to fight with the bow. Can your character build?: He prefers not to but will build a tree house or campsite. Any other special skills?: Being a elf he can see, hear and react much quicker than a human. Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Happily so. Skin: LotC app link:
  9. MC Name: mrpanda942

    RP name: Ishlanar

    Age: 110

    Race: elf

    Gender: male

    Time Zone: GTM UK

    Brief Description of your characters personality: Ishlanar is a reclusive yet loyal character. He spends his time traveling in the forests, conversing with wildlife and hunting bandits.

    Biography: Ishlanar was an only child, and soon became an orphan too. His parents...

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