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Posts posted by Greener

  1. MC Name: Greener161


    Character Name: Odin Stormhammer

    TimeZone: GMT


    How active are you?: I would say Im pretty active


    Why do you think you should join?:  "I think meh Odin shuld join since I'm da bestest dworf!" I think I should join because I'am a very active player and I follow orders from commanders etc very well. And I would also find it a very cool rp experience to be apart of your guard.


    What VA’s do you have? (Links included please): 


    2a and 2b(2b only used for clan trial though and clan skinning)

  2. OOC Section -
    MC Name: greener161
    Length of time playing a dwarf: For about a year or so (Had some breaks)
    How active are you? (Scale of 1-10): 7
    RP Section -
    Yer Name: Ovhark
    Yer Clan, if aneh: None atm hopefully starbreaker
    Deh god yeh wish ta studeh most: Ogradhad as Ovhark loads to see every opportunity and record knowledge and seek old history. This is why he studies Ogradhad

  3. Telind glances at the poster, reading it very quickly. Telind pauses and thinks to himself for a second and then pulls out some ink and a small quill. He scribbles down his name on the poster.




    Telind places the ink and quill back into his pouch and smiles as he walks off.


    Donaafr enters the city holding his chest, blood slowly oozing out from a large sword wound in his stomach.  He slowly walks down the steps, tightening his fist as the pain starts to overcome Donaafr. Dreek notices Donaafr and runs over. " 'ello brother... dreek... meh toime 'as come... I 'ad guud toimes... and now I be with Dungrimm... tell meh father... dreek dat I 'ave gone.." Dreek sighs and hads over his battleaxe. " 'old dis w'en ye die... friend and brother..." Donaafr smiles as he grips the battleaxe.Donaafr eyes closes and he drops to the floor. Dreek picks up the body and carries Donaafr's body to the clan hall to be burried. 



    (( I have got bored of playing lotc and I simply dont find it fun anymore.. so cya all! Have great times! This is my long break/leaving post..))

  5. MC Name -  greener161
    Timezone -  GMT+0

    Character Name -  Nicolas Ellwood
    Race -  Human
    Age -  30
    Previous Experiences/Trade -  Was a hired sword
    Why do you wish to join? -  I wish to serve the creator and do my duties to protect oren

  6. Name: Telind

    ((MC Name)): greener161

    Age: 100

    Preferred Weapon: Sword

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? That my apprence of a usual Mali'aheral and that my parents were Mali'aheral.

    How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? Less than a day but wanting to do something for the cihi

    Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? Yes I will


    Name: Telind


    Origins of your birth, and your place of living: I was born in Oren where my parents lived for many years after they left the main cihi

    How can you declare you are Mali'thill? I can declare because of my skin colour, hair and height. My parents were also Mali'thill.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of our cihi? I wish to become a citizen of the cihi as I wish to leave the Oren lands and return to my rightful place among more Mali'thill and not live with the other mali...

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race? I believe that we are the dominant and most intelligent race to bless the land and that everyone should bow before us.

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you? It means progress and health and I infer that to become more advanced, intelligent and have great health above all others. 

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why. Kaean'leh evareh - May it protect you. I have chosen this as I aim to protect people in the cihi.

    What is the subject of the first book you may submit to the college? To aim how to protect fellow mali'thill better in the cihi and how to become a wise and respected guard.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the Anthos Highway together? I would walk past but keep note of the face of the Mali'aheral and question him in the future if I ever see him or her again. I would also be very disgusted at the thought of walking along with an orc
    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the mali’aheral? I'm skilled with a sword.

  8. *Posters are hung in each nation except orc lands*


    The Donaafr Lumber Co


    Ye need lumber then you 'ave looked at da roight poster! I'm sellin' oak and spruce logs and will allow any orders. I will supply kindoms and nations if needed as the work doesn't bother meh! I 'ave just opened a shop in Kal'Azgoth so come and down tu meet meh or send a bird to meh Donaafr Stormhammer (greener161). Happy toimes! Donaafr Stormhammer

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